Washington DC: USAID, 2009. 88 p.
Title other languages:
Doorways III: Manuel de référence de l'enseignant. La prévention et la réaction face à la violence basée sur le genre en milieu scolaire
Doorways III: Teacher reference materials on school-related gender-based violence prevention and response (in Arabic)
Doorways III: Teacher reference materials on school-related gender-based violence prevention and response (in Russian)
United States Agency for International Development, USAID
The overall goal of the training program is to increase teachers' knowledge and shift attitudes and behaviors so that they may prevent school-related gender-based violence (SR GBV) and respond to students who have experienced SR GBV. By the end of this program, the participants will be able to: Recognize their roles as protectors of children and agents of change in preventing SR GBV; Identify what constitutes SR GBV, how to recognize it, how to prevent it and how to respond to a student who has experienced SR GBV through direct support and the use of referral and reporting systems; Restructure teaching practices to reinforce the prevention of SR GBV and promote a safe learning environment for all students.
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