Welcome to the UNEVOC Network Portal

The UNEVOC Network is UNESCO’s global network for institutions specialized in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), which are concerned with skills development for the world of work and life. Coordinated by UNESCO-UNEVOC, the Network provides an environment for exchange, cooperation and mutual assistance for its members, the UNEVOC Centres. Members of the UNEVOC Network engage in a variety of activities, e.g.
- to improve TVET in member states by promoting and fostering international collaboration and partnerships
- to develop the capacities of UNEVOC Centres and associated TVET practitioners; and
- to share promising practices and innovations in TVET.
The UNEVOC Network is composed of ministries, national bodies, research organizations and training providers from around the world. They are grouped into five regions:
- Africa
- Arab States
- Asia and the Pacific
- Europe, CIS and North America, and
- Latin America and the Caribbean.

Information on the general rules of engagement of member institutions are provided in the UNEVOC Network Manual of Operating Procedures.
Do you have any questions? Please contact us at unevoc.network@unesco.org
Are you already a member? Manage your membership through your dashboard.