UNEVOC Bulletin
English, French, Spanish, Русский, العربية , 中文
The UNEVOC Bulletin is the newsletter of the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre. The Bulletin is a means of the Centre to communicate with individual experts and institutions in the field of TVET. It is also a platform for the UNEVOC Network and other TVET agencies to report on their activities. The Bulletin is published in all UN languages.
You can subscribe to the mail version of the Bulletin by using the sign up form.
Nr 34, December 2018 | PDF
Nr 33, July 2018 | PDF
Nr 32, December 2017 | PDF
Nr 31, September 2017 | PDF
Nr 30, December 2016 | PDF
Nr 29, July 2016 | PDF
Nr 28, December 2015 | online | full-text
Nr 27, September 2014 | online | full-text
Nr 26, April 2014 | online| full-text
Nr 25, December 2013 online | full-text
No 33, July 2018 | PDF
No 30, Diciembre 2016 | PDF
No 29, Julio 2016 | PDF
No 28, Diciembre 2015 en linea | completa
No 27, Septiembre 2014 en linea | completa
No 26, Abril 2014 en linea | completa
No 25, Diciembre 2013 en linea | completa
No 24, Julio 2013 en linea | completa
Nr 23, Abril 2013 online | completa
No 33, Juliet 2018| PDF
No 28, Décembre 2015 en ligne | texte entier
Nr 27, Septembre 2014 en ligne | texte entier
Nr 26, Avril 2014 en ligne | texte entier
Nr 25, Décembre 2013 en ligne | texte entier
Nr 24, Juillet 2013 en ligne | texte entier
Nr 23, Avril 2013 en ligne | texte entier
Nr 22, Décembre 2012 en ligne | texte entier | pdf
Nr 21, Août 2012 en ligne | texte entier | pdf
No 33, July 2018 PDF
No 31, September 2017 PDF
No 30, December 2016 PDF
No 29, July 2016 PDF
Nr 33, July 2018 |
Nr 31, September 2017 |
No 30, December 2016 PDF
Nr 32, July 2018 PDF
Nr 31, September 2017 PDF
Nr 30, December 2016 PDF
Nr 29, July 2016 PDF
The UNEVOC Forum was a series of longer articles in which researchers, policy makers and practitioners from around the world contribute their views on a key issue, concern or prospect regarding TVET.
UNEVOC Forum 15, November 2009:
TVET: A Brief Study of the Role of Enterprises, Government and NGOs (by Stephen Murray)
UNEVOC Forum 14, April 2008:
Is training in developing countries different from training in developed countries? (by Claudio de Moura Castro)
Chinese | English | French | Spanish
UNEVOC Forum 13, April 2008:
Once were warriors: Reintegrating ex-combatants (by Karina Veal)
Chinese | English | French | Spanish
UNEVOC Forum 12, April 2008:
Education and philosophy (by Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber)
Chinese |English | French | Spanish
UNEVOC Forum 11, July 2007:
Modern training approaches in industry — ICTs as tools for work-embedded learning (Michael Haertel)
Chinese | English | French | Portuguese | Spanish (~250 KB)
UNEVOC Forum 10, Dec. 2006:
Innovation and Excellence in TVET Teacher Education (Joachim Dittrich, Pekka Kämäräinen, Philipp Grollmann)
Arabic | English | French | Spanish (~170 KB)
UNEVOC Forum 09, Dec. 2006:
Closing Remarks at the 15th IVETA International Conference, Moscow, Russian Federation, 21-23 August 2006 (Tom McArdle)
Arabic | English | French | Spanish (~170 KB)
UNEVOC Forum 08, Dec. 2005:
The knowledge economy and new nationalism: international and national challenges for mass higher education (Dr David Johnson, Oxford Univ.)
Arabic | English | French | Spanish (~110 KB)
UNEVOC Forum 07, Dec. 2005:
Workers as learners / learners as workers: Why the knowledge society needs a thinking workforce and how to get there? (Peter Smith, UNESCO Paris)
Arabic | English | French | Spanish (~100 KB)
UNEVOC Forum 06, April 2005:
Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Sustainable Development: The Challenges of Implementation
Arabic | English | French | Spanish (~160 KB)
UNEVOC Forum 05, Sept. 2004:
UNESCO Guides Demand-Driven Policy Reform in TVET – Bonn Meeting (Seoul plus Five) to Assess Recent Progress
Arabic | English | French (~100 KB, Arabic: 223 KB)
UNEVOC Forum 04, Sept. 2004:
Technical and Vocational Education and Training and the ‘Triple Bottom Line’ of Sustainable Development
Arabic | English | French (~120 KB, Arabic: 239 KB)
UNEVOC Forum 03, April 2004:
The Oil-for-Food Programme. Some Challenges in Education for Iraq in a Post-Conflict Situation
Arabic | English | French | Spanish (~90 KB, Arabic: 130 KB)
UNEVOC Forum 02, December 2003:
Learning, Training & The World of Work. Challenges facing a rapidly changing Arab World
Arabic | English | French | Spanish (~100 KB, Arabic: 155 KB)
UNEVOC Forum 01, July 2003:
Education for All (EFA) and TVET – Two sides of the same coin? Potential synergies through integration and linkages for Southern Africa
Arabic | English | French | Spanish (~70 KB, Arabic: 100 KB)