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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Understanding key terms and data related to HIV

    This handbook is a product of a collaborative effort of UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office and members of the Asia-Pacific interagency task team on Young Key Populations who responded to the need for a tool to equip young people who are interested in understanding key terms and data related to HIV. It is designed as a “comic book” and can be translated and used widely in both Asia-Pacific and other regions.This handbook is for young people between the ages of 15 and 24 years old of age who are interested in HIV issues and have some basic math skills. …

  2. HIV and young people who inject drugs. Technical brief

    This technical brief is one in a series addressing four young key populations. It is intended for policy-makers, donors, service-planners, service-providers and community-led organizations. This brief aims to catalyse and inform discussions about how best to provide health services, programmes and support for young people who inject drugs. …

  3. Situational analysis of young people at high risk of HIV exposure in Thailand: Synthesis report

    The main goals of this project are to review the situation of young key affected populations (YKAP) HIV risk behaviours in Thailand, review the present policy and programmatic response for YKAP, identify gaps and promising practices for YKAP, and determine strategic future policy and programming interventions for YKAP. …

  4. National HIV peer education strategy 2012

    The goal of the National Peer Education Strategy is to position peer education as a critical component of HIV prevention programmes targeting KAPs in preventing the transmission of HIV/AIDS. The objectives are: 1. Build national capacity and leadership in both government and civil society to provide peer education to all KAPs in Mauritius; 2. Build support for peer education by strengthening linkages with existing services and networks including law enforcement, civil society organisations, health and welfare workers and other stakeholders; 3. …

  5. Lessons learned from a review of interventions for adolescent and young key populations in Asia Pacific and opportunities for programming

    BACKGROUND: Over a third of new HIV infections globally are among 15-24 year-olds and over 20% among adolescents aged 10-19 years in Asia Pacific. The review was initiated to identify interventions in the region with demonstrated or potential impact for adolescent and young key populations (YKP) looking at the role of individual and structural factors in accessibility and delivery. The review is a component of a more comprehensive review undertaken by UNICEF and partners in the region. METHODS:This was a desk review of over 1000 articles, and 37 were selected. …

  6. Peer education training manual. For the training of peer educators and peer education advisers in secondary schools

    Peer education is a powerful strategy to promote positive behaviour change and improve the life skills of young people. This peer education program builds upon the concepts and life skills first introduced in the Upper Primary Personal Development syllabus. It reinforces and deepens the learning outcomes in Lower Secondary Personal Development. …

  7. Effective approaches for programming to reduce adolescent vulnerability to HIV infection, HIV risk, and HIV-related morbidity and mortality: A systematic review of systematic reviews

    Background: In 2012, an estimated 2.1 million adolescents were living with HIV. Though there are effective interventions to prevent and treat HIV infection, adolescents face specific barriers in accessing them. As a result, new infections and poor outcomes among HIV-infected adolescents are common. HIV programming for adolescents should focus on interventions of proven effectiveness and address underlying factors driving incidence and lack of effective treatment and care in this age group. …

  8. HIV and AIDS education and prevention plan 2008 - 2012. Mid-term review

    In 2008 a 4-year plan for HIV and AIDS Education and Prevention in Ireland was published. The plan aimed to contribute to a reduction in new infections of HIV and AIDS through education and prevention measures. It also aimed to guide and inform the development of policy and services in the statutory and non-statutory sectors with responsibility in this regard. This report presents an update on the progress of the implementation of the actions in the HIV and AIDS Education and Prevention Plan 2008-2012.

  9. Life skills for national development in Lesotho: Can ODL do it?

    Regardless of their diversity in culture, economic conditions and social and political structures, developing countries share a set of common and well defined goals. The introduction of Life skills education at both basic and tertiary education was meant among other things to improve all aspects of the quality education, ensuring equitable access to appropriate learning and facilitating Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDG) initiatives. …

  10. Effectiveness of peer education interventions for HIV prevention in developing countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    Peer education for HIV prevention has been widely implemented in developing countries, yet the effectiveness of this intervention has not been systematically evaluated. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of peer education interventions in developing countries published between January 1990 and November 2006. Standardized methods of searching and data abstraction were utilized. Merged effect sizes were calculated using random effects models. Thirty studies were identified. …

  11. Addressing sexual health and HIV in school. Four initiatives from sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America

    This publication describes three German-supported initiatives in Africa (specifically in Guinea, Mozambique and Tanzania) and one in Latin America (a six-country regional initiative). All integrate sexual health and HIV prevention within school systems. The three African initiatives operate within generalized epidemics driven largely by unprotected sex between men and women. In Latin America general prevalence in the countries described here is well below one percent, and much less among young people. …

  12. A Situation-response analysis of the education sector’s response to HIV, drugs and sexual health in Timor-Leste

    This review of the education sector response to HIV, drugs and sexual and reproductive health in Timor- Leste aimed to examine the present policy and programmatic response in the sector, to identify gaps and to propose recommendations to support the response. The review was carried out mainly through the use of desk research and interviews with stakeholders. The education sector response to HIV, drugs, sexual and reproductive health education has been very limited to date. In summary, while there is low HIV prevalence, there is no room for complacency. …

  13. A situation-response analysis of the education sector response to HIV, drugs and sexual health in Malaysia

    This review aims to describe and analyse the situation regarding the status and scope of the education sector response to HIV, drugs and sexual health. The information collected and reported is intended to provide an overall picture of the education section response to these issues in Malaysia and inform how this can be further strengthened. The results of the study will support strengthened coordination, implementation and scaling-up of education programmes. …

  14. A situation-response analysis of the education sector’s response to HIV, drugs and sexual health in the Philippines

    This study gives an overview of HIV, drug and sexual health education (HDSHE) in the Philippines and analyzes the education sector’s response in six areas: organizational structure; policy, planning and leadership; partnerships, coordination and mainstreaming; program response; monitoring and evaluation; and resource mobilization. …

  15. Final Report on the UNESCO Roundtable Discussion on the Situation and Response Analysis (SRA) to Review the Education Sector’s Response to HIV, Drugs and Sexuality Issues in the Philippines

    The Roundtable Discussion on the Philippine Situation and Response Analysis on HIV, Drugs and Sexuality aimed to present and validate the research findings of the Draft Report on the Philippine Education Sector’s Response to HIV, Drugs and Sexuality prepared by the University of the East and commissioned by UNESCO Jakarta. The results of the study will support the strengthening of coordination, implementation and scale-up of a comprehensive education sector response to HIV and be used as a background document for the development of a strategic plan involving all the stakeholders. …


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