The development of an effective TVET system is at the heart of education reform efforts. The chosen system establishes a framework which influences such important matters as access to, and the quality of, TVET. These systems can be very complex and have many different faces. TVET can be part of secondary, post-secondary and higher education, and is often the prime responsibility of Ministries of Education or Ministries of Labour (or Employment or Social Affairs). While TVET can be part of the formal education system, it can also be taught informally in the workplace, and through non-formal means.
As part of Education for All (EFA), UNESCO-UNEVOC and its partners help UNESCO Member States develop TVET systems that best suit their particular needs and requirements.
Shanghai Consensus: Third International Congress on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (Shanghai, China, 14-16 May 2012) English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish
 | 29 August 2018UNESCO-UNEVOC conducts Management Capacity Development Training in MalawiUNESCO-UNEVOC, in collaboration with the UNESCO Regional Office for Southern Africa (ROSA), conducted a capacity development programme for the Managers of TEVET Institutions in Malawi. This training was undertaken as part of the European Union-funded Malawi Skills and Technical Education Programme (STEP). ( more) |
 | 6 July 2017Skills for work, innovation and sustainable developmentMore than 300 participants from 80 countries met at together at the ‘Skills on the move: global trends, local resonances’ conference taking place in Tangshan, People’s Republic of China from 4 – 6 July 2017. The event discussed how to meet the demand for skills development and overcome economic and social inequalities through TVET. ( more) |
 | 28 July 2016World Youth Skills Day 2016 in Bonn!Over 140 TVET stakeholders from over 35 counties met in Bonn, Germany, to discuss the role of youth skills development in transitions to sustainable economies and societies. In line with UNESCO’s new Strategy for TVET (2016-21), the meeting provided an opportunity for the global TVET community to gather and explore areas for future collaboration. ( more) |
 | 16 December 2015UNESCO-UNEVOC at COP21UNESCO-UNEVOC contributed to a number of events at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) that took place in Paris from 30 November to 12 December. ( more) |
 | 27 October 2015Virtual Conference: Greening TVET in the context of climate change policy developmentsFrom 2 to 13 November, you will have the chance to participate in our next virtual conference on greening TVET in the context of global climate change policy developments. This online conference will be moderated by Dr Nick Sofroniou, Principal Research Fellow at Institute for Employment Research of the University of Warwick and an expert in green skills development. ( more) |
 | 1 October 2015Adoption of the Sustainable Development GoalsOn Friday 25 September 2015, the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit adopted the Sustainable Development Goals which seek to realise inclusive and equitable economic, social and environmental sustainable development. ( more) |
 | 17 September 2015Virtual Conference: UNESCO’s future TVET strategy From 28 September to 3 October, you will have the chance to participate in our next virtual conference on UNESCO’s future strategy for TVET (2016-2021). This online conference will be moderated by Mike Campbell, an expert in the fields of skills, labour markets and the economy. ( more) |
 | 16 July 2015World Youth Skills Day at UNEVOCOn 15 July 2015, some 50 young people attended UNESCO-UNEVOC’s commemoration of the UN’s inaugural World Youth Skills Day at the UN Campus in Bonn, Germany. ( more) |
 | 6 July 2015Skills for Heritage Panel Session ReportMore than 50 participants from 30 countries filled to capacity the Small Hall of the World Conference Centre in Bonn to listen to, and engage with, a panel of experts on the theme of Heritage for Skills which took place on 2 July 2015. ( more) |
 | 29 May 2015Virtual conference: Delivering TVET through Quality Apprenticeships From 15 to 26 June 2015, you will have the chance to participate in our next virtual conference on “Delivering TVET through Quality Apprenticeships". This online conference will be moderated by Alessandra Molz, an international consultant and researcher on skills development and the labour market. ( more) |
 | 14 October 2014Skills for Work and Life Post-2015As a follow-up to regional consultations in 2013, UNESCO-UNEVOC is organizing a global forum to be held from 14 to 16 October at the UN Campus in Bonn, Germany. The forum seeks to contribute to the ongoing debate, enriching the thought processes behind the positioning of TVET in the post-2015 agenda and it will utilize cross-regional networking and partnership as platforms to create synergy in the contribution of TVET in the post-2015 agenda.
( more) |
 | 29 September 2014Youth in Transition: VET in times of economic crisisOn 22 September 2014, Shyamal Majumdar, Head of UNESCO-UNEVOC, delivered a keynote address at the 2nd International Conference of the German Research Center for Comparative Vocational Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) held in Cologne, Germany. ( more) |
 | 2 July 2014A new agenda for skills: Online consultation on TVETFrom 1 to 8 July UNESCO is hosting a global online consultation to discuss and revise an international standard-setting instrument on technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Participants include government officials and specialists from international organizations and civil society. ( more) |
 | 24 April 2014Regional TVET Conference on ensuring TVET quality Organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the regional TVET Conference 2014, “Ensuring TVET Quality – Preparing for AEC 2015” provided a platform to exchange thoughts on good practices in TVET and on forthcoming opportunities created by ASEAN. ( more) |
 | 17 February 2014UNESCO-UNEVOC participates in Green Skills Forum 2014 Organized by OECD and CEDEFOP, the second Green Skills Forum held in Paris, France, on 14 February 2014 brought brought together over 90 experts, researchers, economists, government advisers, employment and policy analysts and social partners to explore the links between skills and knowledge needs and inclusive green growth ( more) |
 | 20 December 2012Chinese delegates visit UNESCO-UNEVOC On 17 December 2012, UNESCO-UNEVOC had the pleasure of hosting the visit of eight delegates from Chinese Council of Private Higher Education specialized in the field of vocational education in the Centre’s premises in Bonn, Germany. ( more) |
 | 15 November 2012TVET as the key to sustainable developmentOn Day 1 of the International Forum on the role of the UNEVOC Network in transforming TVET for a sustainable future, over 100 delegates from over 50 countries gathered to share their knowledge and commitment to TVET development worldwide. ( more) |
 | 4 March 2011Fifth Meeting of ISCED Technical Advisory Panel at UNEVOC premises. ( more) |
 | 17 July 2010UNEVOC Sub-regional Meeting in MalawiMalawi hosted a UNVEVOC Sub-regional Meeting on "Innovating TVET, Revitalizing the UNEVOC Network and Enhancing Collaboration and Cooperation in TVET Development through UNEVOC Regional Nodal Centres" in Lilongwe on 13-15 July 2010. ( more) |
 | 10 July 2010UNEVOC Assists CapEFA Implementation in Malawi ( more) |
 | 28 May 20104th African UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Summit ( more) |
 | 18 March 2010International Experts Meeting, Hangzhou, China ( more) |
 | 18 March 2010Workshop on Revitalizing TVET Provision in ECOWAS Countries ( more) |
 | 18 March 2010Harnessing Frameworks Towards Quality Assurance in TVET in Asia ( more) |
 | 18 March 2010Review of the TVET System in Malawi ( more) |
 | 11 March 20101st meeting of the Inter-Agency Working Group on TVET Indicators ( more) |
 | 10 March 2010Linkages between Education and Labour Market: Tools and Methodologies ( more) |
 | 2 December 2009TVET financing and competency-based approaches ( more) |
 | 17 November 2009Interagency database of good practice in TVET ( more) |
 | 28 June 2009"Curriculum Development in TVET", Brunei Darussalam, 15-18 June 2009
( more) |
 | 16 June 2009TVET and ESD in the Commonwealth of Independent States ( more) |
 | 2 April 2009TVET workshop at UNESCO World Conference on ESD ( more) |
 | 12 January 2009International Expert Consultation Meeting on Technical and Vocational Education ( more) |
 | 15 October 2008TVET: A Come-back to the Development Agenda? ( more) |
 | 28 September 2008Study Tour by Delegation from Atlanta Technical College ( more) |
 | 19 September 2008International Roundtable: The Return of TVET to the Int. Development Agenda? ( more) |
 | 16 July 2008Working visit of Aidan Kenny, Dublin Institute of Technology ( more) |
 | 18 June 2008
Lecture on Recognition of Prior Learning ( more) |
 | 10 May 2008ADEA 2008 Biennale on Post-primary Education ( more) |
 | 17 April 2008UNEVOC Sub-regional Seminar in Iloilo City, Philippines ( more) |
 | 27 February 200827-02-2008
Inclusive Education: from Policy Dialogue to Collaborative Action ( more) |
 | 25 September 200725-09-2007
UNEVOC Centres from China and Australia visit UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 22 August 200720-07-2006
Re-alignment of TVET in Iraq with Employment Requirements ( more) |
 | 22 June 200722-06-2007
Mobile Training Team in Mauritius ( more) |
 | 7 June 200707-06-2007
South East European TVET leaders meet in Skopje ( more) |
 | 3 May 200720-04-2007
International Congress on Quality Management in Education and Training ( more) |
 | 16 April 200728-03-2007
UNESCO-UNEVOC Outreach Seminars ( more) |
 | 3 March 200703-03-2007
Rethinking TVET on the Marshall Islands ( more) |
 | 1 February 200701-02-2007
UNESCO-UNEVOC - NIER Seminar "From School to Work: Contemporary Regional Experiences" ( more) |
 | 20 December 20061-11-2006
Mobile Training Team on Competency-based Training and Certification ( more) |
 | 23 October 2018Just Published: Updated Country Profiles We are pleased to announce the publication of a new batch of TVET Country Profiles. These profiles provide an overview of the TVET ecosystem in each country including the learning pathways, key policy documents, governance and financing mechanisms, qualification and quality assurance systems, and ongoing reforms. ( more) |
 | 5 April 2016UNESCO’s two Recommendations on educationThe Recommendation on Adult Learning and Education (ALE) and the Recommendation concerning Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) were signed on 4 April 2016 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France, by the President of UNESCO’s General Conference, Stanley Mutumba Simataa, and UNESCO’s Director-General, Irina Bokova. ( more) |
 | 18 August 2015Recently Published: Unleashing the Potential - Transforming TVETUNESCO has published the third volume of its new book series entitled ''Education on the Move''. The overall series focuses on key trends in education today and challenges for tomorrow. This particular volume is dedicated to exploring how the transformative potential of TVET can be released. ( more) |
 | 12 December 2014New country reports in World TVET DatabaseNew country reports have been published for Benin, Cambodia, Chad, Iraq, Latvia, Lithuania, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Qatar, South Africa, Uganda and USA. UNESCO-UNEVOC continues to expand the World TVET Database and more country reports will be available soon. ( more) |
 | 29 November 2013World TVET Database reaches 50 country reports The World Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Database is an online repository developed by UNESCO-UNEVOC. It provides concise, reliable and up-to-date information on TVET systems worldwide in one single place. New country reports are regularly added to the database. ( more) |
 | 12 August 2013New country reports in World TVET DatabaseCountry reports on Barbados, Belize, Colombia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Norway, Oman, Paraguay, Republic of Korea, Turkey and United Arab Emirates have just been added to the World TVET Database
( more) |
 | 18 July 2013Shanghai Update: Follow-up on the Third International TVET CongressOne year ago, TVET experts from all over the world came to the Third International Congress on TVET in Shanghai, China, to discuss the transformation of TVET. To update on the progress made after one year, the UNESCO Section for TVET and UNESCO-UNEVOC has published the first issue of the ‘Shanghai Update’ newsletter.
( more) |
 | 20 June 2012Just published: School-to-Work Transition Information BasesThis booklet is the result of a regional thematic study which draws on country studies and presentations delivered at the UNESCO Synthesis Workshop on School-to-Work Transition Information Bases and the Role of the UNEVOC Network, which was held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 23 to 26 August 2011. ( more) |
 | 29 October 2009Linking Vocational Training with the Enterprises - Asian Perspectives ( more) |
 | 24 June 2008Secondary Education Regional Information Base ( more) |
 | 1 September 2007TVET in an Ageing Society. Experts meeting proceedings. 3–4 October 2006, Adelaide ( more) |
 | 25 April 2007"Work, Subjectivity and Learning" ( more) |
 | 25 April 2007"Identities at Work" ( more) |
 | 11 April 2007Final Report: From School to Work - TVET Regional Experiences (PDF, 1.9MB) ( more) |
 | 22 January 2007Participation in Formal TVET Worldwide - A Statistical Study ( more) |
 | 8 September 2006"The Transformation of VET in the Baltic States" ( more) |
 | 6 September 2006“The Bologna Declaration and Emerging Models of TVET Teacher Training in Germany” ( more) |
 | 10 August 2006“Learning and Working: Motivating for Skills Development” ( more) |