About TVETipedia Glossary
TVETipedia is an online glossary of terms commonly used in Technical and Vocational Education and Training. Initially launched in 2009 as an open wiki following the model of wikipedia, it was reconceptualized in 2013 to cater to the growing need for a high-quality common TVET glossary. The need for such a glossary was one of the issues discussed by the users of the UNEVOC TVeT Forum. This inspired UNESCO-UNEVOC to develop an international TVET glossary which represents a global and central repository of common TVET terms and their definitions.
The TVETipedia glossary synthesizes existing glossaries worldwide by extracting general TVET terms and indicating country or region specific use of terms. Some of the used glossaries were provided by TVeT Forum users, others were selected by the UNESCO-UNEVOC team who conducted a worldwide research. The TVETipedia glossary contains currently about 1000 terms and their definitions.
The following list of educational glossaries includes those glossaries used for TVETipedia but as well further interesting glossaries in different languages. The respective number of definitions used for TVETipedia you will find when clicking on one of the glossaries and looking at its description.
Glossary: Glossary of selected Terminology: The labour market And vocational education and training Occupational safety and health The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Published: , English
Requested the Ministry of labour of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan – as one of the activities of the project
People executed by the international training centre, Turin, ILO-from
The international training centre of the labour market terms glossary.
The international training centre in collaboration with the local expert is Ahmed Mustafa preparation
Glossary in consultation with beneficiaries and used him.The expert charged with contact with the concerned authorities in Jordan, especially the following authorities:
-Ministry of labour.
-Department of statistics.
-National Centre for human resources development/Al Manar-information system project development resources
Glossary: Open and distance learning: key terms and definition
Organisation: Common Wealth of Learning

Published: 2015, English
This document identifies and defines several key terms related to Open and Distance Learning (ODL). Terms and definitions are current as of June 2015.
Glossary: Glossary of Key Terms on Learning and Training for Work
Organisation: International Labour Organization (ILO)

Published: 2006, English
Glossary: Glossary of terms used in the international survey of VET systems
Organisation: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Published: 2009, English
(Glossary starting p. 107)
"This report sets out some practical steps that countries can take in partnership with employers. [...] [It] is linked to 17 individual country studies [...][that] illustrate the rich international diversity in vocational systems"
Glossary: Glossary of Key terms in Evaluation and results-based management
Organisation: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Published: 2002 (republished in 2010), English, French, Spanish
Evaluation is a field where development partners – often with widely differing linguistic backgrounds – work together and need to use a common vocabulary. [...] The selection of terms and their definitions in the attached glossary have been carefully discussed and analysed and have benefited from advice and inputs, notably from DAC [Development asistance committee] Members and the academic evaluation community.
Glossary: Terminology of Technical and Vocational Education
Organisation: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Published: 1984, Arabic, English, French, Russian, Spanish
This publication is a practical terminology in the field of technical and vocational education for the purposes of international communication. After use of the original English/French version for over five years in numerous regional and international meetings, conferences, seminars and workshops held in those two languages, it was felt that publication of the guide in additional international languages would permit Unesco to contribute further to a better understanding in Member States of the Revised Recommendation concerning Technical and Vocational Education (1974), would facilitate the implementation of this instrument and would foster a more effective exchange of information in the field of technical and vocational education.
Glossary: IBE Glossary of Curriculum Terminology
Organisation: UNESCO International Bureau of Education

Published: 2013, English
The main purpose of the UNESCO IBE Glossary of curriculum-related terminology is not to establish standard universally applicable definitions. Rather, it is intended to be a working reference tool that can be used in a range of activities and help to stimulate reflection among all those involved in curriculum development initiatives.
Based on the feedback to the consultation document, a new version of the Glossary has been prepared. The final document has been further revised by a small editorial team comprising: Mr Massimo Amadio and Ms Ruth Creamer, UNESCO IBE; Ms Dakmara Georgescu, Programme Specialist, UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in the Arab States and Cluster Office (Beirut); Mr Jan Berkvens; Mr Alexandru Crisan (Romania), Lead Education Consultant, World Bank and Kuwait Government Partnership Programme for Education; and Mr Philip Stabback.
Glossary: Intentional ICT: Curriculum, education and development
Organisation: UNESCO International Bureau of Education

Published: 2016, English
The paper seeks to explore concentrations of discourse, research, policy, and practice that occur around ICT in education. A critical analysis of the current discussions and practices involving ICT may serve to interrupt more common enthusiasm with respect to these innovations and may contribute to the emergence of a balanced collective discussion of their development and implementation in the field of education.
Glossary: A Conceptual Framework for Competencies Assessment
Organisation: UNESCO International Bureau of Education

Published: 2016, English
It begins by situating the contribution of competencies in the world of the school […] It then shows how several conceptions of competency have come to exist side by side. Two of them dominate in particular. On the one hand, the conception of “generic competencies”, […] on the other, […]“situational competences”. The article finally addresses the general problem of competencies assessment, both generic and situational competencies […] In conclusion, it marks out a few new paths to follow for assessing competencies.
Glossary: The Guidelines for the Transitional Education Plan Preparation
Organisation: UNESCO International institute for education planning

Published: 2016, English
In response to the call for greater effort and investment in crisis-affected and challenging situations, these guidelines were designed to assist countries in preparing a transitional education plan (TEP).
A TEP is justified where the changing nature of the situation makes development of a longer-term education sector plan (ESP) either technically unfeasible or inadvisable. As the name indicates, a TEP is transitional in nature; its aim is to steer and mobilize resources that will help maintain education services in times of crisis. At the same time, a TEP helps the education sector to progress by including reforms to ensure that education systems become more accountable, inclusive, and effective over time.
Glossary: Assessment, and monitoring and evaluation: how will we know what students have learned
Organisation: UNESCO international bureau of education/international institute for educational planning;Protect Education in Insecurity and conflict
Published: 2015, English
This booklet is one of a series of eight, intented for curriculum developers. [...] This booklet looks at issues of assessment, and monitoring and evaluation in relation to learning to live together (LTLT) and disaster risk reduction ( DRR) in schools.
Glossary: Closing the Gap-Opportunities for distance education to benefit adult learners in higher education.
Organisation: UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning

Published: 2016, English
The Impact of Distance Education on Adult Learning (IDEAL) has been studied in a joint project between the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) and Study Portals (SP). The project examined the interrelations of adult learning, higher education and distance education while analysing if and how higher education institutions contributed to adult learning by means of distance education.
This final report will present a meta analysis[…] in an attempt to answer the central research question:“how can the distance education programmes offered by European higher education institutions be better matched to the needs of adult learners?”
Glossary: UIS glossary
Organisation: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS)

Published: Continuously updated (Accessed in January 2016) , English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese
The UIS Glossary includes statistical terms related to education, science and technology, culture, and communication.[...][Some] entries provide more detailed information, such as definitions, calculation formulas for indicators and sources. Indicators are marked with an asterisk.
Glossary: Recommendation on adult learning and education
Organisation: UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning

Published: 2016, English
The Recommendation on Adult Learning and Education was adopted at the 38th Session of the UNESCO General Conference in November 2015. The Recommendation supports the Education 2030 Framework for Action, reflects global trends, and will guide the transformation and expansion of equitable learning opportunities for youth and adults.
Glossary: TVET glossary: some key terms
Organisation: UNESCO-UNEVOC, National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)

Published: 2009, English
This glossary has been published in the "International Handbook of Education for the Changing World of Work" (Vol. 1, chapter 5)
"The glossary aims to reflect the terminology found in the recent literature of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) research, policy and practice internationally. The most common and significant terms (including acronyms) are listed and, in some cases, national and regional variations have been included. To maintain an international perspective, other national and international glossaries and thesauri were consulted in conjunction with current TVET literature from around the world. Where definitions have been written by other organizations, the source of that definition is acknowledged. Unattributed definitions were created in-house at the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER). For some terms, where, for example, there are regional differences, more than one meaning has been provided."
Glossary: TVET glossary MW
Organisation: Moustafa Wahba (TVET consultant)
Published: 2013, English
The Egyptian TVET expert Moustafa Wahba developed a glossary based on his own experience as a consultant in TVET.
Glossary: Terminology of European education and training policy
Organisation: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)

Published: 2008, English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese
This multilingual glossary of terms used in education and training policy is intended for researchers and more generally for all those involved in education and training policy. It does not represent an exhaustive inventory of the terminology used by specialists; rather it identifies a selection of key terms that are essential for an understanding of current education and training policy in Europe. This glossary is an updated and extended version of the Terminology of vocational training policy, published by Cedefop in 2004. [...]
This glossary was prepared in cooperation with the European Training Foundation (ETF), The European Commission (DG Education and Culture) and Eurydice (The information network on education in Europe).
Glossary: Quality in education and training
Organisation: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training

Published: 2011, English, French, German.
This glossary is an updated and extended version of Quality in training – La qualité dans la formation, published by Cedefop in 2003. It considers a series of important recent policy developments at European level, including setting up a European qualifications framework for lifelong learning (EQF) and the development of a European credit system for vocational education and training.
It is intended for researchers, experts and all those involved in improving the quality of learning curricula, learning providers and education and training systems. It does not represent an exhaustive inventory of the terminology used by specialists.
Glossary: Terminology of European education and training policy
Organisation: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)

Published: 2014, English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Polish
What is the difference between skill gap, skill needs or skill shortage? Is underqualification a synonym for undereducation or underskilling? What is the meaning of green skills?
This multilingual glossary defines 130 key terms used in European education and training policy. An extended and updated version of Terminology of European education and training policy (2008) and Terminology of vocational training policy (2004), it also takes into account new priorities of European Union policy, mainly in skills and competence needs analysis. New definitions have been developed with the cooperation of experts from Cedefop’s research and policy analysis team.
Glossary: Education and training glossary
Organisation: European Union Commission

Published: Online repository (Accessed in January 2016), English
The Glossary contains short definitions of all terms used in 'Statistics Explained'[...]
Statistics Explained is:
* an encyclopaedia on European Union statistics;
* a portal to further information for occasional and for regular users;
* a statistical glossary.
Glossary: European Adult Learning Glossary level 1
Organisation: National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy (commissioned by the EU)

Published: 2011, English;27 languages of the EU.
This glossary is one output of European Commission project EAC/11/2008, 'Study on European Terminology in Adult Learning for a common language and common understanding and monitoring of the sector'. Two glossaries have been produced in the course of this project. The glossary presented here –the Level 1 glossary –is intended to be a practical reference tool for policy-makers and administrators that will enable better communication between the Member States.[...]
Work on this study was led by the National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy (NRDC) at the Institute of Education, University of London, and carried out in collaboration with colleagues from the Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE) in Bonn, the Agence Nationale de Lutte congtre L'illetrisme (ANLCI) in Lyon, the University of Sheffield, and the University of Warsaw.
Glossary: Glossary
Organisation: EU skills panorama

Published: Online repertory - Accessed in January 2016, English
Access here the definitions of key skills-related terms and concepts
Skills Panorama aims to improve Europe’s capacity to assess and anticipate skill needs to help make education and training systems more responsive to labour market needs and to match better skill supply and demand across Europe. Skills Panorama is brought to you by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and powered by Cedefop, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training.
Glossary: European Adult Learning Glossary
Organisation: European Union

Published: 2010, English
This glossary is one output of European Commission project EAC/11/2008, 'Study on European Terminology in Adult Learning for a common language and common understanding and monitoring of the sector'. Work on this study was led by the National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy (NRDC), Institute of Education, London in collaboration with colleagues from the Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE), the Agence Nationale de Lutte contre l'illetrisme (ANLCI) and the University of Warsaw. Terms listed [...] are presented under six conceptual headings [...]. A seventh grouping representing general theories and concept in adult learning has also been including. The seven groups are: Theories and concepts in adult learning, Adult learning strategy, policy and legislation, adult skills and competences, access to and participation in adult learning, investment in adult learning, quality of adult learning, outcomes and of adult learning.
Glossary: The Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013 Glossary
Organisation: European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme

Published: 2011, English
Online glossary of the LLP(Lifelong learning programme)of the European Union.
"The Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) was designed to enable people, at any stage of their life, to take part in stimulating learning experiences, as well as developing education and training across Europe.
With a budget of nearly €7 billion, the programme, which ran from 2007-2013, funded a range of exchanges, study visits, and networking activities.
The activities of LLP continue under the new Erasmus+ programme from 2014-2020."
Glossary: Validation of Non-formal MOOC-based Learning
Organisation: European Commission

Published: 2016, English
The OpenCred study is part of the OpenEdu Project, carried out by DG JRC IPTS on behalf of DG EAC. It supports the 2013 European Commission's Communication 'Opening up education: Innovative teaching and Learning for All through New Technologies and Open Educational Resources1.
It focuses on one of the core dimensions of the OpenEdu framework for openness in higher education institutions, which is recognition […]. Recognition is an important topic in the European Agenda for modernising higher education. […] Within this perspective, the purpose of validation and recognition are the same: both confirming certain learning outcomes against specific standards, providing proof of learning that can potentially be exchanged into future learning and/or work.
Glossary: Arabic Glossary for TVET Curricula Terms
Organisation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit

Published: 2009, English, French, Arabic
مسرد مصطلحات مناهج التعليم والتدريب المهني والتقني
Arabic Glossary for TVET Curricula Terms
Glossaire Arabe des Mots Techniques des Programmes ETF 2006-2007.
This glossary has been made in cooperation with Lybian, Syrian, Jordanian, Lebanese and Egyptian authorities.
Glossary: SADC Glossary
Organisation: Southern African Development Community (SADC)

Published: 2011, English
Glossary starting at p26.
Concept Paper and Implementation Plan for the SADC Regional Qualifications Framework (Original document developed by the SADC Technical Committee on Certification and Accreditation in Maseru in 2005. This is an updated and amended version of the original document).
Glossary: Gender inequality in learning achievement in primary education
Organisation: UNESCO Santiago

Published: 2016, English
This report consists of three chapters. Chapter I describes gender disparities in Latin America based on several international and national assessments of learning achievement. Chapter II provides additional information about the TERCE assessment including several key advantages and one notable limitation of this data. The third chapter shares analysis and findings about study objectives.
This study has three specific objectives. First, it identifies the extent and characteristics of gender achievement gaps in the assessed countries […]. Second, […]it identifies trend changes in gender inequality over time. Third, it explores several factors that may explain the achievement gaps between male and female students. The purpose of these analyses is to provide an understanding of the nature of inequity in learning by gender in the Latin America and the Caribbean region.
Glossary: Enhancing relevance in TVET: review of progress in the Asia-Pacific since 2012
Organisation: UNESCO Bankok

Published: 2016, English
The TVET Progress Review is a milestone regional report on TVET in the Asia-Pacific.According to the Shanghai Consensus, enhancing TVET relevance encompasses four main aspects: (1) responsiveness to current and future skills needs, with specific attention to local needs and demands and to professions suffering from a deficit of skilled personnel; (2) ‘greening’ TVET and advancing the ‘greening TVET’ agenda; (3) responsiveness to technological changes, in particular by promoting the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in TVET; and (4) encouraging partnerships and facilitating cooperation among TVET stakeholders, in particular the private sector. A fifth aspect may be added to this list: (5) adapting qualifications and developing pathways to higher levels of education and employment […] The initial findings of the Review formed the basis of discussions at ACET and of the outcome document of the Conference, the Kuala Lumpur Declaration,17 which is expected to set the direction for TVET and skills development in the Asia-Pacific region in the coming years.
Glossary: Stichworte (
Organisation: EUSL Verlag

Published: Online repertory (Accessed in January 2016), German
Note of the TVETipedia team: German glossary from the acdemic journal 'Berufsbildung'.
"Die Zeitschrift "berufsbildung" ist eine Plattform für Entwicklungen und Diskussionen auf dem Gebiet der Berufsbildung. Sie ist ein Forum, in dem alle an der beruflichen BildungBeteiligten zu Wort kommen. [...] Hier bieten wir Ihnen die Stichwörter aus unseren Ausgaben als PDF zum Download an."
Glossary: Terminologiesammlung für Berufsbildungsfachleute (German-English Glossary of Vocational Education and Training Terminology) 
Organisation: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (Federal Instute for Vocational Training)

Published: 2016, English;German
Note of the TVETipedia team: Definitions presented in this glossary are extracted from other sources.
"The aim of the German-English Glossary of Vocational Education and Training Terminology is to act as a valuable practical aid for VET experts by assisting with the understanding and translation of specialist texts and thus facilitate communication at an international level, an aspect of work that is becoming increasingly important. Specialist terms often do not have a direct equivalent in other languages. For this reason, the glossary also contains proposals for analogous translations and paraphrased terms. It is based on the many years of expertise the BIBB language service is able to offer and will be further developed on an ongoing basis. Definitions are also provided in order to facilitate comprehension of the terminology presented."
Glossary: Adult Education: Glossary
Organisation: Virginia department of education

Published: Accessed in February 2015, English
A glossary on Adult Education, compiled by the Virginian department of Education.
Glossary: Glosario de los Servicios de Capacitación y Formación Profesional en el INA
Organisation: Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje (INA)

Published: 2012, Spanish
Glossary: Glosario de Formación Profesional 
Organisation: Instituto Nacional de Educación Tecnológica (INET)

Published: Accessed in Oct. 2014, Spanish
"Vocational training glossary".
Glossary: Glossary of selected Terminology: The labour market And vocational education and training Occupational safety and health The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Organisation: Ministry of Labour, VTC, Department of statistics, national Centre of Human Resources
Published: 2005 - Not available online, English;Arabic
Glossary requested by the Ministry of labour of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan – as part of its activities to foster capacity building. It was assisted in this task by the International Training Centre (ILO, Turin). The International Training Centre worked in collaboration with the local expert Ahmed Mustafa. The expert was responsible for the coordination of the project, ensuring constant communication and collaboration between the concerned authorities in Jordan, especially the following:
-Ministry of labour.
-VTC (Vocational training centers).
-Department of statistics.
-National Centre for human resources development/Al Manar-information system project development human resources
Glossary: Glossary of VET
Organisation: National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)

Published: 2013 - online version continuously updated, Accessed in Jan. 2016, English
The language of vocational education and training (VET) is complex and particularly prone to jargon and acronyms. The aim of this glossary is to provide a single up-to-date reference source for definitions of Australian VET-related terms, acronyms and organisations.
The glossary is based on 'A glossary of Australian vocational education and training terms' which was published by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) in 2000. New content, sourced from recent NCVER publications, the VOCED database, websites of key Australian VET organisations, other VET glossaries and suggestions from NCVER staff, has been added.
Glossary: TVET Standard Glossary of Terms
Organisation: South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)

Published: 2013, English
This standard glossary of terms defines and clarifies the core terminology relating to the development and implementation of the South African National Qualifications Framework (NQF).
As a direct result of the many changes in the education and training landscape between 1995 and 2013, a wide range of terminology and definitions have emerged, often causing confusion and leading to ambiguity in the system. This glossary has been developed to bring consistency to the use of terminology in the broader education and training context, including legislation, policy and everyday usage by the public.
Glossary: TVET glossaries of terms
Organisation: Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)

Published: 2010, English
The Glossary of Terms, 4th edition, provides definitions of TVET terms and terminologies commonly used in education, labor and employment and other TVET related areas in the Philippines.
The complexity of the environment where TVET operates requires regular review and updating of TVET terminologies as systems, standards, processes, policies and programs continue to change. The provision of this glossary is intended to facilitate comprehension and better understanding as we move together in making TVET work for our people and country.
Glossary: Sharing Malaysian experience in participation of girls in STEM education
Organisation: UNESCO International Bureau of Education

Published: 2016, English
[The series] intends to support country efforts in mainstreaming challenging issues within the processes of curriculum renewal and development across different levels, settings and provisions of the education system. […] The Malaysia government has placed STEM as a focus in developing the country towards achieving the status of a developed nation. The government acknowledges the role of women as equal partners in nation building. Thus, various policies ranging from economy, education, women’s welfare and human resources have been formulated through the years. This has been made possible by the successful implementation of the various policies related to women in STEM as well as innovative measures in facing the continuing challenges in STEM education. They resolved that ‘STEM’ should serve as a benchmark to raise the standard of Malaysian S&T; Education, aligning it with international practices.
Furthermore, TVETipedia includes definitions extracted from TVET reports and papers of official organisations like OECD, ILO etc. Each resource is mentioned with the corresponding definition.
The aim of the TVETipedia glossary is to help create a common TVET language and to avoid misunderstandings in the global TVET discussion. This will improve communication, discussion and debate amongst TVET experts from different parts of the world.
An extended version of TVETipedia will be developed in the future. It will go beyond the pure representation of definitions by adding more information generated by the UNESCO-UNEVOC team and international TVET experts.
We look forward to receiving your comments and feedback on the TVETipedia glossary.