"The Reorganisation of Education in China". Letter dated March 15, 1933, addressed by Y.C. James Yen
- FR PUNES AG 1-IICI-C 1933-66
- Item
- 1933
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
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"The Reorganisation of Education in China". Letter dated March 15, 1933, addressed by Y.C. James Yen
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
1st Meeting of Directors of Higher Education - Report of the Institute
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
2nd. Conference of Governmental Press Bureaux and press Representatives
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
3rd Meeting of Directors of Higher Education - Report
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
A method of restauring paintings with the aid of neutral wax
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Annual Surveys and Periodicals for the Scientific Study of International Relations
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Subseries consists of records pertaining to OIM relations with national museum associations. It is arranged into seven files, maintained in their original alpha-numeric order.
Broadcasting - Exchange of gramophone records and other mechanical means of sound reproduction
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Subseries consists of one file pertaining to OIM activities in the field of prints.
Chaine Française, Emissions "Radio-Monde," Service de Radiodiffussion de l'IICI
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
The item consists of transcripts of Shows 12 to 27 of Radio-Monde, a radio broadcast of the IICI.
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Subseries consists of records pertaining to OIM activities concerning chalcography and the exhibition of the engravings. It is arranged into twelve files, maintained in their original alpha-numeric order.
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
China Sub-Committee of the I.C.I.C - Advice and Help to Chinese Students Abroad
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Co-ordination of Secondary Education
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Comité d'experts scientifiques
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Commission internationale des Monuments historiques
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Communiqué 194 - La question des Bourses Post-Universitaires
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Communiqué N° 319 - Mois de la Coopération Intellectuelle
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Communiqué N° 321 - Mois de la Coopération Intellectuelle
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Communiqué N° 322 - Mois de la Coopération Intellectuelle
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Complementary report: Technical Methods of Excavations - The technique of prehistoric excavation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Conference of the American National Committees of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Conférence internationale des Fouilles, Le Caire, 9-15 mars 1937
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Congrès, concours et expositions
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Subseries contains records relating to OIM's activities in relation to international meetings and travelling international exhibitions. It consists of five files arranged according to the orignal alpha-numeric order.
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Subseries consists of records pertaining to OIM activities in the field of conservation. It is arranged into thirty files, maintained in their original alpha-numeric order.
Coordination des Enseignements du second degré
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Series consists of correspondence files arranged into thirteen subseries. The original order and numbering scheme were maintained.
Correspondance de la Section des Sciences historiques et sociales
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Subseries consists of correspondence created by the IICI Section des sciences historiques et sociales on matters relating to historical and social sciences.
International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation. Bibliography and Scientific Relations Section
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Subseries consists of IICI correspondence with National Commissions and Member State Delegations, as well as records on the general business of the IICI's management.
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Subseries consists of correspondence relating to cooperation between universities, the start of the permanent Conference, and students.
International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation. University Relations Section
Correspondance relative aux questions juridiques
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Subseries consists of correspondence created by the IICI Section juridique on diverse legal matters, including international instruments.
Institut international de Coopération intellectuelle. Section juridique
Correspondance relative aux questions littéraires et artistiques
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Subseries consists of correspondence relating to artistic and literary matters.
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Subseries consists of correspondence relating to: scientific matters; libraries and conferences on librarianship; bibliography; documentation; international congresses; and archives.
International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation. Bibliography and Scientific Relations Section
Correspondance relative aux relations diverses entre pays
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Subseries consists of correspondence relating to: member relations; public education; the film studies service; statistics on intellectual matters; school manuals; radio; and international cultural Accords.
Correspondance relative à la Conférence permanente des Hautes Etudes internationales
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Subseries consists of correspondence relating to IICI's activities concerning the Conférence des Hautes études internationales.
International Studies Conference
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Subseries consists of correspondence relating to IICI's publishing and press activities, and relating to the field of journalism.
Correspondance. Lettre de A.H. Foroughi à MM. Salvador de Madariaga et Tsaï-Yuan Pei
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Correspondence relative aux Sciences sociales
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Subseries consists of correspondence relating to IICI activities in the social sciences. Numbering of subsubseries skips from G.III to G.XIX in original inventory.
Correspondence relative à la Pédagogie, Enseignement
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Subseries consists of correspondence relating to IICI's activities concerning: pedagogy; education; the Comité consultatif pour l'enseignement de la Société des Nations; school manuals; educational radio programmes; academic exchanges an...
Danemark - Liste d'Adresses pour la Bibliographie Pédagogique Internationale
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Directeur de l'Institut à Rome
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Subseries consists of one file concerning requests for catalogues for public art sales.
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Series consists of documentation files with newspaper clippings, typed speeches and other printed or published material gathered by the Comité to document a subject. The series does however extend to 1939, after the Comité was officially dissolve...
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Draft International Convention for the Protection of National Collections of Art and History
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Dépositaires des publications de l'IICI - Maruzen Co. Ltd., Tokyo
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Dépositaires des publications de l'IICI - Maskew, Miller Ltd., Capetown
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation