UNEVOC Network contacts
UNEVOC Centres are always encouraged to visit UNESCO-UNEVOC’s office in Bonn/Germany if possible (see further information at the bottom of this page).
To send us an email related to the UNEVOC Network, please use the email address unevoc.network(at)unesco.org. Or contact one of the regional contact points within the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre:
UNEVOC regional contact point: unevoc.network.af(at)unesco.org
Arab States
UNEVOC regional contact point: unevoc.network.ar(at)unesco.org
Asia and Pacific
UNEVOC regional contact point: unevoc.network.ap(at)unesco.org
Europe, CIS and North America
UNEVOC regional contact point: unevoc.network.eur-cis-na(at)unesco.org
Latin America and the Caribbean
UNEVOC regional contact point: unevoc.network.lac(at)unesco.org
Contacting staff in national UNEVOC Centres
To contact staff in UNEVOC Centres, please look up the respective contact information in the UNEVOC directory.
Visiting the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre
UN Tower © UNV/ A. Smith |
Street Address
UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
53113 Bonn
Contact Details
Phone: +49 228 8150-100
Fax: +49 228 8150-199
Email: unevoc(at)unesco.org
Office hours and holidays
Monday-Friday 09:00 - 17:30 local time Bonn
Official holidays of the Centre in 2016