Education for street children in Kenya: the role of the Undugu Society

Education for street children in Kenya: the role of the Undugu Society

Publisher: IIEP
Serie: Quality education for all
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Availability: 102
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This booklet presents and evaluates a programme set up by the Undugu Society of Kenya to address the problem of education for street children.. The growing problem of street children in developing countries is an issue which needs to be tackled not only by humanitarian organizations but also by educational planners. It concerns a group of society that is particularly deprived and needy. However, if well organized, attentive and effective, education can provide for many of the needs and, perhaps more importantly, change the lives of these children. The main objective of the programme, which provides an alternative to formal education, is to get children off the streets, to provide them with basic education and train them in further vocational skills to set them in good stead for a working life and a more prosperous future. In so doing, it aims to supply the necessary elements to improve living standards, such as food, security and counselling services. The study balances the positive and negative aspects of the programme, using data and statistics obtained through pupil and teacher questionnaires. It suggests ways in which it can be improved and applied in other countries wishing to set up similar programmes, and hopefully as a result help diminish the increasing presence of street children.

Authors Ouma, Wangenge G.
Country Kenya
Date of publication 2004
Number of pages 123 p.

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