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China has ratified major international documents with regard to children’s rights protection. China’s domestic legislation also provides protection for a wide range of children’s rights. The reality, however, is disputable. Few accurate statistics could be obtained directly from the official source. In practice, enforcement of the treaty obligations and the legislative declarations remains a huge problem.
This article addresses a particular area of research in the field of education and child protection: the protective role of schools in the contexts of HIV/AIDS and poverty. Such adverse situations may lead children not to enroll in school or to drop out of school and subsequently to be subjected to abusive child labor and, in some cases, the worst forms of child labor (WFCL). …
This report presents the difficulties faced by girls, their families, communities and teachers across Africa, and how their experience of education is impacted and influenced by policies, cultural practices and traditional values.
This National Program of Action (NPA) for children in Pakistan has developed set targets and indicators to assess progress towards the achievement of the Goals and will also envisage a process of monitoring progress towards the achievement of the Goals through the development of a system to measure changes in the status of the indicators. …
This National Plan of Action has been developed with broad input from government, civil society, including NGOs and children, and international development partners. It draws on the recommendations and lessons learned from the Situation and Response Assessment and the mapping of OVC impact mitigation services that were developed in the first half of 2007. …
The goal of OVC services in an effort to improve the general wellbeing of OVC. The objectives of the OVC Standard Service Delivery Guidelines include: To provide key OVC stakeholders with Standard Service Delivery Guidelines and an 1. implementation guide; To harmonize OVC service delivery thereby increasing access to and quality of care and 2. support; and to contribute to an OVC data management system for OVC issues. The OVC Standard Service Delivery Guidelines document has three parts. The first part deals with the background, guiding principles, and implementation at different levels. …
This mapping exercise was conducted because impact mitigation, and particularly support to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), is seen as one of the "unfinished agendas" for the country and a top priority in the HIV and AIDS response. It has been conducted alongside a Situation and Response Assessment and estimate of the OVC population, so that together they can be used to analyse coverage and identify geographical and programmatic gaps and priority areas. …
This report was commissioned by the National Orphans and Vulnerable Children Multisectoral Task Force (NOVCTF) as a background study to inform the development of a Multisectoral National Plan of Action. The Task Force priorities for 2007 were to conduct a national assessment of responses to mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS on children and develop and implement a national plan to guide efforts to mitigate the impact of the HIV epidemic on children. …
Officially launched in January 2004, the German-Burkinabe Sexual Health and Human Rights Programme (PROSAD) was chosen for write-up in the German HIV Practice Collection because, over the years, it has become a uniquely sustained, comprehensive and results-driven effort to protect and empower women, youth and children. It has helped raise their own and public awareness of their human rights, including their sexual and reproductive rights, and has provided them with a range of services and mechanisms that allow them to take advantage of those rights.
The Sourcebook documents 12 cases in 6 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa - Kenya, Rwanda, Swaziland, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, and Zambia - that represent a wide range of approaches designed to address the educational rights and needs of orphans and vulnerable children. The single unifying feature of all of the cases was each intervention's goal of assisting children to exercise their right to education as guaranteed in article 28 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Ensuring social protection for vulnerable people is a goal of MKUKUTA (the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty) in Tanzania, and children are commonly considered to be among the most vulnerable. REPOA has been involved in analytic work on the vulnerability of children, in part to provide evidence for Government's efforts to develop a national framework for social protection. This special paper synthesises the analysis and draws some conclusions based on this and closely related work.
This report is aimed at providing an overview of the situation of children in South Africa, with a focus on the nonfulfilment and violation of children's rights as formulated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). The assessment utilises evidence drawn from available literature and interviews with key actors in the South African child rights arena. Based on the opinions of these key respondents, the report provides an overview of key role players in the field, followed by suggestions for possible areas for intervention by international aid agencies. …
This publication looks at children who are vulnerable to HIV infection, providing services to mitigate this vulnerability and to assist those who have already acquired HIV. To explore this, the authors spoke to more than 1,000 children and adolescents aged 8 to 20 years living in communities severely affected by war and displacement, child trafficking, or high HIV mortality - communities in which the social safety net had been severely disrupted. …
Poverty and limited access to health care, education, and paid employement create situations that make young people most vulnerable to HIV infection. This paper examines the importance of developing strategies to involve young people in income-generating activities to fight HIV and AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. These strategies support young people in gaining important skills and earning income to reduce their own poverty. The strategies also help foster a sense of hope and purpose in young people as they contribute to addressing this social problem. …
Despite the critical importance of addressing school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV), there is limited understanding of both the depth and breadth of such violence, and the causes and consequences for children and society. This report reviews the literature on school-related gender-based violence in developing countries in an effort to improve understanding of its causes, prevalence, and consequences. This is a synthesis and analysis of literature on SRGBV and an introduction to interventions that are addressing the problem. …