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This guidance provides quick and ready access to information that will help further education settings establish on-site sexual health services designed to give young people the advice and support they need to achieve healthy lifestyles and avoid health outcomes that impact negatively on their learning. It builds on recent health and education reforms which require local agencies to plan and act together to support the health and well-being of young people. It: 1. briefly looks at the sexual health issues young people have to deal with today and the impact this can have on their learning; 2. …
Ce document a été élaboré par l'INRAP (Institut National de Recherche et d'Action Pédagogiques) en collaboration avec le CNLS (Conseil National de Lutte Contre le Sida). Il s'agit d'un guide pédagogique destiné à l'enseignant du primaire qui présente comment introduire une éducation VIH et IST de manière transdisciplinaire dans l'enseignement primaire. Pour chaque niveau (CP, CE, CM) il existe plusieurs thèmes liés au VIH et aux IST qui sont introduit dans une ou plusieurs disciplines d'accueils. …
The vocational training (VT) sector has an important role to play in HIV/AIDS prevention and in impact mitigation.The young adults this sector works with not only represent the human capital that their country's future economic growth depends upon, but also the age group most at risk of HIV/AIDS infection.The approach described in this report has the objective of mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in the VT system in Botswana, in order to help prevent further infections among teachers and learners.
UNESCO's General Conference at its 28th session (Paris 1995), budgeted a project on 'Technical, scientific and vocational training for young girls in Africa'. Pursuant to this decision, the Regional Office for Education in Africa in Dakar (BREDA), in cooperation with headquarters started with a preparatory phase to implement the project aimed at identifying what determines girls being guided into scientific and technical streams. During 1996-1997, surveys were conducted in twenty English and French countries in Africa. …
A summary report of a cross-sectional comparative impact study to assess the impact of CEDPA's Better Life Options Programme (BLP) on the decision making and reproductive health behaviour of adolescent alumnae girls who graduated from the programmes in the peri-urban slums of Delhi, rural Madhya Pradesh and rural Gujarat in India. The study compared BLP alumnae who completed the programme between 1996 and 1999 with a similar control group of young women (ages 15-26) who had not been exposed to the programme.
The research on Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviour towards HIV/AIDS in the Vocational Training Sector was carried out from January to March 2005. The research was commissioned by the Botswana Training Authority (BOTA) and conducted by Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA) on behalf of BOTA. …
The report looks into the status, impact and preventive actions taken by some of the partner universities and colleges in Africa of Agricultural University of Norway (NLH) against the spread of HIV/AIDS. …
This study uses both quantitative and qualitative approaches to obtain data from 1448 students equally selected from six tertiary institutions from Nigeria's three main divisions.The main objectives were to investigate the sexulal behaviour of students and highlight aspects likely to increase vulnerability to HIV infection. It is hoped that the information can used to underpin evidence-based interventions.
Sous l'impulsion du Ministère de la lutte contre le SIDA et par le biais de sa cellule focale, Le Ministère de l 'Enseignement Technique et de la formation Professionnelle s'est engagé dans le processus de planification stratégique, en vue de mobiliser les acteurs clés de son secteur. Le présent document rend compte de l'analyse de la situation et de la réponse locale dans le secteur ainsi que des résultats de l'atelier d'élaboration du plan sectoriel sur le SIDA qui s'est déroulé du 12 au 16 Octobre 2003 au N'Sah hôtel de Grand- Bassam. …
National Policy on HIV/AIDS, for learners and educators in public schools, and students and educators in further education and training institutions
This report documents the findings and recommendations of a three-week short-term assignment in October 2004, commissioned by the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and the Botswana Training Authority (BOTA) to provide them with input on knowledge management concerning mainstreaming the HIV/AIDS response in the vocational training (VT) sectors, and introducing HIV/AIDS workplace concepts into vocational training at the workplace.Section 1 provides a brief overview of the terms of reference of the assignment, and summary details of the process followed in order to address the terms of reference …
Mainstreaming the HIV/AIDS response in the vocational training sector in Botswana: Promising practices, lessons learnt and the way forward
The paper underlines the need for TVET to develop common regional strategies for professional development geared towards empowering TVE trainers in planning and implementing the best approaches to HIV/aids education. The trainers are the key holders to the continuous dilemma posed by the epidemic in the education system.
The objectives of the policy are:To assist those uninfected to remain free of HIV.To support those already infected with HIV and those affected by the epidemic.To sustain a high level of awareness.To influence positive behavioural change.To develop preventive HIV/AIDS programmes.To encourage voluntary testing and treatment where applicable.To discourage stigma and discrimination towards those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.
As probably the most affected country in the world, Botswana has to develop strategic plans as well as interventions in each area of life to combat HIV/AIDS. HIV and AIDS have a significant impact on educational demand, supply and quality. More specifically, the HIV/AIDS pandemic is affecting the provision of education: teachers and students in general are in many ways living directly and indirectly with HIV and AIDS. …