AdSense for search (AFS)

AdSense for search

Monetize search results on your mobile site or app just like Google. You add a few lines of code, and we can match our highly targeted ads with your search results. You control the look and feel; we deliver the ads. When users click, you earn revenue. Whether you already have a search experience on your site or would like to add one, you can use AdSense for search to get access to Google's high quality search ads experience that serves ads relevant to your users' searches.

  • If you already have a search experience on your site

    Add Custom Search Ads to show search ads next to your own search results based on what your users are looking for.

  • If you would like to add an ad-supported Google search or site search experience to your site

    Add Custom Search Engine so readers can search your site and see targeted ads next to the search results

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