Our Partners Development Partners
The UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre in Bonn receives funding from the following sources:
- The UNESCO budget Regular Programme funds
- German Funds-in-Trust (FIT)
- Other donors
- Benefits in Kind
UNESCO Budget: Regular Programme Funds
Regular Programme funds are distributed over a UNESCO biennium period. In addition, UNESCO provides UNEVOC with 3 staffing positions.
German Funds-in-Trust (FIT)
The Host Country Agreement (HCA) between the German government and UNESCO lays the foundation for the Centres location, objectives and forms the basis of Germany’s financial and logistical support.
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
BMBF provides the funding for operating costs, and additionally funds programme related activities.
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
BMZ sponsors programme activities carried out by UNESCO-UNEVOC through the Funds-in-Trust.
Other Donors
On a non-regular basis, UNESCO-UNEVOC also receives funding from donors for specific programme activities.
Benefits in Kind
The German government provides rent-free premises to the Centre.
International Organizations of relevance in the area of TVET with which UNEVOC cooperates on a more or less regular basis

 | 30 July 2013World BankThe World Bank is an international financial institution that aims to reduce poverty across the globe through the provision of technical assistance. Established in 1944, the World Bank Group is headquartered in Washington, D.C. ( more) |
 | 30 July 2013United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)UNITAR is a training arm of the United Nations System, serving some 27,000 beneficiaries annually by conducting more than 400 capacity development and research activities around the world. The mission of UNITAR is to deliver innovative training and conduct research on knowledge systems to develop capacities of beneficiaries. ( more) |
 | 30 July 2013United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)UNECE was set up in 1947 by ECOSOC. UNECE's major aim is to promote pan-European economic integration. IT brings together 56 countries located in the European Union, non-EU Western and Eastern Europe, South-East Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and North America.
UNECE is based in Geneva, Switzerland ( more) |
 | 1 January 1970International Labour Organization
The ILO is a specialized UN agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights. With headquarters in Geneva, the ILO is present worldwide through its network of field offices. ( more) |
 | 6 October 2011UNESCO Section of Youth, Literacy and Skills Development
The aim of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programme of UNESCO is to assist Member States in integrating “employability skills” in national education systems. ( more) |
 | 18 October 2011Research database for tertiary education
VOCEDplus is a free research database for tertiary education, especially as it relates to workforce needs, skills development, and social inclusion. It is international in scope and contains over 44,000 English language records. ( more) |
International Networks in the area of TVET with which UNEVOC cooperates on a more or less regular basis

 | 28 November 2016Supporting rural youth to acquire green skills and realise their ideasAccess to education and training that allows rural youth to have decent work opportunities is still limited in Paraguay. The Fundacion Paraguaya uses unique and innovative approaches to meet learning needs of rural youth. UNEVOC Centres from Latin America met on the San Francisco campus of the Fundación Paraguaya to discuss the use of ICT in the provision of TVET in rural contexts. ( more) |
 | 28 February 2012International Vocational Education and Training AssociationIVETA is an organization and network of vocational educators, vocational skills training organizations, business and industrial firms, and other individuals and groups interested or involved in vocational education and training worldwide. IVETA is based in the United States. ( more) |
 | 21 September 2011International Network on Innovative Apprenticeship
INAP is an association of researchers and research institutions in vocational education and training. The network aims at reaching a brought audience of TVET researchers by publishing current research results and conference proceedings. ( more) |
 | 21 September 2011Network for Policy Research, Review and Advice on Education and Training
NORRAG is a free to use network committed to encouraging critical analysis of international development especially in the field of education and training through a network of researchers, policymakers, donor agencies and NGOs. ( more) |
Regional UNESCO Offices and TVET institutions and Networks

 | 29 August 2018UNESCO-UNEVOC conducts Management Capacity Development Training in MalawiUNESCO-UNEVOC, in collaboration with the UNESCO Regional Office for Southern Africa (ROSA), conducted a capacity development programme for the Managers of TEVET Institutions in Malawi. This training was undertaken as part of the European Union-funded Malawi Skills and Technical Education Programme (STEP). ( more) |
 | 2 June 2017UNESCO PEFOP Call for proposalAre you developing an innovative vocational training practice in Africa? Does it need a financial boost to be finalized or improved?
Participate in the first call for proposals to benefit from IIPE-Pôle de Dakar and its Platform of Expertise in Vocational Training (Pefop) innovation support program ( more) |
 | 15 July 2018The UNEVOC Network celebrates World Youth Skills DayOn the occasion of World Youth Skills Day (15 July), more than 30 UNEVOC Centres celebrated the importance of Skills for Youth, through conferences, workshop, skills exhibition and promotional campaigns. Discover our interactive map to learn more about those initiatives. ( more) |
 | 16 September 2011Association for the Development of Education in AfricaADEA is a forum for policy dialogue on education policies. It acts as a catalyst for promising policies and practices. One of its major objectives is to encourage exchanges and reinforce links between ministries of education and development agencies. The ADEA Secretariat is located in Côte d’Ivoire. ( more) |
 | 21 September 2011The UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa
UNESCO-IICBA was officially established by the UNESCO General Conference in October, 1999. With headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, UNESCO-IICBA works towards strengthening teacher development in Africa. ( more) |
 | 6 October 2011UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in Africa The UNESCO Office in Dakar and Regional Bureau for Education in Africa better kwown under its acronym BREDA is the largest UNESCO Office in Africa. As Regional Office for Education, BREDA covers all Sub-saharan Africa, on the whole 46 countries. ( more) |
Arab States

 | 1 November 2018UNEVOC Centre in Saudi Arabia receives an awardIn the path of seeking the goals of 2030 Vision in Saudi Arabia, the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) received King Abdulaziz Quality Award. The award is to seek institutional excellence in the government sector, private institutions, and nonprofit organizations. The evaluation of the award consist of individual and group office evaluation.
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 | 18 October 2011TVET Portal for the Arab regionThe TVET Portal is an interactive user-driven communication platform for professionals and institutions working in the field of TVET to exchange information and to transfer knowledge among individuals and institutions in Arab countries. ( more) |
 | 24 October 2018Saudi Arabia's TVTC takes part in skills conference in AmsterdamSaudi Arabia's Technical and Vocational Training Corporation has participated in the General Assembly of the WorldSkills Conference 2018, in Amsterdam, from Oct. 15 - 18. The conference includes 500 representatives and delegates from 79 member states. The meeting, held every two years, creates conversations on the global future of innovative skills solutions. ( more) |
 | 1 June 2016Regional stakeholders reaffirm importance of TVET in CairoMore than 40 TVET policy makers and government officials from eight Arab States reaffirmed the importance of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) for socio-economic development during a two-day Regional Forum for managers of TVET institutions ( more) |
 | 6 October 2011UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in the Arab States
As a Regional Bureau, the UNESCO Beirut Office is a center of expertise in the field of Education for the Arab world. In carrying out this mission, the UNESCO Beirut Cluster Office , serves twenty-two Arab countries in the region in the field of Education. ( more) |
Asia and the Pacific

 | 31 August 2016UNEVOC Centre in Sri Lanka hosts Nepal DelegationThe Ministry of Skills Development and Vocational Training, Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission in Sri Lanka facilitated a study visit by a delegation from Nepal. The visit follows the development of a National Vocational Qualifications Framework in Nepal, which was co-developed by the Sri Lankan UNEVOC Centre. ( more) |
 | 29 May 2018UNEVOC Centre in Iran awards success storiesThe Instructor Training and Research Center (ITC) has collected more than 100 success stories from TVET institutions across the country. After a reviewing process, the 15 best stories were showcased in a one day event, and their authors received an award. Discover pictures of the event, as well as the form used to collect the practices. ( more) |
 | 4 December 2018Transforming TVET in MyanmarUNESCO, together with the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), the UNESCO Office in Myanmar, and the GIZ, is supporting the Ministry of Education (MOE) of Myanmar in its efforts to enhance quality provisions, the access of young people to TVET and the effective governance of TVET systems and institutions. ( more) |
 | 29 October 2018The head of UNESCO-UNEVOC visits GIFTS (Korea)The head of UNESCO-UNEVOC was welcomed at GIFTS of HRD Korea(Incheon), one of the UNEVOC Centres in South Korea on 23 October before his participation in the "2018 East and Southeast Asia Cluster Network Consolidation Workshop"(Seoul, 24-25 October) held by KRIVET (other UNEVOC Centre in Korea). ( more) |
 | 4 September 2017Preparing vocational teachers in India for the 21st CenturyOn July 5th 2017, The Pandit Sunderlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE) celebrated its Fundation Day. On this occasion, a seminar was organised to: provide insights on the emerging trends and developments in Vocational teacher development; examine issues and challenges in upskilling vocational teachers in the 21st century; share good practices and approaches for upskilling vocational teachers in the 21st cenutry within VET system. The seminar was attended by an audience of academics, practitioners and students. ( more) |
 | 9 October 2018Philippines celebrates World Teachers DayThe 2018 Tagsanay Awardees and TESDA officials form parts of the over 7,000 teacher-delegates from all over the country gathered in Ormoc City Superdome, Ormoc City for this year’s celebration of the National Teachers’ Day/World Teachers’ Day (NTD/WTD. ( more) |
 | 20 September 2018New UNEVOC Centres in Mongolia start collaboration The Vocational Education Training Partnership (VETP), and the Technical and Vocational Education Training Assessment Centre (TVETAC) have recently been designated as UNEVOC Centres in Mongolia. On September 20, 2018, both Centres received a courtesy visit from Mr. Robert Parua, Education Specialist, UNESCO Beijing Cluster Office. ( more) |
 | 29 May 2018Iranian UNEVOC Centre organises a forum on employability. The Instructor Training and Research Centre (ITC, Iran) has organised the "JOB MEET", a forum in which young people could train their soft skills and discuss with business owners. The forum was also an opportunity to discover real opportunities of employment. ( more) |
 | 23 September 2011Colomba Plan Staff College for Technician EducationCPSC is an inter-governmental international organization for human resources development in Asia and the Pacific Region. Its programs are focused on equipping TVET personnel with knowledge and skills in various areas of interest. CPSC's offices are in Manila, Philippines. ( more) |
 | 5 November 2018Chinese UNEVOC Centres organise a seminar on Higher educationOn the first of November, the 20th Cross-Strait Applied Higher Education (TVET) Seminar 2018 held in UNEVOC Center at Shenzhen, China, in collaboration with another UNEVOC Centre, the Beijing Union University. The theme of this seminar was " The Reform of Applied Higher Education in the Intelligent Age ". ( more) |
 | 12 June 2018Chinese UNEVOC Centre hosts an International ConferenceFrom May 11, 2018 to May 12, 2018, the Belt & Road International Conference on TVET themed at "Mutual Learning and Mutual Benefit" was successfully held at Shenzhen Polytechnic. More than 100 renowned TVET experts from 21 countries and regions and more than 200 experts, scholars and representatives from vocational colleges, enterprises and sectors in China (including 110 presidents of domestic and international colleges) gathered at Shenzhen Polytechnic to have in-depth dialogues on topics like "Belt and Road" construction and TVET. ( more) |
 | 20 December 2018Chinese and Mongolian UNEVOC Centres start collaborationOn Dec. 12, 2018, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was agreed upon by two UNEVOC Centres, the Shenzhen Polytechnic (People Republic of China) and the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Assessment Centre (Mongolia). ( more) |
 | 12 February 2013Asian Development BankEstablished in 1966, the Asian Development Bank finances development in the Asia and Pacific region with the aim of reducing poverty. Headquarters are based in Manilla, Phillipines ( more) |
 | 22 May 2019A Chinese UNEVOC Centre combines green skills and e-commerceFrom 29 April to 10 May, the Zheijiang Technical Institute of Economics (UNEVOC Centre in China) delivered a two-week training programme for TVET Teachers on "Green Skills and the New Economy for Sustainable Development". The programme was implemented in collaboration with Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) and built the capacity of teachers coming from 12 Asian countries. ( more) |
 | 23 September 2011SEAMEO Regional Centre for Vocational and Technical Education and Training SEAMEO VOCTECH was established on 28 August 1990 by the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation (SEAMEO). The Centre’s mandate is to strengthen and improve the quality of TVET in Southeast Asia through human resources development.
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 | 6 October 2011UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific As Regional Bureau for Education, UNESCO Bangkok provides strategic expertise, advisory, monitoring and evaluation functions to Member States, other UNESCO Field Offices and UN Country Teams in the area of Education. ( more) |
 | 18 October 2011The National Centre for Vocational Education Research NCVER is responsible for collecting, managing, analysing, evaluating and communicating research and statistics about vocational education and training (VET) nationally. NCVER is located in Adelaide, Australia. ( more) |
Europe and North America

 | 15 March 2018Network Consolidation Workshop - UNEVOC Network in Europe As part of UNESCO-UNEVOC's efforts to strengthen the engagement of European UNEVOC Centres in Europe, a European UNEVOC Network Consolidation Workshop was held at the UN Campus in Bonn. This workshop aimed at strengthening cooperation and policy learning in TVET within Europe, and facilitating their future cross-regional collaborations with UNEVOC Centres in Africa and Asia. ( more) |
 | 24 July 2018BIBB facilitates study visits for UNEVOC guestsAt the occasion of the “UNESCO-UNEVOC Learning Forum: managing skills in time of disruption” (23-25 May) and the UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme (25 June -6 July), the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) organised study visits for the foreign delegations. ( more) |
 | 23 September 2011European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training Cedefop is the European Agency to promote the development of vocational education and training (VET) in the European Union. The Cedefop offices are located in Thessaloniki, Greece. ( more) |
 | 23 September 2011European Training Foundation
ETF helps transition and developing countries to harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training and labour market systems in the context of the EU's external relations policy. They are based in Turin, Italy.
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 | 29 September 2011European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training
EFVET is a unique European-wide professional association which has been created by and for providers of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in all European countries. EFVET is located in Brussels, Belgium. ( more) |
 | 18 October 2011 Research Forum Education and Society The WIFO Gateway was set up in the context of European research projects carried out by the Research Forum Education and Society (WIFO). It is an information service, free of charge, provided by researchers for researchers. The WIFO Gateway has collected resources in the field of European education, with a focus on vocational education. ( more) |
Latin America and the Caribbean

 | 31 August 2016CONALEP in Mexico publishes studiesThe National College of Technical Professional Education (CONALEP) in Mexico, UNEVOC Centre since 2015, has published a number of studies which sheds light on the situation and performance of TVET in Mexico. All reports are in Spanish.
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 | 6 October 2011Educación|Trabajo|Inserción Social|América Latina (Project of the International Institute of Educational Planning (IIEP UNESCO) redEtis is a site for the production and dissemination of knowledge on the current Latin American discussions and policies about education, work and social inclusion. redEtis is located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. ( more) |
 | 6 October 2011The Inter-American Centre for Knowledge Development in Vocational Training Cinterfor is a technical service of the International Labour Office (ILO), located in Montevideo, Uruguay. It works as the core of a system integrated by vocational training entities belonging to ILO Member States in Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Germany. ( more) |
 | 6 October 2011UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean OREALC/UNESCO Santiago was created in 1963 for the purpose of assisting the region’s 37 Member States in the definition of strategies to further the development of their education policies. Its headquarters are in Santiago, Chile. ( more) |