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Effective sexuality and HIV/AIDS education programmes are needed to protect young people against HIV/AIDS and teenage pregnancy in Tanzania and other Sub-Saharan African countries. Using a theory- and evidence-based approach and adapting the programmes to local contexts, increases the effectiveness of these programmes. This paper describes and discusses the challenges and opportunities concerning the application of Intervention Mapping (IM) in the development and implementation of a sexuality and HIV/AIDS education programme targeting young people aged 12-14 in Tanzania. …
Aims: To test the applicability of an extended version of the theory of planned behaviour for the study of condom use intentions among large samples of young people in South Africa and Tanzania. Methods: Baseline data of a randomized controlled trial of school-based HIV/AIDS prevention programmes were used. The setting comprised secondary schools in the regions of Cape Town, Polokwane and Dar es Salaam. Participants were 15,782 secondary school students. …
Aims: To identify with whom in-school adolescents preferred to communicate about sexuality, and to study adolescents' communication on HIV/AIDS, abstinence and condoms with parents/guardians, other adult family members, and teachers. Data were obtained from a baseline questionnaire survey carried out in South Africa (Cape Town and Mankweng) and Tanzania (Dar es Salaam) in early 2004. We analysed data for 14,944 adolescents from 80 randomly selected schools. …
This paper aims to identify with whom in-school adolescents preferred to communicate about sexuality, and to study adolescents' communication on HIV/AIDS, abstinence and condoms with parents/guardians, other adult family members, and teachers. Data were obtained from a baseline questionnaire survey carried out in South Africa (Cape Town and Mankweng) and Tanzania (Dar es Salaam) in early 2004. We analysed data for 14,944 adolescents from 80 randomly selected schools. The mean ages were as follows: CapeTown, 13.38 years (standard deviation (SD). …
The NMSF II's HIV Prevention Strategic Objectives: 1. Empower young people with knowledge and skills to dialogue about sexuality; adopt attitudes and practices that protect against HIV infection. 2. Reduce risk of infection among those most vulnerable due to gender inequality, sexual abuse, and socio-cultural factors. 3. Increase the proportion of public, private, and informal sector enterprises developing and implementing comprehensive workplace interventions with attention to mobile workers. 4. …
The goals of the Zanzibar HIV/AIDS Policy are to: Prevent new HIV infections in the population; Treat, care for and support those who are infected; Mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS on the social and economic status of individuals, families, communities of all those living in Zanzibar; and Enhance the institutional capacity/key implementers' capacity to develop/implement HIV/AIDS interventions with gender and human rights approaches.
The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has been implementing SRH/HIV/LS education initiatives for more than a decade now and is currently striving to strengthen this education in its learning institutions in Zanzibar. Amongst its efforts to achieve this objective, the integration of a number of existing training manuals focusing this education package was undertaken in order to provide a common understanding in teaching these topics at all levels of education. This was done through the support from World Bank through Zanzibar Basic Education Improvement Project (ZABEIP). …
This document describes the Zanzibar National Life Skills Education Framework (ZNLSEF) - a framework intended to provide guidance to different stakeholders and at different levels in Zanzibar on how to provide quality life skills education programs so as to attain positive behavioral changes among children and young people in Zanzibar for their own individual and societal benefits in relation to preventing HIV/AIDS infections, substance abuse, early pregnancies, gender based violence and lead more positive and productive lives. …
These guidelines are developed to provide coordinated, integrated and harmonized direction and approach in providing SRH/HIV/LS education by different actors, with special focus on preventive education, counselling, care and support for children and youths in learning institutions and employees at work places in order to have a common understanding in mitigating and control of HIV/STI infections, teenage and unwanted pregnancies, counselling and support of vulnerable population groups in education sector in Zanzibar. …
This case study describes the work of a program implemented by Youth Alive Tanzania, a faith-based organization in Dar-es-Salaam, which created The Youth and Parents Crisis Counseling Center (YOPAC) in 1999. YOPAC was established by Youth Alive with the specific aim of helping children and youth protect their access to education, including primary and secondary education, as well as vocational training. YOPAC's other activities include home-based care, HIV testing and counseling, psychosocial care and support, education, and outreach programming. …
This documentation explores child- and HIV-sensitive social protection implemented under the umbrella of CARI in five of nine selected countries within the Eastern and Southern Africa region (ESAR): Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland and Tanzania. During fieldwork for this study, assessments were undertaken by considering various programmes and policies and their performance individually, but also by looking at their linkages and complementarities to other programmes and service providers. …
The RESPECT (Rewarding STI Prevention and Control in Tanzania) study is a randomized controlled trial testing the hypothesis that a system of rapid feedback and positive reinforcement using cash as the primary incentive can be used to reduce risky sexual activity among young people, male and female, who are at high risk of HIV infection. Results indicate that financial incentives - conditional cash transfers paid if the study participants remained negative for a set of curable sexually transmitted infections (STIs) - could be an effective prevention tool for STIs and possibly HIV.
The SADC Declaration on HIV and AIDS outlines the priority areas for action within the region.
From Talk to Action: Review of Women, Girls, and Gender Equality in National Strategic Plans on HIV and AIDS in Southern and Eastern Africa identifies: Evidence-informed priorities for addressing women, girls, and gender equality through National Strategic Plans on HIV and AIDS; Existing policy and programmatic gaps within National Strategic Plans on HIV and AIDS; Sample interventions and strategies for addressing women, girls, and gender equality within National Strategic Plans on HIV and AIDS. …
The Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ) is a network of 15 Ministries of Education: Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania (Mainland), Tanzania (Zanzibar), Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. …