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Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs

The Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs (LA) is a central service reporting directly to the Director-General. The responsibilities of the Office are:

  • to provide legal advice to the General Conference, the Executive Board and various meetings convened by UNESCO and to all the intergovernmental bodies established by the General Conference and the Executive Board and those established for the implementation of the conventions;

  • to provide legal advice on questions arising for the Organization and concerning its Constitution, statutory texts and regulations, its privileges and immunities; to provide advice on the conclusion and application of agreements with Member States or other organizations and on contracts to which the Organization is a party;

  • to represent the Organization before the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization and other international tribunals or dispute resolution boards;

  • to assist in the drawing up and application of international standard-setting instruments and to exercise depository functions of the Director-General in relation to international treaties; and

  • to serve as the secretariat of the Committee on Conventions and Recommendations of the Executive Board and of the Credentials Committee and the Legal Committee of the General Conference.

18-04-2019 Accession by Turkey to the Asia-Pacific Regional Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education (Tokyo, 26 November 2011) UNESCO
On 3 April 2019, Turkey deposited with the Director-General its instrument of accession to the Asia-Pacific Regional Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education. More

02-04-2019 Ratification by Cabo Verde of the Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (Paris, 2 November 2001) UNESCO
On 26 March 2019, Cabo Verde deposited with the Director-General its instrument of ratification of the Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage. More

02-04-2019 Approval by Mongolia of the Asia-Pacific Regional Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education (Tokyo, 26 November 2011) UNESCO
On 19 March 2019, Mongolia deposited with the Director-General its instrument of approval of the Asia-Pacific Regional Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education. More

02-04-2019 Accession by Timor-Leste to the International Convention against Doping in Sport (Paris, 19 October 2005) UNESCO
On 11 March 2019, Timor-Leste deposited with the Director-General its instrument of accession to the International Convention against Doping in Sport. More

Sing.bmpInforme del Comité de Convenciones y Recomendaciones (206 EX/45)

Sing.bmpFollow-up on previous reviews of the working methods, procedures and practices of the Committee on Conventions and Recommendations (206 EX/26)

Sing.bmpImplementation of the 2003 Recommendation concerning the Promotion and Use of Multilingualism and Universal Access to Cyberspace – Consolidated report on the implementation of the Recommendation (206 EX/25.VII)

Sing.bmpApplication de la Recommandation concernant la préservation et l'accessibilité du patrimoine documentaire, y compris le patrimoine numérique (2015) – Rapport de synthèse sur la mise en oeuvre de la Recommandation (206 EX/25.VI)

Sing.bmpImplementation of the 2011 Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, including a glossary of definitions – Consolidated report on the implementation of the Recommendation (206 EX/25.V)

Sing.bmpImplementation of the 2015 Recommendation concerning the Protection and Promotion of Museums and Collections, their Diversity and their Role in Society – Consolidated report on the implementation of the Recommendation (206 EX/25.IV)

Sing.bmpImplementation of the 1978 Revised Recommendation concerning the International Standardization of Educational Statistics (206 EX/25.III)

Sing.bmpApplication of the 1966 Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers (CEART) and the 1997 Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel (206 EX/25.II)

Sing.bmpImplementation of standard-setting instruments - General Monitoring (206 EX/25.I)

Sing.bmpReport of the Committee on Convention and Recommendations (205 EX/41)

Sing.bmpReview of the working methods, procedures and practices of the Committee on Conventions and Recommendations (205 EX/36)

Sing.bmpImplementation of standard-setting instruments - General Monitoring (205 EX/19)

Sing.bmpImplementation of standard-setting instruments (205 EX/19 - Annex)

Sing.bmpReport of the Committee on Convention and Recommendations (204 EX/33)

Sing.bmpImplementation of standard-setting instruments (204 EX/18 Parts I - VI)

Sing.bmpInformation Document on the CR Committee (204 EX/CR/2)

CR Photo ok.jpgThe Committee on Conventions and Recommendations - 2018 Edition

Textes ééé.jpgBasic Texts - 2018 Edition

conseil.gifThe Executive Board of UNESCO - 2018 Edition

Sing.bmpComprehensive report by the Director-General on UNESCO's standard-setting instruments (39 C/INF.10)

bpi 2.jpgStandard-setting in UNESCO

Image sans titre 2.pngDocuments concerning the CR Committee since the 159th session of the Executive Board

Image sans titre 2.pngReports of the Credentials Committee since the 26th session of the General Conference

Image sans titre 2.pngReports of the Legal Committee since the 28th session of the General Conference

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Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs
  • Mission
  • Who´s who?

  • All
  • Publications
  • News
  • Basic Texts
  • Committee on Conventions and Recommendations of the Executive Board
  • Credentials Committee of the General Conference
  • Decisions of the Executive Board
  • Legal Committee of the General Conference
  • Resolutions of the General Conference
  • Standard-Setting Instruments
  • Sing.bmp
  • Revised timetable 2018-2019 for submission of Member States’ reports on measures taken to implement the standard-setting instruments for whose monitoring the Executive Board is responsible
  • bpi 2.jpg
  • Standard-setting in UNESCO
  • CR Photo ok.jpg
  • The Committee on Conventions and Recommendations - 2018 Edition
  • Sing.bmp
  • Timetable for 2018-2021 of work of the CR Committee on the implementation of the standard-setting instruments for whose monitoring the Executive Board is responsible
  • la.jpg
  • UNESCO's procedure for the protection of human rights: the legislative history of the 104 EX/3.3 Procedure
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