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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Family Life and Emerging Health Issues Curriculum implementation: strategic framework (2011-2015)

    In response to reducing the HIV infections and mitigating the impact of AIDS as well as other emerging health issues the NCCE in 2009 introduced the Family Life and Emerging Health Issues (FLEHI), a General Studies course in all NCE awarding institutions in Nigeria. Since the introducing of this course, the Commission has followed with keen interest the implementation with a view to continually providing the support and guidance necessary to achieving an effective implementation of the curriculum. …

  2. Family life and emerging health issues curriculum: training guide for colleges of education in Nigeria

    Family Life and Emerging Health Issues (FLEHI) is designed to promote the acquisition if factual information, formation of positive attitudes and values as well as develop skills to cope with biological, psychological, socio-cultural and spiritual development as human beings. It is intended to build the confidence of the student teachers in imparting Family Life and HIV/AIDS Education (FLHE) concepts at the basic school levels.

  3. An addendum for higher education and technical and vocational education and training to the HIV and AIDS strategic plan 2008/2012

    The purpose of writing the addendum is to give visibility of Higher Education and Technical and Vocational Education Training in the ESSP - HA (2008 – 2012). The focus of this addendum is HE and TVET institutions, a population which is at risk for and vulnerable to HIV and STIs infection. The main focus of the addendum will be on four main areas or themes that will address risk and vulnerability reduction for both school and workplace populations, namely: prevention education; care and support services; impact mitigation; enabling environment.

  4. Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education HIV and AIDS work place policy

    The aim of this policy is to guide and direct the process of dealing with HIV and AIDS issues in the workplace at all levels in the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education. The Policy provides the framework in which the MHTE as the leader, staff association representatives and members should design, implement, monitor and evaluate practical and effective HIV and AIDS programmes at the workplace in each institution. The policy conveys a culture of caring and compassion necessary to encourage openness, consistency and equity in dealing with the HIV and AIDS epidemic in the MHTE. …

  5. HIV/AIDS model policy for the vocational education and training institutions

    This policy is a model for policies to be developed by individual training institutions for use in their own context. Training institutions are free to add, delete and borrow from this draft policy, or to adapt it, as in line with their own policy and procedures.The implementation of the VET HIV/AIDS policy and programmes will be carried out in collaboration with national initiatives and structures, in particular in line with the Botswana National Policy on HIV/AIDS.

  6. Enquête auprès des apprenants et des personnels administratifs et enseignants: rapport général

    Cette étude a pour objectif d'évaluer l'état actuel des connaissances et des comportements des apprenants et des personnels administratif et enseignant du Ministère de l'Enseignement Technique et de la Formation Professionnelle (METFP) face au VIH et au sida. Sur le plan méthodologique l'étude a touché 2985 apprenants de 14 à 35 ans et 830 enseignants et administratifs de 21 à 60 ans des deux sexes venant des structures officielles et de certaines structures privées laïques et confessionnelles de Lomé à Dapaong. …

  7. Female students consortium 2009 report: strengthening capacity and networks on reproductive health rights

    SAYWHAT hosted its third edition of the female Students conference at Belvedere Technical Teachers' College from the 6th to the 8th of August 2009 under the theme "Strengthening Capacity and Networks on Reproductive Health Rights". 91 female students from 35 tertiary institutions participated and managed to dialogue with female programmers from PSI, SAfAIDS, Action AID, College authorities as well as an Honorable Deputy Minister among others. …

  8. National Students' Conference report

    Students and Youths Working on Reproductive Health Action Team (SAYWHAT) hosted 60 students from 30 tertiary institutions during its 4th National Students Conference from the 16th to the 18th of December 2009 under the theme "Healthy Students for a prosperous Nation". …

  9. HIV/AIDS and TEVT Technical Education and Vocational Training: Fact Sheet

    This fact sheet presents position of German Technical Cooperation (GTZ). To prevent further spread and to mitigate negative effects of epidemic, GTZ has begun to mainstream the response to HIV/AIDS as a cross-cutting issue that needs to be addressed by all sectors. To support this process, a serie of fact sheets highlights how HIV/AIDS impacts on different sectors and shows ways in which each sector can contribute to an effective response to it. The first four sections of this fact sheet relates to the following questions: - The impact: How does HIV/AIDS affect the TEVT sector? …

  10. HIV/AIDS capacity building and curriculum integration for tertiary institutions

    The purpose of this document is to give guidelines on the steps and rational behind the need to have curriculum integration and capacity building in tertiary institutions. Each university/institution may develop its own goal but the underlying principle is the development of HIV/AIDS courses and provision of HIV training to staff/students. …

  11. Situation Analysis of Basic Education, Vocational Education and Development of Sustainable Livelihoods in Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Centres in India

    A situational analysis of basic education, vocational education and the development of sustainable livelihoods in the drug treatment and rehabilitation centres of India was undertaken from August to November 2008. The key focus was on vocational education and sustainable livelihoods, with drug and HIV awareness running as transversal themes. This research aims to improve our understanding of broad ranging education activities, within the government, nongovernment and private sectors. …

  12. Integrating Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Programming Into Vocational Education and Training in Zanzibar: AYA's Advocacy for Policy Formation and Support for Pilot Implementation

    The African Youth Alliance is a five-year initiative to expand national campaigns in Botswana, Ghana, Uganda, and the United Republic of Tanzania to educate youth (aged 10-24) about reproductive health matters, including HIV/AIDS prevention, and to provide them with the necessary information, skills, and support to protect themselves. The initiative began in 2000. This document gives an overwiev of this innovative program in Zanzibar.

  13. Tertiary education HIV and AIDS Programme Graduate Alive. Programme inception document

    With over 32,000 young adults enrolled by 2004, Botswana's tertiary education sector has a critical role to play in confronting the challenges of HIV and AIDS. Young adults represent a high risk group for the transmission of HIV and they are also the generation that has been most impacted by HIV through the loss of loved ones and the loss of essential services. …

  14. Health education to prevent HIV/AIDS and STIs. Teacher guide + Student resource book

    This Teacher Guide contains the information, assessment tasks and sample lesson plans for teaching about HIV/AIDS and STIs in TVET institutions, in Papua New Guinea. …

  15. Report on the Study Visit between Botswana and Zambia on the Mainstreaming of HIV and AIDS in the TEVET Institutions

    This study which represents the first activity of an initiative under the small grants from UNESCO-UNEVOC has provided a platform for Botswana and Zambia to share experiences in mainstreaming HIV and AIDS into the TVET sector. The purpose of the study was to document the experiences, lessons learnt and challenges faced in mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in TVET in Botswana and Zambia. …


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