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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. HIV and AIDS responses in the Kenya university sub-sector: a short synopsis of responses

    This is a short synopsis of HIV and AIDS responses across the Kenyan university subsector. It is not intended to be an exhaustive account of all activities in the sub-sector. For each institution, contact names and details of people who will be able to provide more detailed information are listed.

  2. The Implications of HIV/AIDS education on TVET

    This article is focussed on the factors that contribute to the spread of HIV and their implications to the quality of life in TVET systems. It highlights the need for integrating HIV/AIDS education with technical and vocational curricula so that the product of the TVET system is a total human being, one who is able to deal effectively with social pressures and economic hardships without resorting to risky behaviour that would make him an unproductive member of society.


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