Washington DC: Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE), American University Washington College of Law, Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, 2010. 74 p.
Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE)
American University Washington College of Law, Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
In March 2009, the American University Washington College of Law and the Center for Health and Gender Equity co-hosted a symposium, "Human Trafficking, HIV/AIDS, and the Sex Sector" to explore challenges and present examples of organizations that provide human-rightsbased approaches and partnerships with sex workers. In order to change the negative attitudes and judgments that lead to harmful laws and policies, it is essential to increase public understanding about the lives, hopes, and accomplishments of sex workers and to support human-rights-based programming and partnerships with sex workers. This report brings the voices of women in the sex sector to the center of discussions around prostitution, human trafficking and HIV/AIDS, and offers analysis and recommendations based on what is happening on the ground. We hope it will contribute to meaningful, nonjudgmental discussions that can lead to new policies and programs to improve health and lives of women in the sex sector.
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