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In South Africa HIV and Aids threaten the world of education if one only looks at prevalence rates. Approximately 5,41 million people in the country are living with HIV and Aids, of whom 257900 are children up to the age of 14. In a survey done by HSRC and the MRC about the health of South Africa's educators it was determined that the HIV prevalence among this group, across provinces age groups, gender and race, is about 12,7%. …
After a brief overview of the situation of HIV/AIDS in the education sector in Malawi, the document aims to present the government response to HIV/AIDS: involvement of local communities, development and implementation of the HIV and AIDS strategy and plan of action in the education sector, mainstreaming of HIV and AIDS, research activities to assess impact of HIV and AIDS in the education sector, collaboration with other stakeholders, strenghtening policies and legal framework of HIV and AIDS, awareness and extracurricula activities as well as recommendations.
This impact analysis revealed that the number of HIV positive teachers is likely to increase, as could AIDS mortality and absenteeism. ART, particularly second-line ART could reduce these problems and save money. HIV prevalence in Rwandan teachers could reach 12% by 2015. Considerable effort is required to reduce pupil-teacher ratios and increase orphan school attendance. Rwanda can celebrate its successes in increasing net enrolment.
An analysis was carried out to indirectly estimate the imapct of HIV on the education sector in Kenyan provinces using the Ed-SIDA model which uses teacher demographic information and combines this with epidemiological projections to determine the number of teachers who are living with HIV, their AIDS absenteeism and associated mortality. The main results were that HIV prevalence among Kenyan teachers can be expected to be high, 15%, due to teachers belonging to vulnerable age groups. …
This study explores how HIV-positive teachers within a specific social context understand, interpret and act on HIV and Life Skills policy.The aim of the author was to illuminate the experiences of teachers living with AIDS and how their experiences affect the ways in which they understand and act on government policy. Three distinct themes emerged from the analysis: a) conflict between teacher as role model and ideal citizen, and teacher as an HIV-positive person; b) HIV illness and its impact on the body of the teachers; c) teachers as emotional actors. …
This book is designed by the NGO "Young people we care" to encourage and help groups of young people to support younger children, their peers and adults who are living in communities and households affected by AIDS. It was published in 2005 in Zimbabwe. It can also be used by organisations that want to encourage young people to support their home-based care activities or organisations assisting children affected by AIDS. Young people we care is for use by any group of young people aged 15-24 years. …
This study is an article extracted from "Studies in family planning", special issue on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive health in sub-Saharan Africa, published in December 2008. This study uses data from KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa to examine the factors associated with schoolgirl pregnancy and subsequent educational pathways. …
It is estimated that there are currently around 122,000 teachers in sub- Saharan Africa who are living with HIV, the vast majority of whom have not sought testing and do not know their HIV status. Stigma remains the greatest challenge and the major barrier to accessing and providing assistance to these teachers. The personal experiences from the 12 teachers presented in this book offer first-hand accounts of the difficult, and sometimes debilitating, challenges faced by teachers living with HIV. …
This synthesis report summarizes main findings from case studies in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Zambia that examined the response of teacher training colleges to HIV and AIDS. The findings show that the epidemic is adversely affecting faculty, staff and the functioning of teacher training colleges and that little is being done to address these issues. A number of reasons for this include: absence of any institutional policy framework on HIV and AIDS; limited institutional resource mobilization; and the stigma surrounding the disease. …
The purpose of this paper is to use data from the Kagera region of northwestern Tanzania to investigate the long run impact of the timing of parental death on the education outcomes. …
This study was conducted regarding the perceived problem, of the impact of HIV/AIDS on education management and the self-actualization of teachers and learners and the role of the principal in managing it. It is inclusive of the impact of HIV/AIDS on learner's and teacher absenteeism; and poor discipline, sexual and substance abuse, gender inequality and the spread of HIV/AIDS in schools; the increasing numbers of AIDS orphans and HIV/AIDS-dirupted learners which impact on quality school management. …
De manière schématique, le secteur de l'éducation se trouve affecté verticalement par la diminution de la qualité et de la quantité de l'enseignement offertes, étant donné que les enseignants affectés ou infectés assurent difficilement une offre efficiente ; de manière transversale, l'effet du sida sur la demande scolaire se traduit par une baisse sensible du nombre d'enfants scolarisés et même celui des enfants scolarisables. L'objet de cet article est d'analyser pour l'ensemble des pays au sud du Sahara, l'impact du sida sur l'offre et la demande scolaires. …
A large literature examines the link between shocks to households and the educational attainment of children.We use new data to estimate the impact of shocks to teachers on student learning in Mathematics and English. Using absenteeism in the 30 days preceding the survey as a measure of these shocks we find large impacts: A 5-percent increase in the teacher's absence rate reduces learning by 4 to 8 percent of average gains over the year. …
This slideshow presents the scale of the epidemic in Africa, by describing the dynamics and the effects on the demography. The second part describes a case study in Kwazulu natal province, on the impacts of HIV/AIDS on Education (enrolment, absenteeism, loss of educators...).
HIV/AIDS is having a devastating impact on the health and livelihoods of Basotho. The country is estimated to have the third highest infection rate in Sub-Saharan Africa, with increasing numbers of HIV/AIDS orphans. The National University of Lesotho (NUL) can play an important role in combating the challenges posed by HIV/AIDS. It is the only university in the country and as such educates the future leaders and policy makers of the nation. It is also a major producer of research knowledge. …