Young people are almost three times more likely to be unemployed than adults (UN) and continuously face the challenges of greater labour market inequalities. The aim of WYSD is to advocate for skills as an important factor to improve young people’s transitions to decent work, and to highlight the crucial role of skilled youth in addressing today’s most challenging global issues.
This World Youth Skills Day, UNESCO-UNEVOC is emphasizing the importance of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in providing youth with the opportunities to develop their competencies and accelerate their transition to work.
In our downloads section, you can find printable material to display at your WYSD workshop, meeting, or event. Let us know how you are celebrating by tagging us on Twitter and Facebook
or by submitting information about your event to unevoc.skills(at)
Do you have plans for WYSD? Tell us about them by filling up the online form.
UNESCO-UNEVOC will provide a brief overview of UNEVOC Centres’ WYSD activities at UN Headquarters in New York on July 15. The more you can share before this date, the better! We will also follow-up with you after July 15 to request a brief description of your successful activities.
(accessible only to UNEVOC Network Members)
For UNEVOC Centres we have produced a set comprising the following promotional materials which include
* Poster and Banner templates (InDesign file)
* UNEVOC Network Banner in multiple languages
* WYSD Logo
Winners of SkillsinAction Photo Competition 2018
Download and print the poster to raise awareness about World Youth Skills Day in your area! The poster shows the winners of the SkillsinAction Photo Competition last 2018. You can view the previous winners of SkillsinAction Photo Competition though w ...
Winners of SkillsinAction Photo Competition 2018
Download and print the poster to raise awareness about World Youth Skills Day in your area! The poster shows the winners of the SkillsinAction Photo Competition last 2018. You can view the previous winners of SkillsinAction Photo Competition though w ...
Download and print the poster to raise awareness about World Youth Skills Day in your area! The poster shows artwork showing tools in the background of the WYSD's logo.
Do you know a TVET student/trainer between the ages of 15-29 with an excellent set of skills that have been utilized for the benefit of the community?
Have the skills been put to creative use or to empower others?
Was it possible to turn a challenge into an opportunity, for instance, by setting up a successful business?
Whether the story is of a trained mechanic or nursing student, a water technician, or an entrepreneur, tell us how skills have been put into practice!
Send us the inspiring story for a chance to have your UNEVOC Centre promoted in celebration of World Youth Skills Day (WYSD).
This story series will highlight individuals identified by UNEVOC Centres who have acted as ambassadors for technical and vocational education and training in their community. These young persons can be students, teachers/trainers or graduates of your institution or of institutions which are affiliated with your UNEVOC Centre. You may like to take this opportunity to organize a campaign or a competition to mobilize young people in your institution to share their experiences.
If you are from one of our UNEVOC Centres and want to learn more about this initiative, send us an email at unevoc.skills(at)
The Skills in Action Photo Competition 2019 will highlight how Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is:
The top 3 winners of the #SkillsInAction Photo Competition will receive cash prizes and the first prize winner will have a chance to attend the European Vocational Skills Week organized by the European Commission in Helsinki, Finland.
View the gallery of SkillsinAction photos
UNESCO-UNEVOC's Flickr gallery features albums of the photo entries from the previous SkillsinAction Photo Competitions along with albums of other events.
2018 SkillsinAction Album -
2017 SkillsinAction Album - ...
United Nations resolution on WYSD
UN Website: UN World Youth Skills Day
UNESCO-UNEVOC Youth and Skills
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