This is a collection of TVET-related publications and resources from UNESCO-UNEVOC, other UNESCO entities, and members of the UNEVOC Network.
recently added:
I'd blush if I could 2019, 146 pages
TVET Country Profile Kuwait 2019, 12 pages
TVET Country Profile Nigeria 2019, 16 pages
TVET Country Profile Saudi Arabia (in Arabic) 2019, العربية, 12 pages
TVET Country Profile Saudi Arabia 2019, 16 pages
UNESCO-UNEVOC Skills for Innovation Hubs Launch Meeting summary 2019, 12 pages
UNEVOC Network Collaborative research: Community engagement in TVET Publisher: Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles, Canada 2019, 60 pages
UNEVOC Network Collaborative research: Work-based Learning as a Pathway to Competence-based Education Publisher: Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) 2019, 334 pages
UNESCO-UNEVOC Virtual Conference: Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage through TVET Conférence virtuelle UNESCO-UNEVOC: Sauvegarder le patrimoine culturel immatériel à travers l’EFTP 2019, 16 pages
UNESCO-UNEVOC Virtual Conference: Innovation in TVET 2019, 12 pages
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