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En 2018, 94 % des lycéens déclarent se sentir bien dans leur établissement. Ce taux est stable depuis 2011, quelle que soit la population interrogée (lycéens ou collégiens). Toutefois, l’indice de climat scolaire connaît une légère baisse qui est en partie due à une opinion un peu moins favorable pour les filles. Le recul des opinions positives se constate pour les questions relatives à la sécurité à l’extérieur du lycée. La nature des violences subies n’a pas changé : les vols de fournitures, les mises à l’écart et les surnoms désagréables sont toujours les atteintes les plus citées. …
Ce numéro spécial de la revue Éducation et formations s’intéresse au climat scolaire et au bien-être à l'école. Ces concepts y sont définis et discutés dans leurs multiples dimensions individuelles et collectives : goût pour l'école, satisfaction professionnelle, relations entre élèves, relations entre enseignants et élèves, rapport aux évaluations, sentiment de sécurité, etc. Ces dimensions sont confrontées aux caractéristiques des individus et des établissements. …
Prévention de l’homophobie et de la transphobie dans les collèges et les lycées
The purpose of the Protocol for the management and reporting of sexual abuse and harassment is to provide schools, districts and provinces with standard operating procedures for addressing allegations, and to specifically detail how schools must respond to reports of sexual abuse and harassment perpetrated against learners, educators and other school staff. Schools are mandated to assist victims of sexual abuse and harassment by following standard reporting procedures and through the provision of appropriate support to learners.
In this white paper we give an overview of the current state of sexuality education with a focus on Europe and developing countries. We start in chapter 1 with a short introduction on the definition of sexuality and sexuality education and will address several views on and approaches to sexuality education worldwide and the current international policy. We mainly focus on comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in schools, although we realise that the scope of sexuality education is broader (for example community based interventions, online information, education by youth workers, etc.). …
The relationship between feeling safe in school and academic achievement differs between boys and girls, and also varies between countries. Educational policymakers are advised to carefully analyze the complex interplay between gender, grade level and national contexts when developing strategies to enhance school safety.
This synthesis report is informed by findings from four individually-developed country briefs on violence on the basis of SOGIE in schools in China, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. It aims to raise awareness and mobilize support for advocacy among educators, research institutions, policy makers and activists at the national and regional levels.
School-related violence in all its forms, including bullying, is an infringement of children’s and adolescents’ rights to education and health and well-being.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) are responsible for monitoring global progress towards water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets. The global effort to achieve sanitation and water for all by 2030 is extending beyond the household to include institutional settings, such as schools, healthcare facilities and workplaces. This joint report is the first comprehensive global assessment of WASH in schools and establishes a baseline for the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) period.
The project set out to develop and pilot a survey tool, which second-level schools can use to evaluate the positivity of their school climate and culture in relation to attitudes towards difference and diversity, with specific reference to LGBT identity. It was envisaged that the tool would be particularly useful in preventing / dealing with homophobic and transphobic bullying.
The full GLSEN 2017 National School Climate Survey report includes information on LGBTQ middle and high school students' experiences, including: hearing biased language, from both students and educators; experiences of harassment and assault; anti-LGBTQ discrimination; effects of a hostile school climate on educational outcomes and psychological well-being; and the availability and utility of supportive school resources. This report also examines demographic and school differences in students’ experiences, as well as changes in school climate over time. …
Violence in and around schools, including bullying, physical attacks and physical fights, undermines learning and has negative physical and mental health consequences. No country can achieve inclusive and equitable quality education if learners experience violence in school.
Under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and its implementing regulations, an institution that receives federal funds must ensure that no student suffers a deprivation of her or his access to educational opportunities on the basis of sex. The Department of Education intends to engage in rulemaking on the topic of schools’ Title IX responsibilities concerning complaints of sexual misconduct, including peer-on-peer sexual harassment and sexual violence. The Department will solicit input from stakeholders and the public during that rulemaking process. …
Este informe presenta la evaluación del Programa de Educación Sexual (PES) realizada durante el segundo semestre del año 2015 y primer semestre de 2016 por la División de Evaluación, Investigación y Estadística (DIEE) del Consejo Directivo Central (CODICEN) de la Administración Nacional de Educación Pública (ANEP), con el apoyo técnico y financiero del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA). …
Access to education is one of the fundamental rights of every child which should be delivered in a conducive and safe learning environment. With the introduction of Universal Primary Education (UPE) and the Universal Secondary Education (USE), the Government of Uganda has greatly improved primary and secondary school enrolment for both girls and boys including those with disabilities. For these programmes to be effective, children need to access quality education in a safe learning environment. …