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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Alcohol and Its Effect on Young People's Reproductive and Sexual Health

    Young people are exposed to alcohol at many levels in society, particularly through advertising and peer pressure. As a result, harmful drinking habits are on the rise among adolescents and other youth. This brief describes the consequences of alcohol use on young people’s sexual and reproductive health. It also addresses policies and programs aimed at reducing alcohol use and its negative consequences among young people as well as programmatic responses to alcohol use and abuse.

  2. Healthy Action: An Activity Book for Teachers and Learners

    This toolkit provides a guide to activities across the following health topics: tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, nutrition, hygiene, sanitation and infectious diseases, physical activity, injury prevention and violence prevention. Each chapter lists activities for teachers to sensitize themselves and their colleagues and to build a more conducive school environment. …

  3. HIV prevention for South African youth: which interventions work? A systematic review of current evidence

    South Africa's HIV prevalence among 15-24 year olds is one of the highest in the world. This systematic review looks at the evidence for youth HIV prevention in the country since 2000 and critically assesses interventions across four domains: study design and outcomes; intervention design; thematic focus and HIV causal pathways; and intervention delivery. Eight interventions were included in the review, all similar regarding content and objectives, but with variouis thematic foci, causal pathways, theoretical bases, delivery methods, intensity and duration. …

  4. Targeting HIV interventions for adolescent girls and young women in Southern Africa: use of the PLACE methodology in Hwange district, Zimbabwe

    This paper addresses the issue of how to target interventions to girls 15+19 and young women 20-24 in a resource poor setting of Hwange District, Zimbabwe. The Priorities for Local AIDS Control efforts methodology was used to understand where these young people socialize and also to understand whether age disparate relationships were a common occurrence. Findings indicated prevention efforts for those 15-19 would need to focus on 'everyday' sites as these are the places where the majority of girls socialized. …

  5. Strategies and framework for targeting youth: advising with PNG youth on HIV/AIDS

    This milestone report - Strategies and Framework for Targeting Youth - provides a framework and identifies strategies to address the needs of young people in the prevention and care of HIV/AIDS and STIs in Papua New Guinea (PNG). It provides technical advice towards creating a strategic plan for young people, and suggests pilot strategies based on best practice in youth sexual health programs in resource-poor settings. Conceptually, this report provides a foundation in the development of a strategic plan for young people. …

  6. Adolescentes e jovens para a educação entre pares: álcool e outras drogas

    O propósito da série Adolescentes e Jovens para a Educação entre Pares, do Projeto Saúde e Prevenção nas Escolas (SPE), propósito não é ser apenas mais um conjunto de fascículos, e sim trazer provocações e aprofundar o conhecimento que os(as) adolescentes e jovens têm a respeito de temas presentes em toda a sociedade, e que, muitas vezes, são tratados de maneira equivocada ou com preconceitos. Ao mesmo tempo, deseja orientar o trabalho por meio de oficinas, debates e leituras. Pretende, também, provocar reflexões e instigar o diálogo sobre as temáticas do SPE dentro das escolas brasileiras. …

  7. Manual de Prevención del VIH/SIDA para la Familia Latina

    Este Manual dirigido a la Comunidad Latina del Sur de la Florida, se enfoca especialmenteáen las mujeres y los jóvenes en la prevención del VIH/SIDA. Los temas desarrollados fueron temas solicitados por la misma comunidad. Este programa o currículum en forma de Manual es un método didáctico, para que la familia se pueda enterar, en forma sencilla, de los principios básicos para la Prevención del VIH/SIDA. Trata los temas de prevención, formas de contagio y como el alcohol y las drogas pueden inducir a conductas de riesgo. Resalta la abstinencia como método de prevención.

  8. Razones y emociones

    Este manual sobre razones y emociones es parte de una serie de cinco manuales llamados "Trabajando con Hombres Jóvenes". Este material fue elaborado para educadores de salud, profesores y/u otros profesionales o voluntarios que deseen o que ya estén trabajando con hombres jóvenes. El punto central de estos manuales está constituido por una serie de dinámicas para trabajar con hombres jóvenes en grupos. Estas actividades fueron desarrolladas y evaluadas con grupos de 15 a 30 participantes. …

  9. Turning the tide: an open strategy for a response to AIDS in the Pacific. Report of the Commission on AIDS in the Pacific

    The Pacific is home to some of the world's smallest, least developed, and most isolated communities. Development progress over the past 30 years, particularly in economic growth and poverty reduction, has been slow, uneven, and in some countries, even negative. Pacific island countries have also experienced pockets of instability with social and political unrest, civil conflicts and natural disasters all contributing to the region's development burden. The region's vulnerability is compounded by the impacts of climate change and globalization. …

  10. A lo que venga...!: Alcohol, drogas y vulnerabilidad sexual en el Perú actual

    Estudio de comportamiento en grupos de jóvenes de cuatro provincias de Perú: Lima, Callao, Chiclayo e Iquitos. La información ha sido recogida en poblaciones vulnerables y afectadas por el VIH como: travestis, gays, trabajadoras sexuales mujeres, niños de la calle, población privada de libertad, personas viviendo con VIH y personas en rehabilitación por el uso de drogas. Esta publicación permite identificar las principales formas en las que se presenta la relación entre el fenómeno de consumo de drogas psicoactivas no inyectables y la infección por VIH. …

  11. Alcohol consumption, sexual partners, and HIV transmission in Namibia

    This report presents the results of a qualitative research study undertaken to examine the impact of alcohol consumption on sexual partnerships and its implications for the transmission of HIV. The study examines individual experiences related to the risk of HIV infection. The overall objective of this study was to provide information to plan effective interventions to reduce HIV transmission in Namibia. The two likely drivers of the HIV/AIDS pandemic that were examined were alcohol consumption and concurrent sexual partnering. …

  12. National Strategy for the Prevention of HIV and AIDS in Zambia

    The existing HIV prevention programme, based on the abstinence, being faithful to one sexual partner, and consistent and correct use of condoms (ABC) model, has resulted in a number of positive developments. However, some challenges remain. The intent of the HIV prevention strategy is four fold: Identify the key drivers of the epidemic; Outline current prevention efforts, scope, effectiveness and coverage; Describe existing gaps and challenges; and, Offer recommendations on the key priority areas for HIV prevention. …

  13. Baseline survey for BCC strategy for HIV and AIDS prevention among youth people aged 10-30 years in Swaziland

    In line with the National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS, the country has adopted a multi sectoral approach to HIV and AIDS which puts emphasis on behaviour change communication, anti-retroviral therapy (ART) and support for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). …

  14. Voprosy molodezhi Kyrgystana o kurenii, alkagole i narkotikax i otvety na nix. Vol. 7

    This document is the seventh volume in a series of eight "question and answer" booklets developed in Kyrgyzstan by UNICEF and the GTZ. Similar booklets have been initially developed by GTZ in Tanzania and then adapted to different countries. The present series consists of an adaptation to the needs and cultural context of Kyrgyzstan, based on a survey realized among Kyrgyz adolescents. It is designed to provide young people with the necessary knowledge to make healthy choices for themselves and their peers. …

  15. Young men and HIV: culture, poverty and sexual risk

    This report from Panos Institute explains the critical role that young men play in the global AIDS pandemic. It highlights how they have been largely ignored in HIV interventions and explains how this could have devastating results in the long term. It is a resource for policy-makers, the media and service providers.


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