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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Harmonizing the legal environment for adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights: A review of 23 countries in East and Southern Africa

    The study reviews the laws, policies and related frameworks in 23 countries in East and Southern Africa (ESA) that create either impediments to, or an enabling environment for, adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights. The assessment resulted in the development of a harmonized regional legal framework, which translates international and regional legal provisions into useful strategies. It gives recommendations based on applicable core legal values and principles gleaned from a range of conventions, charters, political commitments, guidelines and declarations. …

  2. Situational analysis on the status of the sexual and reproductive health of students in tertiary institutions in the SADC region

    It is a hardy perennial of the university environment that normative consensus around large global issues such as sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is easier to secure than the programmatic requisites. Thus, in principle, tertiary education students are included in international SRHR-related declarations and domestic policies pertaining to the education and health sectors; in practice, there is often a lack of programmatic and policy attention at institutional level, as well as a marked knowledge gap over the status of student’s sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs.

  3. UCT inclusivity policy for sexual orientation

    Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is tackled head-on by the University of Cape Townʼs (UCT) Inclusivity Policy for Sexual Orientation, which was ratified in December 2017. The policy aims to create a campus environment for staff and students that is free from discrimination in all spheres, including teaching content and language, the university’s code of conduct, and culture.

  4. First East and Southern Africa regional symposium: improving menstrual health management for adolescent girls and women

    Menstral health management (MHM) has gained greater attention in recent years. It is now understood as an integrated, cross-sectoral response involving sexual and reproductive health and rights, education and life skills, water, hygiene and sanitation, and waste disposal, both in development and humanitarian contexts. This historic meeting of committed professionals was an important step towards consolidating support for strengthening MHM in the region, particularly since it is implicit in the attainment of several Sustainable Development Goals and those within Agenda 2063. …

  5. Learning content in sexuality education

    A guide written by the government of the province of Quebec to explain to parents what their children will learn in sexuality education from primary to secondary school.

  6. Comprehensive sexuality education for out of school young people in East and Southern Africa

    The Regional Comprehensive Sexuality Education Resource Package for Out of School Young People was developed to age and developmentally relevant international standards as a comprehensive set of teaching and learning materials for flexible use in settings outside the formal classrooms of the education sector. Several countries of East and Southern Africa have adapted this regional set of materials for nationally endorsed implementation. …

  7. Coming of age in the classroom: religious and cultural barriers to comprehensive sexuality education

    This paper elucidates evidence which underscores anxieties and panic about sexuality and sexual behaviour of young people influenced by movements advancing a distinct religious identity, and the implications for advocacy on advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). Synthesised in this document is evidence from two countries - Bangladesh and India - on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), an area of controversy (to varying degree) in both countries. Evidence from each country stem from national studies on the influence of religion on CSE, and are qualitative in nature. …

  8. Q&A on campus sexual misconduct: schools’ responsibility to address sexual misconduct

    Under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and its implementing regulations, an institution that receives federal funds must ensure that no student suffers a deprivation of her or his access to educational opportunities on the basis of sex. The Department of Education intends to engage in rulemaking on the topic of schools’ Title IX responsibilities concerning complaints of sexual misconduct, including peer-on-peer sexual harassment and sexual violence. The Department will solicit input from stakeholders and the public during that rulemaking process. …

  9. Getting to zero: we can’t do it without addressing substance use

    HIV elimination by 2030 cannot occur without attention to substance use. It cuts across risk groups and affects sexual risk behavior, treatment adherence, and systemic processes such as immunity and inflammation. There continues to be often limited attention to non-injection drug use and the syndemic character of HIV and substance use. …

  10. Reducing pregnancy among adolescents

    Across a range of programs, interventions that successfully changed the calculus of costs and benefits of unprotected sexual activity and childbirth delayed pregnancy among adolescents. Some programs directly altered costs and benefits while others shifted perceptions of them

  11. Let us know about HIV and AIDS achieving triple zeros: handbook on prevention of HIV and AIDS for lecturers in the Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management

    This book is a study material for lecturers in the tourist sector. It provides core information regarding physical, mental and social changes of adolescents, prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, vulnerable factors for tourist sector and key population groups and vulnerable groups that should be clearly understood by them to keep in line with the prevention strategies used.

  12. No secrets, know the facts, disarm myths, know about sexuality; 100 facts

    This publication’s objective is to equip the primary healthcare staff with updated knowledge on sexuality and related problems.

  13. The effects of school-based condom availability programs (CAPs) on condom acquisition, use and sexual behavior: a systematic review

    We conducted a systematic review to assess the impact of school-based condom availability programs (CAPs) on condom acquisition, use and sexual behavior. We searched PubMed to identify English-language studies evaluating school-based CAPs that reported process (i.e. number of condoms distributed or used) and sexual behavior measures. We identified nine studies that met our inclusion criteria, with the majority conducted in the United States of America. We judged most studies to have medium risk of bias. …

  14. Burundi : enquête démographique et de santé 2016-2017 rapport de synthèse

    La troisième Enquête Démographique et de Santé au Burundi de 2016-2017 (EDSB-III) est une enquête par sondage représentative au niveau national. L’EDSB-III fournit des informations dans plusieurs domaines comme la fécondité, l’activité sexuelle, les préférences en matière de fécondité, la connaissance et l’utilisation des méthodes de planification familiale. …

  15. Situational analysis on the status of sexual and reproductive health of students and gender-based violence in technical and vocational colleges in Malawi

    UNESCO commissioned a study to conduct a situational analysis on the status of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) of students and gender-based violence (GBV) in technical and vocational colleges (TVCs) in Malawi operating under the Technical, Entrepreneurship and Vocational (TEVET) system. The methodology comprised of a desk review, survey, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions. …


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