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The HIV and social protection assessment tool is used for a quick scan of existing social protection programmes and their sensitivity (or lack of) to the HIV response in a given country and location. Additional follow-up and research that engages the different critical actors, including HIV programme managers, social protection administrators, beneficiaries and civil society representatives, may be necessary in some contexts. The assessment provides countries and communities with tailored analysis on HIV and social protection. …
Social protection is high on the HIV-prevention agenda for youth in sub-Saharan Africa. However, questions remain: How do unconditional cash transfers work? What is the effect of augmenting cash provision with social care? And can “cash plus care” social protection reduce risks for adolescents most vulnerable to infection? This study tackles these questions by first identifying mediated pathways to adolescent HIV risks and then examining potential main and moderating effects of social protection in South Africa.
The purpose of the Indicator handbook present an explicit explanation to all HIV/AIDS M&E; practitioners regarding how the M&E; system for HIV/AIDS in Uganda works. In addition, this NSP Indicator Handbook provides a comprehensive listing of indicators for the national HIV/AIDS response as well as their definitions to ensure consistency in measuring and reporting against the indicators. The specific objectives of this Handbook are to: i) Provide a compilation of the National HIV/AIDS NSP indicators in a single volume. …
The National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan 2015/2016 – 2019/2020 (NSP) was developed to guide implementation of the multi-sectoral response. It provides strategic actions aimed to address the gaps and challenges identified in the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan 2011/2012—2014/2015. The purpose of this NPAP is aimed to serve the following: 1. …
China has ratified major international documents with regard to children’s rights protection. China’s domestic legislation also provides protection for a wide range of children’s rights. The reality, however, is disputable. Few accurate statistics could be obtained directly from the official source. In practice, enforcement of the treaty obligations and the legislative declarations remains a huge problem.
La Stratégie nationale de la jeunesse autochtone sur le VIH et le sida au Canada sert de guide et offre une approche globale pour les peuples autochtones du Canada, afin de diminuer les taux élevés du VIH et du sida, en particulier chez les jeunes autochtones. La SNJAVSC a été élaborée grâce aux conseils et aux suggestions des jeunes engagés, qui siègent au Conseil national de la jeunesse autochtone sur le VIH et le sida. Le succès de la SNJAVSC dépend de la collaboration avec le RCAS et ses partenaires et de la participation significative continue des jeunes autochtones du Canada dans l'élaboration des décisions, de la politique, de la programmation, de l'éducation et des approches liées aux questions du VIH et du sida. Les points forts et les déterminants sociaux de la santé des jeunes autochtones ont été exposés dans des approches basées sur les droits de l’homme et sur la diminution des effets négatifs. Lors de la mise en pratique de la SNJAVSC, il est fortement recommandé de mettre en oeuvre ses stratégies, ses objectifs et ses buts. Plus important encore, une approche intégrée, collaborative, culturellement pertinente et adaptée aux jeunes est au coeur de la réussite de la SNJAVSC. Cette stratégie est délivrée par le RCAS, avec des orientations et des conseils émis par des jeunes autochtones, afin d’améliorer la santé et le bien-être des personnes atteintes et affectées par le VIH et le sida au Canada.
With improved accessibility to life-prolonging antiretroviral therapy, the treatment and care requirements of people living with HIV and AIDS resembles that of more established chronic diseases. As an increasing number of people living with HIV and AIDS in Kenya have access to ART, the primary caregivers of poor resource settings, often children, face the challenge of meeting the requirements of rigid ART adherence schedules and frequent relapses. …
Zimbabwe, like most of Sub-Saharian Africa, has been hard-hit by HIV/AIDS. National estimates reported by the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare put the prevalence rates of HIV in the age group between 15 and 49 at 15.3% (WHO, UNICEF, & UNAIDS, 2008). This is one of the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in the world (UNAIDS, 2008). The impact of the pandemic has been so severe that current mitigation efforts fall short of alleviating the situation, especially as it pertains to the plight of children. …
A third of sub-Saharan Africa’s (SSA) population comprises persons aged 10–24 years. These youth are growing up in a context marked by pervasive poverty, limited educational opportunities, high HIV/AIDS prevalence, widespread conflict, and weak social controls. Published research on the broad issues that affect youth health and wellbeing in SSA is limited and centers heavily on sexual and reproductive health. …
Nearly half of the world's population, some 3 billion people, is under the age of 25. As the largest generation ever of young people, investments in their health and well-being are crucial so they can make a positive transition into adulthood and fully contribute to the economic and social development of their families, communities and nations. But in order to develop strategies and mobilize financial resources to support adolescent and youth development, decisionmakers need reliable, up-to-date demographic, health, education and socioeconomic data about young people. …
This regional issues brief was prepared for the Africa Regional Dialogue of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law which took place on 4 August 2011 in Pretoria, South Africa. The brief examines legal responses to children and HIV in Africa including: Prohibiting discrimination; Access to treatment; Access to sexual and reproductive rights; Access to HIV information and education; Access to harm reduction measures; Guardianship, property rights and social protection.
Around the world, 5 million young people are living with HIV. Most live in the Global South in countries that lack the resources to meet their needs. They face widespread stigma in a world that still often misunderstands HIV and fears or blames those who have it – and the majority of HIV-positive youth are women, placing them at an even greater societal disadvantage in many countries. This brief provides an overview of HIV-positive youth: who is infected, treatment options and challenges, needs of positive youth, stigma and programs.
On any given day, more than one billion children around the world attend school. Many of these children enjoy their right to be taught in a safe and stimulating environment. For many others, however, schooling does not guarantee such opportunity. These girls and boys are exposed to bullying, sexual and gender-based violence, corporal punishment and other forms of violence with or without the approval of education authorities. Many are also exposed to schoolyard fighting, gang violence, assault with weapons, and sexual and gender-based violence by their own peers. …
In this report, the fifth in a series of regional thematic reports produced for a study on social protection and children in West and Central Africa, we focus on children’s vulnerabilities and risks related to an absence of protection from violence, abuse and neglect, and the ways in which measures to address such vulnerabilities and risks can be more effectively integrated into social protection policy frameworks. Many of the vulnerabilities identified stem from social factors such as family violence, break-up or illness and death (e.g. …
This manual is intended to be used primarily to train about the rights of people living with HIV (PLHIV), people affected by HIV and key affected populations as well as about the remedies available to protect those rights in Viet Nam. …