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This report provides findings from ERO’s evaluation of how well schools were promoting and supporting student wellbeing through sexuality education. It includes high-level findings, examples of good practice and recommendations for schools and policy audiences. It is accompanied by a series of short publications for whänau, students, and trustees.
This policy brief is Part 2 of a three-part series entitled “Status of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Zambia,” reporting on progress, gaps, and existing challenges in SRH&R; related to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This report brings together a collection of narratives from 20 universities in South Africa looking at how higher education can contribute to the country's HIV response and its impact on young people in particular.
Este informe presenta la evaluación del Programa de Educación Sexual (PES) realizada durante el segundo semestre del año 2015 y primer semestre de 2016 por la División de Evaluación, Investigación y Estadística (DIEE) del Consejo Directivo Central (CODICEN) de la Administración Nacional de Educación Pública (ANEP), con el apoyo técnico y financiero del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA). …
In 2009, UNESCO published the International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education (ITGSE): An evidence-informed approach for schools, teachers and health educators.
UNESCO published the International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education (ITGSE) in 2009. In 2016, they sought an external consultant to update its content to reflect the evidence and lessons learned since the original publication.
Increasing children’s and young people’s knowledge on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is seen as a critical component in reducing a large number of challenges in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA), including HIV and AIDS, teenage marriage, and teenage pregnancy in particular. While access to education remains a challenge for many children in the region, the provision of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in school settings is considered an effective way to educate children and young people on SRHR. …
Family Life and HIV Education (FLHE) programme was introduced nationwide in Nigeria in 2003. Since then little is known about the patterns of its implementation across the states in the six geo-political zones in Nigeria. This study represents an attempt to fill this lacuna in the FLHE literature in Nigeria. Quantitative data was collected from the Federal Ministry of Education and the State Ministries of Education on all salient aspects of FLHE implementation. …
This brief discusses the effectiveness of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in preventing HIV, and lists key findings and recommendations. It concludes that CSE is effective in decreasing HIV risk factors in adolescents and young people, and improving sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in general, including creating demand for SRH services. …
This report outlines the key findings and recommendations of the Sex and Relationships Education Expert Panel. This panel was established by the Cabinet Secretary for Education to help inform the development of the future Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) curriculum in Wales.
School-based adolescent health education programs represent a durable strategy in reducing the spread of HIV because they can leverage pre-existing social and organizational structures to reach large fractions of students at critical life stages. Many evaluations of school-based HIV programs draw on multilevel study designs that assign schools to treatment conditions or assign students to treatment conditions within blocks defined by school membership. …
Resultados de la encuesta nacional "Evaluación sobre la Educación Sexual" aplicada a población general y a estudiantes de secundaria.
This report analyses over 2000 primary and secondary school inspection reports for 2015/16. The report’s main findings are as follows: -SRE was mentioned by inspectors in less than 1% of reports and PSHE in just 14% of reports, fewer than almost all other established subjects, including history (36%), geography (26%), music (31%), and art (31%). -Mentions of sexual health, safe sex, and related topics were almost entirely absent from inspectors’ reports, with only 1% of reports referring to these issues. …
The purpose of this review is to undertake a desktop analysis of all the published work on the integration of HIV and AIDS into the curriculum of higher education. This will determine what has been done in terms of integration; what work has been evaluated as successful; and what lessons have been learnt.
Adolescent pregnancy, particularly unintended pregnancy, can have lasting social, economic, and health outcomes. The objective of this review is to identify high-quality interventions and evaluations to decrease unintended and repeat pregnancy among young people in low- and middle-income countries. PubMed, Embase, PsycInfo, Cinahl Plus, Popline, and the Cochrane Databases were searched for all languages for articles published through November 2015. Gray literature was searched by hand. Reference tracing was utilized, as well as unpacking systematic reviews. …