What we do
UNESCO-UNEVOC undertakes its activities through a worldwide network of UNEVOC Centres in more than 165 countries. The UNEVOC Network is the only network of TVET institutions with a global outreach. It links and fosters interaction and learning among diverse institutions of TVET stakeholders around the world.
In the area of capacity development, UNESCO-UNEVOC conducts training, consultations and conferences in the different areas of TVET and advocates for global TVET development. UNEVOC’s capacity development programmes take place at different levels and through regional and international cooperation, in close collaboration with the UNEVOC Network members.
UNESCO-UNEVOC facilitates knowledge sharing through the publishing of TVET related research and its various online communities, including the TVeT Forum and the UNEVOC Network Portal.
UNEVOC in Action
The biennial reports provides a comprehensive overview of the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre’s activities in TVET. They indicate how the Centre has helped to improve TVET in UNESCO Member States and serve as an information document for those who are interested in the work of the Centre.
UNEVOC Network
The UNEVOC Network is one of UNESCO-UNEVOC’s flagship programmes and links institutions working in the area of TVET throughout the world. The Network is made up of UNEVOC Centres and designated UNESCO Centres of Excellence in TVET. The UNEVOC Centres are established in TVET institutions in UNESCO Member States upon recommendation of the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre and endorsement by the UNESCO National Commission. They are focal points in the provision of services and platforms for national, regional and international cooperation in TVET.
The UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre promotes and mobilizes all endeavours concerning the UNEVOC Network, which has three specific objectives:
- Promote and foster collaboration in developing and improving TVET through a world-wide network of UNEVOC Centres;
- Develop UNEVOC Network Centres into an inclusive and effective network providing various forms of assistance to vocation education leaders and practitioners; and
- Share good innovative practices.
More information
UNEVOC Network Manual
Advocacy and Capacity Development
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- Education for All (EFA) with an emphasis on skills development;
- Greening TVET for sustainable development in the context of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD)
The capacity development programmes of UNESCO-UNEVOC are implemented through a wide range of activities such as the organization of training programmes, workshops and conferences. UNESCO-UNEVOC also commissions research as a mechanism for capturing different perspectives, experiences, and practices to inform decision making, drawing on providing consultancies, as well as offering training possibilities and study tour opportunities.
UNESCO-UNEVOC performs a major role in delivering capacity building and necessary support, with the aim of blending upstream policy advice with downstream capacity building to assist its Member States.
Knowledge management and resource development
UNESCO-UNEVOC is concerned with contributing to the international debate on key aspects of education for the world of work. Experience shows that educational ideas and reforms have broad global currency, and that approaches that work in one country or setting may also work elsewhere, if adapted appropriately. Through access to information, countries can learn from each other and weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of other countries' practices and systems.
UNESCO-UNEVOC facilitates knowledge sharing and exchange between UNESCO Member States by publishing TVET related research which seeks to create an effective bridge between research, policy and practice. The UNEVOC Publications include discussion papers, case studies, annotated bibliographies, meeting reports and national profiles of TVET. Apart from the regular publication series, UNESCO-UNEVOC collaborates closely with UNESCO in its efforts to publish thematic studies and organize related activities.
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The Knowledge Management Centre is open to the public. If you are interested in visiting us, please contact us at unevoc(at)unesco.org or use the feedback form.
Online Services
UNEVOC’s online services are one of the central means of the Centre to disseminate announcements, materials and references throughout the UNEVOC Network and the wider TVET community worldwide. The Centre offers online tools to enable technical and vocational education and training (TVET) policy makers, researchers and practitioners from around the globe to access valuable information and communicate with each other.
The following services can be accessed online:
- Publications
Browse and search UNEVOC publications and other relevant TVET publications, many of which are available for download. - TVeT-Forum
The TVeT-Forum is a virtual community of TVET practitioners, policy-makers and researchers who share knowledge about different aspects of TVET. - World TVET Database
The World TVET Database is an online tool hosted by UNEVOC that provides concise, reliable and up-to-date information on technical and vocational education and training systems in countries worldwide. - UNEVOC Network portal
The aim of the UNEVOC Network portal is to inform about this global community of TVET institutions and to provide a communication platform for UNEVOC Network members. - TVETipedia
The TVETipedia glossary is a glossary of terms that are commonly used globally in the area of Technical and Vocational Education and Training. - Promising Practices database
The aim of this database is to share knowledge of established innovative practices – 'success stories'- that have proven to be effective and that promote TVET in some profound way.