File contains the documents of the 11th Session of the General Assembly, held in Rome 21-24 June 1982. File also contains correspondence regarding the Session.
File contains the documents of the 12th Session of the General Assembly, held in Rome 3-6 December 1984. File also contains correspondence relating to the session.
File contains the documents of the 13th Session of the General Assembly, held in Rome 23-27 September 1986. File also contains correspondence relating to the session.
File contains documents from the 3rd Extraordinary Session of the IBI Executive Council held in Rome, from 3-4 June 1986. The file also contains correspondence concerning the meeting dating from 17 April to 16 July 1986.
File contains the documents of the 3rd Extraordinary Session of the General Assembly, held in Rome 22-24 April 1985. File also contains correspondence relating to the session.
File contains documents from the 48th Session of the IBI Executive Council held in Rabat (Morocco), from 12-14 April 1983. The file also contains correspondance about the meeting dating from 10 December 1982 to 21 June 1983.
File contains documents from the 49th Session of the IBI Executive Council held in Rome, from 27-29 October 1983. The file also contains correspondence concerning the meeting dating from 11 July 1983 to 30 November 1983.
File contains documents from the 4th Extraordinary Session of the IBI Executive Council held in Rome, from 24-26 February 1987. The file also contains correspondence concerning the meeting dating from 2 February to 5 March 1987.
File contains the documents of the 4th Extraordinary Session of the General Assembly, held in Rome 15-19 December 1986. File also contains correspondence relating to the session that spans from 20 November 1986 to 9 February 1988.
File contains documents from the 50th Session of the IBI Executive Council held in Rome, from 12-14 April 1984. The file also contains correspondence concerning the meeting dating from 2 February - 4 June 1984.
File contains documents from the 51st Session of the IBI Executive Council held in Rome, from 29-30 November 1984. The file also contains correspondence concerning the meeting dating from 23 July 1983 to 18 December 1984.
File contains documents from the 52nd Session of the IBI Executive Council held in Rome, from 17-19 April 1985. The file also contains correspondence concerning the meeting dating from 28 January to 21 October 1985.
File contains documents from the 53rd Session of the IBI Executive Council held in Rome, from 22-24 October 1985. The file also contains correspondence concerning the meeting dating from 28 August to 12 March 1986.
File contains documents from the 54th Session of the IBI Executive Council held in Rome, from 12-14 March 1986. The file also contains correspondence concerning the meeting dating from 18 December 1985 to 4 August 1986.
File contains documents from the 55th Session of the IBI Executive Council held in Rome, from 3-5 December 1986. The file also contains correspondence concerning the meeting dating from 20 February 1986 to 20 February 1987.
File contains documents from the 56th Session of the IBI Executive Council held in Rome, from 27-30 July 1987. The file also contains correspondence concerning the meeting dating from 30 January to 12 August 1987.
File contains documents from the 57th Session of the IBI Executive Council held in Rome, from 17-20 November 1987. The file also contains correspondence concerning the meeting dating from 23 September to 16 December 1987.
File contains correspondence regarding the 5th Extraordinary Session of the General Assembly, held in Rome 27-29 April 1988. The official documents from this Session are missing.
The Archive Group has three fonds:Archives of the Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics (IBI)Archives of the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies (ICPHS / CIPSH)Part of the archives of the African Training and Research Ce...
Subfonds consists of four series:IBI/6/1 Reference documentsIBI/6/2 External Relations serviceIBI/6/3 Memos and mission reportsIBI/6/4 Correspondance of the Director-General
Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics. Cabinet of the Director General
The Committee for the Revision of the IBI Convention (REVCO) was an ad hoc committee of the IBI General Assembly. The Committee was convoked when a new revision of the Convention was being discussed. The subseries in particular contains example...
The file contains REVCO meeting documents such as minutes, comments and suggestions, final reports, work schedules, participant lists, and other informatin documents.
The Consultative Programme and Budget Committee was created by the 53rd Session of the IBI Executive Council. It held its first meetings on 27-28 February 1986 in Rome. The purpose of the Committee was to analyze proposals for programme activiti...