Cohort completion rate for primary education

Calculation method

Divide the number of graduates from primary education in a given year by the difference between enrolment in the last grade in the same year and repeaters in the last grade in the following year, and multiply the result by the survival rate to the last grade of primary education in the given year and by 100.

Data required

Enrolment by grade for two consecutive years (t, t+1), number of repeaters by grade for the year t+1; number of graduates from primary education in the year t.


A high value of the cohort completion rate for primary education indicates a low incidence of dropout, meaning that pupils are more likely to complete the primary level of education. By contrast, a low value indicates a low level of retention at the primary level of education or difficulties to graduate from the last grade.


This indicator is usually estimated using cohort analysis methods that are based on a number of assumptions like unchanged flow rates throughout the cohort life. Care should be taken when using the results for comparison between countries.


Assess the likelihood that pupils of the same cohort, including repeaters, complete primary education.

Data source

School register, school survey or census for data on graduates from primary education and on enrolment and repeaters in the last grade.

Quality standards

Definition of repeaters should be unambiguously applied to include pupils or students repeating the same grade more than once and those who repeat the same grade after transfer from one school to another. In addition, given that this indicator is based on the survival rate, the reliability of the CCR for primary education depends on the consistency of data on enrolment and repeaters in terms of coverage over time and across grades.

Types of disaggregation

By sex.


Percentage of a cohort of pupils enrolled in the first grade of primary education in a given school year who are expected to complete this level of education. The CCR is the product of the probability to reach the last grade and the probability to graduate from the last grade.