Jens Liebe
Senior Programme Expert
Jens Liebe is a Senior Programme Expert at UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre. He has previously served the International Centre as a consultant.
He leads the development and implementation of the UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme, a UNESCO flagship programme that supports mid- to senior-level TVET experts from around the world to develop and sharpen their leadership skills. He is also in charge of the UNEVOC Network Secretariat, which develops frameworks for greater network engagement, e.g. through “Collaborative Research” and “Capacity Development” opportunities. He further is part of UNEVOC’s “Greening TVET” team, acts as Regional Focal Point for “Europe, CIS and North America”, and provides the Head of UNESCO-UNEVOC with developmental and management support.
Prior to joining UNESCO-UNEVOC, Mr Liebe has worked for international organizations, research institutions and international development organizations. He has held positions as Programme Officer and Assistant Director of the UN-Water Decade Program on Capacity Development (UNW-DPC), as a Senior Scientist at the Center for Development Research (ZEF) of the University of Bonn, where he served as scientific coordinator of the interdisciplinary “GLOWA Volta Project”, and with the German Technical Cooperation in Zambia. He has extensive international work experience, particularly in Africa, but also in Europe, Asia and Latin and North America. He enjoys working at the interface of science and implementation and has published extensively.
Mr Liebe holds a Ph.D. in Biological and Environmental Engineering from Cornell University, and a Master of Science in Geography from the University of Bonn. He received the Hans Hartwig Ruthenberg award of the fiat panis foundation, which honors excellent theses in the field of food security.
+49 228 815 0157