Kigali: Ministry of Education, 2014. 18 p.
Rwanda. Ministry of Education
A comprehensive, holistic approach encourages each school to look at its whole school community and develop an environment and culture that promote healthy ways of living. A Comprehensive School Health framework combines four main elements: Health Education, Health and Support Services, Social Support and the Physical Environment. It involves the active participation of all members of the school community in creating action plans that make their school a healthier place. The school health minimum package provides the context for effective implementation of access to health services within school health programs. School-based health services, such as micronutrient supplementation and deworming, are likely to be most effective where they are supported by other strategies such as safe and secure environment, provision of safe water and sanitation, effective referral to external health service providers and links with the community. These core components of the school health minimum package require school-community partnerships as the supporting strategies for the success of school health programmes. These include effective partnerships between the health and education sectors, teachers, parents and health workers, schools and community groups and between the pupils and those responsible for implementing school health programmes.
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