 | 21 March 2019Promoting gender equality in STEM-related TVETTechnical and vocational education and training (TVET) has the potential to promote the productive participation of women in the labour market, equipping them with the necessary skills to undertake the jobs of the future. ( more) |
 | 23 October 2018Just Published: Updated Country Profiles We are pleased to announce the publication of a new batch of TVET Country Profiles. These profiles provide an overview of the TVET ecosystem in each country including the learning pathways, key policy documents, governance and financing mechanisms, qualification and quality assurance systems, and ongoing reforms. ( more) |
 | 4 September 2018Skills Development and the Water-Energy Nexus in AfricaWater and energy are closely linked, and most African countries face major challenges in improving both their water supply and energy production systems. For African countries to develop their energy and water sectors sustainably, and to capitalize on their potential, skills development at a national level is an essential component. ( more) |
 | 29 August 2018UNESCO-UNEVOC conducts Management Capacity Development Training in MalawiUNESCO-UNEVOC, in collaboration with the UNESCO Regional Office for Southern Africa (ROSA), conducted a capacity development programme for the Managers of TEVET Institutions in Malawi. This training was undertaken as part of the European Union-funded Malawi Skills and Technical Education Programme (STEP). ( more) |
 | 11 July 2018World Youth Skills Day 2018 - Improving the image of TVET UNESCO-UNEVOC follows the United Nations’ stride in celebrating the World Youth Skills Day every year on 15th July, and reaffirms its commitment to enhance the prospects of the youth to access quality skills development opportunities through TVET, globally. UNESCO-UNEVOC's theme for this year’s celebration is ‘Improving the image of TVET’. ( more) |
 | 5 June 2018Tknika, a UNEVOC Centre, hosts International Conference on TVETTknika, a UNEVOC Centre in the Basque Country, Spain, organized an international conference titled ‘International Encounters on Vocational Training – Anticipating the Future’. Participants from around the world discussed current and emerging challenges of ongoing digital transformation of industry and businesses, and responding to them through increased collaboration and knowledge exchange. ( more) |
 | 5 March 2018International Women's Day 2018: Empowerment through TVET UNESCO-UNEVOC will join the world on 8 March to celebrate International Women’s Day. Every year the day puts the spotlight on issues related to gender equality and empowerment. This year UNESCO-UNEVOC reaffirms its advocacy to empower women through TVET, highlighting the role and importance of change-agents pushing for greater inclusion of women in TVET. ( more) |
 | 6 December 2017Mainstreaming Entrepreneurial Skills in TVET: Engaging key global stakeholders UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre and DUOC UC – a UNEVOC Centre in Chile, together with UNESCO’s Youth, Literacy and Skills Development Section, and UNESCO Santiago, are organizing an Experts Consultation Meeting on mainstreaming entrepreneurial skills in TVET. This meeting is underway in Santiago from 5-7 December 2017, with the discussions involving various UNEVOC Centres and other key stakeholders. ( more) |
 | 19 October 2017UNESCO-UNEVOC at WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017Held as part of the WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017, UNESCO-UNEVOC actively participated in the conference with a theme of ‘Skills Strategies for a globalized world’ , organized as a platform for shaping the global skills agenda. The discussions addressed the changing skills demands of the globalized world on the way people live, learn, and work and the required response as it was held in Abu Dhabi from the 16-17 October 2017. ( more) |
 | 6 July 2017Skills for work, innovation and sustainable developmentMore than 300 participants from 80 countries met at together at the ‘Skills on the move: global trends, local resonances’ conference taking place in Tangshan, People’s Republic of China from 4 – 6 July 2017. The event discussed how to meet the demand for skills development and overcome economic and social inequalities through TVET. ( more) |
 | 21 December 2016UNEVOC Workshop Dakar 2016This joint workshop with PEFOP in Dakar had two main goals: Strengthening the UNEVOC Network in Francophone Africa (and particularly in the West African cluster) and discussing innovation in TVET. ( more) |
 | 24 March 2016Workshop UNESCO IIEP Pôle de Dakar A 2-day workshop for an intensive information exchange was participated by delegates from UNESCO IIEP Pôle de Dakar, Mr Jérôme Gerard, Expert in network animation, Platform of expertise in vocational training (PEFOP), Mr Jonathan Jourde, Focal Point Communication and Knowledge Management, Ms Lynne Sergeant, UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse, IIEP Paris with the UNESCO-UNEVOC team, held from 21-22 March 2016 in Bonn, Germany. ( more) |
 | 16 December 2015UNESCO-UNEVOC at COP21UNESCO-UNEVOC contributed to a number of events at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) that took place in Paris from 30 November to 12 December. ( more) |
 | 20 November 2015UNESCO Dakar launches regional TVET Platform in West Africa UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning (IIPE) office in Dakar, Senegal, launched a regional platform for TVET experts in November. A two-day conference from 2 to 3 November in Dakar was attended by about a hundred TVET experts from the region. ( more) |
 | 5 October 2015Celebrate World Teachers' Day!Join us in celebrating World Teachers' Day on the 5th of October! The day recognises the important role teachers play in education and this year’s event highlights the need to empower teachers to contribute to building sustainable societies. ( more) |
 | 1 October 2015Adoption of the Sustainable Development GoalsOn Friday 25 September 2015, the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit adopted the Sustainable Development Goals which seek to realise inclusive and equitable economic, social and environmental sustainable development. ( more) |
 | 28 September 2015First Global Forum on Green Economy Learning From the 16 to 18 December 2015, the 1st Global Forum on Green Economy Learning will bring together policy-makers, development partners, as well as representatives from education and training institutions, NGOs and business associations to identify opportunities for improving green economy learning. ( more) |
 | 17 September 2015Virtual Conference: UNESCO’s future TVET strategy From 28 September to 3 October, you will have the chance to participate in our next virtual conference on UNESCO’s future strategy for TVET (2016-2021). This online conference will be moderated by Mike Campbell, an expert in the fields of skills, labour markets and the economy. ( more) |
 | 18 August 2015WorldSkills competition and conference in São PauloMore than 1500 people from over 70 countries met in São Paulo, Brazil, from the 11 to 16 August for the WorldSkills competition and conference. UNESCO-UNEVOC contributed to a very stimulating programme which showcased the next generation of youth skills. ( more) |
 | 15 July 2015Celebrate World Youth Skills Day on 15 July!Join the United Nations in New York and Bonn in celebrating the first-ever World Youth Skills Day! The goal of this celebration is to achieve better socio-economic conditions for today’s youth and to address issues of unemployment. ( more) |
 | 6 July 2015Skills for Heritage Panel Session ReportMore than 50 participants from 30 countries filled to capacity the Small Hall of the World Conference Centre in Bonn to listen to, and engage with, a panel of experts on the theme of Heritage for Skills which took place on 2 July 2015. ( more) |
 | 28 May 2015Shanghai Update 3: Follow-up on the Third TVET Congress The third issue of the Shanghai Update is published! This newsletter gives an overview of activities undertaken by UNESCO and UNEVOC in response to the recommendations that Member States made to UNESCO at the Third International TVET Congress in Shanghai in May 2012. ( more) |
 | 12 December 2014New country reports in World TVET DatabaseNew country reports have been published for Benin, Cambodia, Chad, Iraq, Latvia, Lithuania, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Qatar, South Africa, Uganda and USA. UNESCO-UNEVOC continues to expand the World TVET Database and more country reports will be available soon. ( more) |
 | 14 October 2014Skills for Work and Life Post-2015As a follow-up to regional consultations in 2013, UNESCO-UNEVOC is organizing a global forum to be held from 14 to 16 October at the UN Campus in Bonn, Germany. The forum seeks to contribute to the ongoing debate, enriching the thought processes behind the positioning of TVET in the post-2015 agenda and it will utilize cross-regional networking and partnership as platforms to create synergy in the contribution of TVET in the post-2015 agenda.
( more) |
 | 28 September 2014Virtual conference on skills for the creative industriesThe next virtual conference will be held from 29 September to 10 October 2014 on the UNEVOC e-Forum and will aim to deepen our understanding of the creative industries in relation to vocational education and training, discuss challenges and opportunities in these sectors, and identify good practices from across the globe. ( more) |
 | 10 June 2014Nigerian delegation visits UNESCO-UNEVOCAs part of a TVET study visit to Germany, facilitated by GIZ and SOKRATES, the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre in Bonn welcomed a delegation of the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) from Nigeria. ( more) |
 | 3 March 2014Meeting report of the Africa Regional ForumMeeting report of the Africa Regional Forum (17-18 September 2013, Abuja, Nigeria) on Advancing TVET for Youth Employability and Sustainable Development now available online ( more) |
 | 24 January 2014Nigerian Delegation visiting UNEVOCAs part of a jointly organized study visit to Germany between NBTE and the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Nigerian Delegation was received at UNEVOC’s premises to learn about UNEVOC’s portfolio. ( more) |
 | 3 December 2013Regional Forum on Status of TVET in the SADC RegionBased on the findings of a regional study conducted by UNESCO on the Status of TVET in the SADC Region, representatives of the SADC Member States convened in Stellenbosch, South Africa from 25 to 29 November 2013 to discuss the progress of actions undertaken to reform their countries’ TVET systems since the assessment. ( more) |
 | 28 November 2013Delegation from Liberia visits UNESCO-UNEVOCOn Monday 25 November 2013, the team of UNESCO-UNEVOC welcomed Mr Khalipha Bility, Deputy Minister of Education, Mr Wolfgang Zagel, President of Helog Academy, and Ms Mamaka Bility, President of MedLife Liberia, from Liberia to the UNEVOC premises. ( more) |
 | 27 August 2013Strengthening regional harmonization for the transformation of TVET To strengthen global and regional harmonization for the advancement of TVET transformation through the capacities of UNEVOC's unique global Network of specialized TVET institutions and affiliated partners, the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre is organizing a series of meetings to be held in all regions of the world.
( more) |
 | 12 August 2013Skills for inclusive and sustainable development in BotswanaFrom 27 July to 05 August 2013 and under the kind invitation of the Republic of Botswana, Mr Shyamal Majumdar, Head of UNESCO-UNEVOC, and Ms Mmantsetsa Marope, Director of the Division for Basic Learning and Skills Development at UNESCO, undertook an exploratory mission to Gaborone, Botswana. ( more) |
 | 18 July 2013Shanghai Update: Follow-up on the Third International TVET CongressOne year ago, TVET experts from all over the world came to the Third International Congress on TVET in Shanghai, China, to discuss the transformation of TVET. To update on the progress made after one year, the UNESCO Section for TVET and UNESCO-UNEVOC has published the first issue of the ‘Shanghai Update’ newsletter.
( more) |
 | 8 June 20115th African UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Summit at eLearning Africa 2011 ( more) |
 | 10 February 2011Status of TVET Statistical Information System in Africa (in French) ( more) |
 | 23 September 2010elearning Africa 2011 - Call for papers open! Deadline: December 10th, 2010. ( more) |
 | 17 July 2010UNEVOC Sub-regional Meeting in MalawiMalawi hosted a UNVEVOC Sub-regional Meeting on "Innovating TVET, Revitalizing the UNEVOC Network and Enhancing Collaboration and Cooperation in TVET Development through UNEVOC Regional Nodal Centres" in Lilongwe on 13-15 July 2010. ( more) |
 | 10 July 2010UNEVOC Assists CapEFA Implementation in Malawi ( more) |
 | 28 May 20104th African UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Summit ( more) |
 | 18 March 2010Workshop on Revitalizing TVET Provision in ECOWAS Countries ( more) |
 | 18 March 2010Review of the TVET System in Malawi ( more) |
 | 4 June 20093rd African UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Summit at eLearning Africa 2009 ( more) |
 | 21 January 2009UNEVOC Centre in Madagascar receives Award ( more) |
 | 12 January 2009ICTs in TVET in AFRICA: Call for Participation 2009 ( more) |
 | 11 January 2009Case Study: TVET in Kenya First volume in the series of Case Studies of TVET in selected Countries. The Case Study of Kaiboi Technical Training Institute in Eldoret, Kenya provides insight into the development of this TVET institution from an originally stagnant and weak school to a prosperous and well-functioning establishment. ( more) |
 | 1 October 2008UNEVOC Network Meeting identifies Priority Areas for Joint Projects in Southern Africa ( more) |
 | 17 September 20082nd African TVET Summit and the Winners of the ICTs contest. ( more) |
 | 10 May 2008ADEA 2008 Biennale on Post-primary Education ( more) |
 | 11 January 200811-01-2008
ICTs in TVET in Africa: Call for Participation
28 May 2008, Ghana ( more) |
 | 19 July 200719-07-2007
Director of UNEVOC Centre in Tunisia visits UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 22 June 200722-06-2007
Mobile Training Team in Mauritius ( more) |
 | 29 May 200729-05-2007
1st African UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Summit ( more) |
 | 3 May 200720-04-2007
International Congress on Quality Management in Education and Training ( more) |
 | 8 September 2006"Training for Work in the Informal Micro-Enterprise Sector" ( more) |