Moderator-driven TVeT Forum conferences
Our moderator-driven discussions seek to promote focused discussions on crucial themes in TVET development and aim to gather valuable input from the TVeT Forum community.
Most recent conference

Virtual Conference 25 February to 1 March 2019
Introduction | Messages | Participants
Virtual conference on ‘Innovation in TVET'
Moderated by Jan Peter G. de Otero
- When 25 February to 1 March 2019
- Language English (participation in other languages is welcome)
- Download the background note
These changes represent a great challenge to technical and vocational education and training (TVET) systems, driving them to improve their capacity to adapt to the future demand of skills.
Current developments suggest that many types of innovative practices have already been developed or deployed in TVET systems all over the world. However, despite international recognition of the important role that innovative practices can play to transform TVET, literature on the topic of innovation in TVET is limited.
In order to provide a better understanding on this topic, this virtual conference will explore what is meant by innovation in the TVET sector and its implications. It offers the opportunity for TVET stakeholders to share experiences, discuss the different roles of TVET in systems of innovation, the use of innovation approaches to improve the quality of TVET, as well as identifying the main barriers for innovation in TVET.
Intended outcomes
The intended outcomes of the conference are for participants to:
- Describe different types of innovation and recognize potential positive and negative impacts of innovations in the economy and society;
- Recognize innovation in TVET from four dimensions: products and services, processes, organizational practice, and external relations;
- Appreciate the internal and external perspectives of innovation in TVET;
- Identify the different roles of TVET in processes of innovation development;
- Understand different uses of innovations in ICTs and TVET management to the quality of TVET;
- Understand the main barriers for innovation in TVET.
The virtual conference will mainly discusses five topics. These topics will be ‘opened’ for discussion on the following days:
- Monday, 25 February - What is innovation in TVET? Why is innovation in TVET important?
- Tuesday, 26 February - What are the roles of TVET systems in the local and national dynamics of innovation development?
- Wednesday, 27 February - How can innovations in ICT help to improve the quality of TVET?
- Thursday, 28 February - How can innovations in TVET management help to improve the quality of TVET?
- Friday, 01 March - What are the main barriers to innovation in TVET?
Join the virtual conference
Please sign up here to join the virtual conference
You will need to have a UNEVOC account to sign up. You can register for a UNEVOC account here.
The virtual conference will be in English. However, participants speaking participants can use the built-in translation feature to follow discussions and to contribute in their languages.
Contribute to the survey on innovation in TVET
The virtual conference forms part of a wider research project on innovation in TVET conducted by UNESCO-UNEVOC. The results of the virtual conference will guide and be reflected in the research project outcomes.
The virtual conference also compliments an ongoing survey on innovation in TVET. Please take the time contribute to the survey here:
For more information on the survey, please read this Questionnaire Briefing note.
Overview Virtual Conferences
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Before the previous series of virtual conferences, a conference was held in 2007 on Greening TVET.
Two pathways, one destination - TVET for a sustainable future (22 Oct-10 Nov 2007)
Virtual conference on TVET for sustainable development | Final report (pdf)