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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights in Europe

    Despite considerable progress, women in Europe continue to face widespread denials and infringements of their sexual and reproductive health and rights. Laws, policies and practices still curtail and undermine women’s sexual and reproductive health, autonomy, dignity, and decision-making and pervasive gender inequality continues to have profound effects on their sexual and reproductive health and rights. Moreover, in recent years, resurgent threats to these rights have emerged jeopardising longstanding commitments to gender equality and women’s rights. …

  2. Women and HIV. A spotlight on adolescent girls and young women

    Gender discrimination and gender-based violence fuel the HIV epidemic. Gender norms in many cultures combined with taboos about sexuality have a huge impact on the ability of adolescent girls and young women to protect their health and prevent HIV, seek health services and make their own informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health and lives.

  3. South Sudan reproductive health strategic plan 2013-16

    Policy Goal: To reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality and improve the reproductive health status of the people of South Sudan through the provision of a universally accessible, quality, integrated, equitable and sustainable comprehensive reproductive health care package. Policy Objectives: 1. To build the capacity at all levels of MOH and partners, in order to deliver quality comprehensive reproductive health services. 2. To establish an equitable resource allocation framework for the RH subsector at all levels. 3. …

  4. National reproductive health policy: Present and future prosperity through safe motherhood and healthy childhood

    The Ministry of Health has developed this National Reproductive Health Policy to provide the appropriate framework and guidance for the promotion and implementation of reproductive health programmes and interventions in the country. The ultimate aim of this policy is to provide an effective national platform for strengthening reproductive health interventions in South Sudan and facilitating the achievement of relevant global, regional and national goals in the interest of improved health, well-being and overall quality of lives of all peoples in the country. …

  5. Reproductive health national strategy and action plan 2010-2015

    The strategy presented in this document is intended for a broad audience of governmental actors, professional associations, institutions, non-governmental organizations, donors and other stakeholders within reproductive health. As a strategy it has been designed to be as clear and brief as possible. It does not provide an exhaustive list of reproductive health issues faced by the Somali people, but seeks to identify key priority areas (i.e. …

  6. National sexual reproductive policy

    This document represents the first National Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy. The goal of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy is to find appropriate solution to the current fragmentation of reproductive health activities and improve the limited impact of existing programs in reducing sexual and reproductive ill health while improving reproductive health and well-being for the PNG population. …

  7. Nationaal Actieplan. Soa, hiv en seksuele gezondheid 2017-2022

    Het Nationale Actieplan soa, hiv en seksuele gezondheid presenteert voor de komende vijf jaar een integrale aanpak waarin een positieve benadering van seksualiteit centraal staat. Uitgangspunt van seksuele gezondheid is dat inwoners van Nederland goed geïnformeerd zijn om hierover verstandige keuzes te maken. Behalve goede preventieve maatregelen moeten zij bij problemen toegang hebben tot laagdrempelige en betaalbare zorg. // The National Action Plan on STIs, HIV and Sexual Health presents an integral approach for the coming five years that is centred around a positive approach to sexuality. …

  8. Programme national promotion de la santé affective et sexuelle

    Dans le cadre du « Programme national - Promotion de la Santé Affective et Sexuelle » au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, le présent plan d’action national pluriannuel (PAN - SAS), fait suite au plan d’action 2013-2016, prolongé jusqu’en 2018 en accord avec tous les ministères concernés.

  9. Norma técnica de atención integral en salud sexual y salud reproductiva para personas con discapacidad

    El Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, a través del Ministerio de Salud, genera políticas integrales de salud y adopta medidas para mejorar la cobertura de los servicios de salud a nivel nacional y para proteger a la población boliviana, incluyendo medidas de prevención, promoción, atención y rehabilitación. En este contexto se está trabajando en cuanto a políticas de salud sexual y salud reproductiva para Personas con Discapacidad. Cabe señalar que esta población ha sido históricamente excluida de los diferentes programas de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva. …

  10. Priorité prévention : Rester en bonne santé tout au long de sa vie. Feuille de route stratégie nationale de santé sexuelle 2018-2020

    La stratégie nationale de santé constitue le cadre de la politique de santé en France. Elle est définie par le Gouvernement et se fonde sur l’analyse dressée par le Haut Conseil de la santé publique sur l’état de santé de la population, ses principaux déterminants, ainsi que sur les stratégies d’action envisageables. La stratégie nationale de santé comporte quatre axes : Axe 1 : Mettre en place une politique de promotion de la santé, incluant la prévention, dans tous les milieux et tout au long de la vie. Axe 2 : Lutter contre les inégalités sociales et territoriales d’accès à la santé. …

  11. Harmonizing the legal environment for adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights: A review of 23 countries in East and Southern Africa

    The study reviews the laws, policies and related frameworks in 23 countries in East and Southern Africa (ESA) that create either impediments to, or an enabling environment for, adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights. The assessment resulted in the development of a harmonized regional legal framework, which translates international and regional legal provisions into useful strategies. It gives recommendations based on applicable core legal values and principles gleaned from a range of conventions, charters, political commitments, guidelines and declarations. …

  12. Situational analysis on the status of the sexual and reproductive health of students in tertiary institutions in the SADC region

    It is a hardy perennial of the university environment that normative consensus around large global issues such as sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is easier to secure than the programmatic requisites. Thus, in principle, tertiary education students are included in international SRHR-related declarations and domestic policies pertaining to the education and health sectors; in practice, there is often a lack of programmatic and policy attention at institutional level, as well as a marked knowledge gap over the status of student’s sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs.

  13. State of world population 2018: the power of choice: reproductive rights and the demographic transition

    The global trend towards smaller families is a reflection of people making reproductive choices to have as few or as many children as they want, when they want. When people lack choice, it can have a long-term impact on fertility rates, often making them higher or lower than what most people desire.

  14. Status of sexual and reproductive health and rights in Zambia: comprehensive sexuality education and adolescents sexual and reproductive health

    This policy brief is Part 2 of a three-part series entitled “Status of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Zambia,” reporting on progress, gaps, and existing challenges in SRH&R; related to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  15. Status of sexual and reproductive health and rights in Zambia: contraception and family planning, preventing unsafe abortion and accessing postabortion care, and maternal health

    This policy brief is Part 1 of a three-part series entitled “Status of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Zambia,” reporting on progress, gaps, and existing challenges in SRH&R; related to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


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