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International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation

  • Archive Group
  • 1921-1954

The Archive Group is composed of the International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation (IICI) fonds.

International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation

Records of the Comité Français de l'Institut international du cinéma éducatif

Subfonds consists of records of the Comité Français de l'Institut international du cinéma éducatif that were transferred to the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation. The subfonds is arranged into two series: A) Correspondence ...

Comité Français de l’Institut international du cinéma éducatif


Series consists of documentation files with newspaper clippings, typed speeches and other printed or published material gathered by the Comité to document a subject. The series does however extend to 1939, after the Comité was officially dissolve...


Ce dossier comprend des documents et/ou des coupures de presse au sujet du :Ministère de l'Instruction publique (1926-1937)Enseignement technique (1920-1933)Ministère de la Santé publique (1930-1931)Conseil supérieur du Cinéma remplaçant la C...

Correspondance relative aux questions scientifiques, Bibliothèques et Congrès bibliothécaires, Bibliographie, Documentation, Congrès internationaux, Archives

Subseries consists of correspondence relating to: scientific matters; libraries and conferences on librarianship; bibliography; documentation; international congresses; and archives.

International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation. Bibliography and Scientific Relations Section

IICI Documents

Series consists of official documents of the IICI, the International Museums Office and the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation. The original order has been maintained; documents are organized roughly in alpha-numeric order or in ...


1. Statistical Summary of Education2. Explanation of items in blank for reports of state school systems3. Annual report of the commission of patents5. Why standardized Accounting?


1. Commission de contrôle. Rapport2. Statut de la Caisse de prévoyance du personnel. Rapport3. Système de Retraites et de Retenues sur les Traitements4. Rapport adopté par la Commission de contrôle5. Comité de Liquidation Rapport Final


1. Bundesgefekblatt für die Republic Dfterreich2. Research Bulletin of the National Education Association3. Les Nouvelles Statistiques de l'office central de statistique4. Board of Education.

Results 1 to 100 of 21042