About the TVeT Forum
A global TVET community
The UNESCO-UNEVOC TVeT Forum is an online discussion board where TVET experts from around the world can share information and knowledge about different aspects of TVET.
In the TVeT Forum, participants have the opportunity to
- discuss relevant issues for TVET policy-makers, researchers and practitioners;
- announce international conferences and workshops;
- inform colleagues on publications and other resources;
- inquire for materials that would be useful for their work, and that may be available abroad, e.g. curriculum materials, samples of legal texts, etc.;
- find partners for international cooperation in research and development.
In order to participate in the TVeT Forum you need a UNEVOC account. After creating an account and logging in you will have full access to all TVeT Forum messages.
Once you have subscribed to the mailing list, you will receive TVeT Forum messages via e-Mail. There are two options: a daily digest or a full-text subscription. Or you participate via the online interface only. On average, more than 100 messages are shared every month - each of them reaches more than 5,000 TVeT Forum members from more than 180 Countries (see Members).
Membership map
Number of TVeT Members per Country![]() |
Help and FAQ
Answering TVeT Forum messages
The easiest way to reply to a TVeT Forum posting is to use the online interface. Make sure you are logged in, open a thread and reply to a message by clicking the "reply" button at the bottom of the message. If you are subscribed to the full-text digest, you can also reply via E-Mail. Make sure the message goes to unevoc.tvet-forum(at)unesco.org
I sent a message via e-mail, but it does not appear online
Make sure your message was sent to unevoc.tvet-Forum(at)unesco.org. Note that the TVeT Forum is a moderated forum. Your message will thus first go to the small moderators team who will check it and publish it if it is in line with the terms of use of the forum. There may be a delay of a couple of hours or in some cases (holidays, weekend) even a day or two. Feel free to inquire by sending an email message to the above address if you sent a message that has not been disseminated.
I do not receive messages
There are cases where receiving servers classify TVeT Forum messages as spam. We try to contact you in such cases, but if our mail does not get through we have to unsubscribe you. Either use a different mail address (e.g. private) or use the online interface instead.
I unsubscribed, but I still receive messages
If that is the case, please send an email to unevoc.TVeT-Forum(at)unesco.org and explain the problem so we help to get you off the list.
Following the TVET Forum via rss feed or Twitter
An TVeT Forum rss feed is available at http://www.unevoc.unesco.org/unevoc_forum.xml. You will see only the titles of new threads. To read the actual messages, you will have to log in using your UNEVOC account, which will remain functional even after unsubscribing from any mail digest subscriptions. For more information about rss feeds, see http://www.whatisrss.com
The UNEVOC Twitter feed at http://www.twitter.com/unevoc also announces new TVeT Forum topics.
What TVeT Forum digest options exist?
You can either subscribe to a daily digest which gives a summarized overview, or you subscribe to the full-text version. In this case you will receive one message per day and per thread with all messages disseminated since the previous dissemination. To select your preferred option, please update your profile accordingly.
You can also follow the TVeT Forum via newsfeed (rss) or via Twitter, see above for both options.
I would like to have messages translated
If you wish to follow the TVeT Forum in alternative languages, you can use the automatic translation feature in the online message interface (after logging in). You can have the message translated into any of the 5 UN languages besides English: Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish. Due to the questionable quality of automatic translations, this may or may not help in understanding the message.
Support and Feedback
Please address your questions and any other feedback directly to the see above, list managers at unevoc.TVeT-Forum(at)unesco.org.
Terms of Use and guidelines
In the TVeT Forum, participants have the opportunity to
- discuss issues that are relevant for policy-makers, researchers and practitioners in technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET);
- announce international conferences and workshops;
- inform colleagues on publications and other resources;
- inquire for materials that would be useful for their work, and that may be available abroad, e.g. curriculum materials, samples of legal texts, etc.;
- find partners for international cooperation in research and development;
- take part in virtual conferences moderated by experts in the various areas of TVET.
- If you participate in a discussion, you are responsible for ensuring that any material you post to the UNEVOC TVeT Forum (text, images, or any other multimedia content) does not violate or infringe upon the copyright, patent, trademark or any other personal or proprietary rights of any third party, and is posted with the permission of the owner of such rights.
- You agree that UNESCO-UNEVOC distributes your message to all TVeT Forum members and makes it available on the online platform.
- All messages must contain the accurate name and electronic mail address of the participant.
- All messages should contribute new ideas, and must not repeat previously posted material. Otherwise they may be rejected. The same applies for general requests for support or messages that are posted with a commercial purpose.
- To maintain a high quality content, the Moderator may remove messages which stray from the topic or do not contribute new ideas. The Moderator may contact TVeT Forum members by email to propose changes in their messages in order to conform to the terms of use.
- While anyone can view thread titles, only TVeT Forum members who are signed in can access the full text of messages.
- All discussion content reflects the views of individual members only and does not represent the views held by the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre.
- When participating in a virtual conference, you give the permission to have your name published in the participants list (as an annex to the synthesis report) unless otherwise stated.
Guidelines for contributions
The below indicators may be helpful particularly for new members of the forum, especially when it comes to opening threads. Please keep in mind that the chances of getting helpful and valuable feedback are better if you keep the following criteria in mind when posting messages to the TVeT Forum. Your message should be:
- Specific: Who are you, where are you based and why are you posting on the TVeT Forum?
- Contextualised: What previous information/events have informed your post? What background information can you provide?
- Answerable: How do you want other TVeT Forum members to answer your question (provide literature or case studies, give helpful feedback, etc.)?
- Relevant: How is your post relevant to TVET and interesting to the TVeT Forum?
- Targeted: What do you hope to find out by posting on the TVeT Forum? What are some of your targets?
Contacting the Forum moderators
If you have questions about the TVeT Forum, or if you have problems accessing your account, the forum moderators will be glad to assist you. Please feel free to get in touch at unevoc.tvet-forum(at)unesco.org
For general feedback, please let us know through the feedback form