Human resources management of non-teaching staff

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Staff training in a period of change in the administration of education systems
The great changes that have taken place in educational systems in the last fifteen years have cau..
Changing needs for training in educational planning and administration: final report of an IIEP seminar
This report sums up the conclusions of the working groups that participated in the above-mentione..
Educational planning: the adviser's role
The booklet discusses the role of the foreign adviser who puts his experience and expertise at th..
7.00 €
Planification de l'éducation et développement des ressources humaines
Les deux études consacrées au développement du potentiel humain traitent des prioritiés et ch..
7.00 €
Educational planning and human resource development
These two essays on human resource development deal with priorities and choices in human resource..
Planning and the educational administrator
This booklet concentrates on the relations between the Ministry of Education as a whole ('the adm..
7.00 €
L'administrateur de l'éducation face à la planification
Cette brochure est centrée sur les rapports entre le ministère de l'éducation pris comme un to..
7.00 €