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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. National policy on HIV/AIDS

    This National Policy document aims to give a vision and guiding frameworks to all stakeholders working in HIV/AIDS in the Republic of Sudan to enable the country achieve its objectives in improving the welfare and the quality of life of Sudanese people and prevent potential impact of this epidemic in the development of our nation. The document call for a comprehensive multisectorial response that engage all actors form governments, UN, Civil Society, NGOs and Private sectors as well as bilateral and multilateral agencies. …

  2. Development and disasters in a time of HIV and AIDS: an HIV mainstreaming toolkit for development and humanitarian response workers

    This toolkit provides a practical guide to the work of HIV mainstreaming. It has four parts: Part 1 sets out CAFOD's understanding of and commitment to HIV mainstreaming and locates this within its wider response to HIV. Part 2 offers tools and processes for applying HIV mainstreaming to development and humanitarian response programmes. It identifies implications for programme design and implementation (external or programme mainstreaming), and can also indicate some issues arising from this for the internal (organisational) policies and practices of the partner programme. …

  3. World disasters report 2008: focus on HIV and AIDS

    The AIDS epidemic is a disaster on many levels. In the most affected countries in sub-Saharan Africa, where prevalence rates reach 20 per cent, development gains are reversed and life expectancy may be halved. For specific groups of marginalized people - injecting drug users, sex workers and men who have sex with men - across the world, HIV rates are on the increase. Yet they often face stigma, criminalization and little, if any, access to HIV prevention and treatment services. …

  4. National strategy and action plan on HIV/AIDS/STI 2006-2010

    The National Response to HIV/AIDS/STI is coordinated by the National Committee for the Control of AIDS (NCCA). The NCCA was established in 1988 and restructured in 2003 through a prime ministerial decree. It currently consists of 14 members from 12 different institutions and is chaired by the Minister of Health. Provincial Committees for the Control of AIDS have been established in all provinces and District Committees for the Control of AIDS (DCCAs) have been established in some provinces. …

  5. Minimum standards for education in emergencies, chronic crisis and early reconstruction

    Wars and natural disasters deny generations the knowledge and opportunities that an education can provide. In order to develop a tool to help achieve a minimum level of educational access and quality in emergencies and early reconstruction as well as to ensure the accountability of the workers who provide these services, INEE writes this handbook. The standards defined here, are meant to be used as a capacity-building and training tool.

  6. Guidance brief: HIV interventions for young people in humanitarian emergencies

    This Brief has been developed by the Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on HIV and Young People to assist United Nations Country Teams (UNCT) and UN Theme Groups on HIV/AIDS in providing guidance to their staffs, governments, development partners, civil society and other implementing partners on effective HIV interventions for young people in humanitarian emergencies. It is part of a series of seven global Guidance Briefs that focus on HIV prevention, treatment, care and support interventions for young people that can be delivered through different settings for a range of target groups.

  7. HIV and AIDS education in emergencies

    Advocacy briefing note developed by the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team on Education with the aim of assisting education professionals to advocate for issues related to education sector responses to HIV.

  8. HIV/AIDS in post conflict Sudan: vision, strategies, challenges and plan of action

    The document provides links to different information which describe the magnitude of problems related to HIV/AIDS. It recognises the inadequacy of the national response and the challenges that emerged in the conflict period which need to be seriously considered during the post conflict period.

  9. El VIH y los refugiados

    El presente informe de política se centra específicamente en las medidas necesarias para abordar la propagación y los efectos del VIH en los refugiados y las comunidades de acogida.

  10. FMO Thematic Guide: Reproductive Health

    This thematic guide from Forced Migration Online provides an overview of key issues in reproductive health, focusing on both longer-term and emergency settings. Emphasizing universal rights, womenÆs empowerment, and health service provision as core components of reproductive and sexual health (RSH), the guide contains a historical synopsis of key issues, a discussion of RSH issues in settings of forced displacement and longer-term settings, and a summary of constraints to providing comprehensive RSH care. …

  11. Partnering with local organizations to support the reproductive health of adolescent refugees: a three-year analysis

    This document evaluates the performance of the Eleanor Bellows Pillsbury Fund for Reproductive Health Care and Rights for Adolescent Refugees (EBP Fund). The report highlights the factors that affects the protection of adolescent, especially girls, at an increasing risk of suffering gender-based voilence, including, rape and exchanging sex for goods and services, and of engaging in premarital sexual activity. As a result, conflict-affected adolescent are at an increased risk of contracting sexuallt transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS, and undergoing unsafe abortions.

  12. Review and appraisal of the progress made in achieving the goals and objectives of the programme of action of the International Conference on Population and Development: the 2004 report

    This report is based on the 2nd quinquennial review and appraisal for the thirty-seventh session of the commission in 2004. It is divided into an introduction and seven chapters. The first two sections provide an overview of population levels and trends, and population growth, structure and distribution in the world and its major regions. These are followed by four sections focusing on clusters of issues: reproductive health and rights and mortality, international migration and population programmes. The final section summarizes the major conclusion of the report.

  13. Prevention of HIV/AIDS among migrant workers in Thailand (PHAMIT) : the baseline survey 2004

    The Baseline Survey 2004 was carried out as a part of the evaluation and monitoring of the Prevention of HIV/AIDS among Migrant Workers in Thailand (PHAMIT) project. It has provided a comprehensive overview of migrant populations and their related circumstances and behaviour. This survey was conducted during April-June 2004, and covered 3,426 male and female migrant workers from Myanmar, Cambodia and Lao People's Democratic Republic. Among other things, the survey finds that the prevalence of casual sexual relationship is very high among migrants. …

  14. Migrant Domestic Workers: From Burma to Thailand

    This report presents the findings of research proposed and implemented by a team of Shan and Karen researchers regarding girls and women who have migrated from Burma into domestic work in Thailand. The study focuses on two sites in Thailand - Chiang Mai and Mae Sot - and highlights the extreme conditions and often abusive environments in which domestic workers from Burma have been employed. It highlights the need to ensure their basic rights as citizens in Burma, as migrants and as domestic workers. …

  15. HIV/AIDS prevention guidance for reproductive health professionals in developing-country settings

    This document is designed to provide an overview of the issues of HIV/AIDS, challenges, and opportunities around integrating a broad range of HIV/AIDS interventions into existing reproductive and sexual health programmes and services, and to provide some practical examples of interventions that have been successful.


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