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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. The fifth South African national HIV prevalence, incidence, behaviour and communication survey, 2017 (SABSSM V)

    The Fifth South African National HIV Prevalence, Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey, (SABSSM V), a population-based cross-sectional survey of households in South Africa, was designed to assess the prevalence and trends of key HIV–related indicators. The survey was conducted between January and December 2017 by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and provides information on national and sub-national progress toward HIV epidemic control in the country. This report summarizes the HIV epidemic and impact of South Africa’s national HIV response.

  2. Love them. Talk about sex. A guide to help parents communicate with their children on sexuality issues

    This booklet is intended for parents who wish to know more about how they can better communicate with their children on sexuality issues. It was jointly produced by the then Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) and Health Promotion Board (HPB), first published in March 2008.

  3. Choose a Future! Issues and Options for Adolescent Girls in southern Africa

    This is a manual for facilitators working with adolescents, generally aged 10–14, to help them address the many situations they encounter at home, school and in their communities. This manual is the beginning of a series that treats topics such as selfimage, setting goals, making plans, gender and family roles and relationships. Choose a Future! currently includes 15 modules and 66 sessions. Each session takes 1 to 2½ hours to complete. Sessions can be completed in weekly meetings or more frequently. The sessions are sequential and build on previous sessions. …


    Improving communication skills module draws teachers' attention to the impact of communication on school climate, teacher-student relations and dynamic of interactions among students. The Module explores different communication styles and how information is transmitted, received and interpreted using body language and non-verbal communciation. Exercises and role plays help teachers improve their communication, stress and anger-management through practice and develop conflict resolution skills.

  5. Making it inclusive: alcohol and drug education in multicultural settings

    When delivering alcohol and drug education in multicultural settings including classrooms, teachers will need to tackle sensitive issues. Not all pupils are comfortable discussing certain topics, and some parents are reluctant to allow their children to explore certain themes. How to ensure pupils receive relevant education, in the context of cultural difference, equality and diversity, which prepares them for the challenges and opportunities they will face throughout their lives? …

  6. Can campus radio and social media mobilise students to rediscover their risk? HEAIDS Future Beats Pilot Project Research Report

    The Higher Education and Training HIV/AIDS Programme (HEAIDS) is a national programme to develop and support the HIV/TB/STI and General Health and Wellness mitigation initiatives at South Africa’s public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges. HEAIDS has introduced an innovative youth development project known as ‘Future Beats’, funded by the German International Cooperation (GIZ) and the DHET. …

  7. Communication strategy on HIV/AIDS and sexual reproductive health for higher education institutions

    This strategy document has eight sections. Section one discusses about the overview of HIV/AIDS and SRH in Ethiopia and in the HEIs; together with the policy environment for education sector activities in the field of HIV/AIDS/STIs/SRH. Section two states the rationale for the communication strategy; while section three provides an overview of environmental scan carried out through SWOT analysis. Section four has details on the major HIV/AIDS and SRH problems, risk factors and underlying causes identified among students of HEIs in the country. …

  8. Investigating the use of social networking sites and their implications for HIV/Aids communication amongst Rhodes University students

    The rise and dominance of social networking sites has generated increasing interest amongst scholars, mainly to understand their nature and the activities supported by these social sites. Studies conducted on social networking sites have generated information on the potential of such sites in boosting revenue-generating businesses, with limited research on how online sites can be used to address the social challenges faced by societies today. This article maintains that online social sites, in particular HIV/Aids-related sites, can possibly be used for HIV/Aids communication. …

  9. Analyse qualitative de l'intégration de l'éducation sexuelle des jeunes dans les médias audio-visuels à Kinshasa en République Démocratique du Congo

    L’éducation sexuelle par les médias de masse contribue positivement à la prévention des infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)/VIH et des grossesses précoces auprès des jeunes. L’objectifs de cette étude sont d’appréhender le niveau d’intégration de l’éducation sexuelle dans les émissions de santé à Kinshasa en République Démocratique du Congo et d’identifier les facteurs facilitant et limitant l’éducation sexuelle des jeunes dans les programmes audio-visuels congolais. …

  10. An innovative approach to using both cellphones and the radio to identify young people’s sexual concerns in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

    Background: As teenagers have easy access to both radio programs and cell phones, the current study used these tools so that young people could anonymously identify questions about sex and other related concerns in the urban environment of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The purpose of this healthcare intervention was to identify and address concerns raised by young people, which are related to sexual health, and which promote youth health. Methods: This healthcare intervention was conducted over a six month period and consisted of a survey carried out in Kinshasa. …

  11. A brief report on the World AIDS Day in Afghanistan 2nd Dec, 2012

    The World AIDS Day (WAD) has been observed each year since 1988 worldwide. Every year, on the first of December, World AIDS Day comes as an opportunity to look back at our commitments, achievements and shortfalls in HIV prevention, treatment and care. It is an opportunity for awareness-raising and advocacy to gain the commitment of the leadership and policy- makers in response to HIV and AIDS and to draw the attention of the general population and the key affected populations and vulnerable groups to adhere to safety precautions and prevent HIV and AIDS. …

  12. Operacionalização do PEN III. Plano operacional de comunicação em HIV e SIDA / 2012

    O Plano Operacional de Comunicação em HIV/SIDA é relativo aos anos 2011 e 2012. Este plano e as matrizes em anexo permitem uma melhor coordenação entre os intervenientes na Resposta ao HIV/SIDA, é um instrumento para criar interligações entre os actores chave, identificar esforços e lacunas, parceiros locais, nacionais e internacionais, tendo em vista uma comunicação eficaz e com impacto. O plano foi elaborado à luz dos documentos estratégicos da Resposta Nacional ao HIV e SIDA.

  13. Parent-child communication about sexual and reproductive health in rural Tanzania: Implications for young people's sexual health interventions

    Background: Many programmes on young people and HIV/AIDS prevention have focused on the in-school and channeled sexual and reproductive health messages through schools with limited activities for the young people's families. The assumption has been that parents in African families do not talk about sexual and reproductive health (SRH) with their children. These approach has had limited success because of failure to factor in the young person's family context, and the influence of parents. …

  14. South Africans take action. Key findings of the third South African National HIV Communication survey, 2012

    The Third South African National HIV Communication Survey (NCS) was jointly conducted by Johns Hopkins Health and Education in South Africa (JHHESA), loveLife and Soul City, with funding from PEPFAR through USAID. The survey was managed by Health and Development Africa and field work was conducted by Freshly Ground Insights. Data analysis was jointly conducted by Health and Development Africa and Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Communication Programs. …

  15. Young people's perspectives on the adoption of preventive measures for HIV/AIDS, malaria and family planning in South-West Uganda: focus group study

    The aim of the study was to explore young people's understanding and knowledge about why protective measures against HIV/AIDS, malaria and unplanned pregnancy are not taken by those at risk in Uganda. The study results were that the participants (all from secondary school in Kanungu Uganda) could identify reasons why preventive action was not taken. These reasons included misconceptions, the inpracticability of abstinence, and fear of side effects of several key interventions. The article argues that there is an apportunity to improve preventive measures by tackling these issues. …


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