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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Young persons with disabilities: global study on ending gender-based violence, and realising sexual and reproductive health and rights

    This study contains new qualitative, global research and provides an analysis on the situation of young persons with disabilities concerning discrimination and gender-based violence, including the impact on their sexual and reproductive health and rights. It also provides an assessment of legal, policy and programming developments and specific good practices in service delivery as well as best-standard prevention and protection measures. …

  2. #WhatWomenWant: a transformative framework for women, girls and gender equality in the context of HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights

    The report is based on six months of consultations with adolescent girls and young women around the world. It calls for sustained investment in women-led partnerships and civil society in order to advance gender equality and meet the ambitious targets set in the Sustainable Development Goals.

  3. Strengthening civil society organizations and government partnerships to scale up approaches engaging men and boys for gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights: a tool for action

    This tool is a living document that provides guidance on good partnership practices that promote strong relationships between civil society organizations and government representatives on engaging men and boys in gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Its goal is to strengthen these partnerships in order to enable the scale up and/or institutionalization of evidence-based approaches to engaging men and boys. …

  4. Kigali Declaration: Moving from aspiration to action to prevent and eliminate child, early and forced marriage in the Commonwealth

    This document is the Commonwealth Charter adopted by National Human Rights Institutions and members of the Commonwealth Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (CFNHRI) attending a working session on the imperative to prevent and eliminate child, early and forced marriage, on 5-6 May 2015 in Kigali, Rwanda.

  5. On Course: Mainstreaming gender into national HIV strategies and plans. A Roadmap

    On Course will assist governments, civil society and other HIV actors to make clear, concerted and sustainable efforts to address multi-dimensional gender and human rights issues in their national HIV efforts and support increased capacity to achieve gender equality results. On Course is designed to be used in a multiplicity of HIV strategy and planning contexts, whether standalone, integrated into the health sector plans, or developed as elements of other national plans and process (development plans, poverty reduction plans, gender action plans, etc.).

  6. Being LGBT in Asia: Nepal country report. A participatory review and analysis of the legal and social environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons and civil society

    This report reviews the legal and social environment for LGBT people and organizations in Nepal alongside the discussions and findings from the Nepal National LGBTI Community Dialogue held in Kathmandu in April 2014. It provides an overview of LGBT rights as related broadly to human rights conventions and laws, the legal environment and socio-cultural environment, and religion; and more specifically to education, employment, family affairs, health, media, political affairs and the capacity of LGBT organizations. …

  7. Pacific sexual health and well-being shared agenda 2015-2019

    The Pacific Sexual Health and Well-Being Shared Agenda 2015–2019 (the Shared Agenda) is a visionary document that provides guidance and strategic direction to strengthen the sexual health response in the Pacific region by shifting the focus from a single disease to a rights-based comprehensive approach to sexual health. …

  8. Integrated approach to HIV and water, sanitation and hygiene in Southern Africa. A gap and needs assessment

    This report documents findings of a rapid assessment on existing implementation linkages between HIV responses on one hand, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) on the other, in four southern African countries: Lesotho, Mozambique, Swaziland and Zambia. The review was conducted in July 2014 by consultants commissioned by SAfAIDS and WaterAid. This rapid assessment is a forerunner of a number of pilot activities to be conducted in Lesotho, Mozambique, Swaziland and Zambia to explore how HIV and WASH can be better integrated.

  9. UNESCO’s Response to Ebola

    The latest outbreak of Ebola in West Africa has been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the ‘most severe public health emergency seen in modern times’. However, its impact has gone beyond health, affecting every part of society, impeding the delivery of basic services, affecting economic sustainability of individuals and countries, and jeopardizing social cohesion. UNESCO has a key role to play in the global response. …

  10. National dialogues on HIV and the law: A practical manual for UNDP regional HIV teams and country offices

    This manual provides guidance on planning and holding a National Dialogue on HIV and the Law. It highlights key principles, processes, best practices and lessons learned from Regional Dialogues held by the Global Commission on HIV and the Law in 2011, and from countries that have already held a National Dialogue to advance the recommendations of the Global Commission. The manual includes links to practical tools that may be adapted to a specific country context, as well as other resource materials. …

  11. Sexual behavior among persons living with HIV in Uganda: Implications for policy and practice

    Introduction: HIV epidemics are sustained and propagated by new cases of infection which result from transmission from infected persons to uninfected susceptible individuals. People living with HIV (PLHIV) play a critical role in prevention if they adopt safer sexual behaviors. This study estimated the prevalence of and factors associated with safer sexual behaviors among PLHIV seeking care from civil society organizations (CSOs). …

  12. A post-2015 development agenda: Lessons from governance of HIV responses in Asia and the Pacific

    The purpose of this report is to describe experiences and lessons learned from governance of HIV responses in Asia and the Pacific to inform discussions and debates regarding the post-2015 development agenda. Chapter 1 includes: an overview of progress towards achievement of the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) and HIV epidemic trends and in Asia and the Pacific; key features of democratic governance incorporated into HIV responses in Asia and the Pacific; and ongoing governance challenges for HIV responses in the region. …

  13. Nurturing enabling environments for culturally appropriate HIV and AIDS policies through informed public dialogue the case of Botswana and Zambia

    As part of UNESCO’s strategy to respond to the global HIV and AIDS epidemic, the Culture, HIV and AIDS program works to support the development of culturally appropriate policies and programming that are gender-responsive, human-rights based and built on a thorough analysis of the cultural and social specificities of those communities concerned. UNESCO’s ‘official’ definition of culture as contained in the UNESCO Mexico City Declaration on Cultural Policies (1982) reads as following: “a set of distinctive spiritual and material, intellectual and emotional characteristics which define a soci …

  14. Politique nationale de lutte contre le VIH et le Sida au Togo : Vision 2020

    Les principaux objectifs de la politique sont : intensifier les interventions de prévention de la transmission du VIH et des IST ; Améliorer la prise en charge des personnes infectées et affectées par le VIH/SIDA ; Réduire l’impact socio-économique du VIH/SIDA ; Promouvoir les droits humains dans la riposte nationale ; Promouvoir la recherche afin de générer l’information stratégique ; Renforcer la coordination de la réponse multisectorielle et la bonne gouvernance.

  15. Pressbook. Lancement et validation du plan stratégique multisectoriel de lutte contre le Sida - 3-ème génération (2014-2017)

    Revue de presse du CNLS regroupant des articles sur les thèmes du "Lancement et validation du Plan stratégique multisectoriel de lutte contre le Sida - 3-ème Génération (2014-2017)" et du "Lancement campagne nationale de lutte contre le sida".


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