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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. SIDA

    Ce document est un dossier spécial sur la propagation du sida au Soudan et dans le continent africain en général. Il est publié par le Centre Soudanais d'Information attaché au Ministère de l'information et des communications soudanais à l'occasion de la conférence des femmes qui a eut lieu à Khartoum en janvier 2006. Cette étude porte sur l'apparition de la maladie, sa nature, ses caractéristiques et son évolution ainsi que sur les raisons de sa propagation dans le monde, au Soudan et en Afrique en particulier. …

  2. Les maladies sexuelles: la prévention et le soin

    Ce document est écrit par Ali Hassan Nassif et publié par l'institution de santé scolaire de la région de Taif en Arabie Saoudite. Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre des efforts déployés par le ministère de la Santé et celui de l'éducation et des autres institutions qui y sont attachées dans le royaume. Ce guide vise à sensibiliser le public notamment les élèves et les jeunes aux dangers que représentent les maladies sexuellement transmissibles, en particulier le VIH et le sida. …

  3. Le cadre juridique du VIH, du sida et des droits de l'homme dans les pays arabes

    Cette étude a été élaborée par l'Institut arabe des droits de l'homme et le Bureau régional de l'UNICEF à Oman en collaboration avec le PNUD, le bureau du Haut Commissariat des Droits de l'Homme et l'Organisation Internationale du Travail. Ce travail est consacré à l'étude de la réalité de la maladie du sida et de la situation des personnes atteintes par le VIH et sida dans le monde arabe. Il s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'action internationale pour la lutte contre le VIH et sida. …

  4. Atelier régional sur le rôle des médias

    Ce document concerne la préparation de l'atelier régional organisé par le Bureau régional de l'éducation de l'UNESCO dans les États arabes à Beyrouth, en collaboration avec le Ministère de l'information de la République du Liban. Le thème principal de cet atelier était le rôle des médias dans la sensibilisation aux dangers du VIH et sida. Cet atelier a eu lieu entre le 21 et le 23 septembre 2004. Cette action s'inscrit dans le cadre des efforts déployés par l'UNESCO pour la lutte contre le VIH et le sida et le renforcement du rôle des médias en faveur de la prévention dans les pays arabes. …

  5. United Nations Initiative on Focusing Resources on effective School Health (FRESH) in the Arab States. Phase Two Report 2004- 2005

    This document is a report published in 2006 by the Regional Office for Education in the Arab States, Beirut, and the American University of Beirut. This report presents results of phase two of the regional project on School Health Education "Follow up on FRESH Initiative that was implemented by UNESCO regional office in Beirut in collaboration with the Health Education Resource Unit at the Faculty of Health Sciences, American university of Beirut. The overall goals of the project are to: assess school health education and HIV & AIDS preventive activities in schools and needs in this area. …

  6. Regional training workshop on situation analysis for comprehensive school health education programmes in the Arab States, American University of Beirut, 27-30 June 2006: final workshop report

    This document is a final workshop report of the Regional Training Workshop on situation analysis for comprehensive school health education programmes in the Arab states that took place at the American University of Beirut in June 2006. This workshop was jointly organized by UNESCO Office in Beirut and the American university of Beirut. It was part of the project "Follow up on FRESH Initiative" which is a joint cooperation between UNESCO and the Health Education Resource Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences, American university of Beirut. …

  7. HIV and AIDS terminology guide and glossary for English-Arabic users

    Stigma and discrimination remain a major fact for people living with HIV. However, despite agreement that stigma and discrimination must be overcome to turn the tide on the epidemic, communities and governments continue to struggle to protect people's rights and dignity. The Middle East and North Africa region is experiencing one of the fastest growing epidemic rates in the world, yet stigma, denial and ignorance of HIV remain rampant. Language can shape public opinion, perception, attitudes and may influence behaviours. …

  8. EDUCAIDS: overviews of practical resources

    The EDUCAIDS Overviews of Practical Resources provide guidance on the technical and operational aspects of this response. They are intended for technical staff, programme implementers and managers in ministries of education, technical staff in UN and other development cooperation agencies, and civil society partners. The secondary audiences of these Overviews are much broader and include school principals, educators, parents and communities. Each Overview provides an analysis and summary of approximately 20 reviewed and selected resources. …

  9. Sexual and reproductive health and HIV. Linkages: evidence review and recommendations

    Cuadro sinóptico de estudios realizados que indagan en la relación entre los servicios de salud reproductiva y su impacto en la respuesta al VIH/sida.

  10. Youth in a Global World

    A new policy brief from the Population Reference Bureau (PRB), Youth in a Global World, describes what it's like to grow up in today's world, with a special focus on four major experiences in the lives of young people: schooling, health, marriage, and childbearing.

  11. HIV and AIDS education: an under-exploited potential

    Today, nearly forty million people are living with HIV. Experts agree that education could help limit the further spread of the pandemic. Yet many countries are slow to put in place a coherent HIV and AIDS prevention education plan.

  12. Joint ILO/WHO guidelines on health services and HIV/AIDS

    The purpose of these guidelines is to promote the sound management of HIV/AIDS in health services, including the prevention of occupational exposure. Furthermore, the purpose is to ensure that health-care workers have decent, safe and healthy working conditions, while ensuring effective care that respects the needs and rights of patients, especially those living with HIV/AIDS. …

  13. Islam and family planning

    This policy brief gives an overview of Muslim countries' policies on and support for family planning and modern contraception. It reviews Islamic jurisprudence and justifications for sanctioning family planning.

  14. Strategic directions for improving the health and development of children and adolescents

    The document summarizes priority areas for WHO action based on global evidence. Improving the health and development of children and adolescents means that WHO will need to shape its implementation of the strategy to the epidemiological needs of specific regions and countries. The strategy document proposes a flexible, country-specific approach that reflects and respects differences in epidemiology. In addition, it outlines a strategic framework that is based on equity, the life course, and a public health approach. It defines principles to guide the implementation. …

  15. The state of World Population 2001. Footprints and milestones: population and environmental change

    Human activity is altering the planet on an unprecedented scale, the report points out. More people are using more resources with more intensity and leaving a bigger "footprint" on the earth than ever before. The report examines the close links between environmental conditions, population trends, and prospects for alleviating poverty in developing countries. It finds that expanding women's opportunities and ensuring their reproductive health and rights are critically important, both to improve the well-being of growing human populations and to protect the natural world.


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