| 13 May 2019Just announced: Skills in Action Photo Competititon 2019 Do you have photography skills? Whether you are an amateur or professional, don’t miss your chance to enter the UNESCO-UNEVOC Skills in Action Photo Competition! This competition is organized as part of the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre’s activities to mark World Youth Skills Day 2019. Submission deadline:7 June 2019. ( more) |
 | 18 April 2019UNEVOC Network Collaborative research: Community engagement in TVETThis collaborative study, led by Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles (UNEVOC Centre - Canada), looks at how community engagement is carried out in UNEVOC Centres across the UNEVOC Network’s five regions: Africa, Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and North America, and Latin America and the Caribbean. ( more) |
 | 21 March 2019Promoting gender equality in STEM-related TVETTechnical and vocational education and training (TVET) has the potential to promote the productive participation of women in the labour market, equipping them with the necessary skills to undertake the jobs of the future. ( more) |
 | 7 March 2019International Women's Day 2019: Bridging the gap in TVET UNESCO-UNEVOC joins the world in celebrating International Women’s Day 2019. This year’s theme focuses on innovative ways in which we can advance gender equality and the empowerment of women. UNESCO-UNEVOC remains committed to empowering women through Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and supporting change agents in their efforts to promote gender equality in TVET. ( more) |
 | 4 March 2019Greening TVET, Job roles, and Curricula To assist UNEVOC Centres in the implementation of Greening TVET, UNESCO-UNEVOC, jointly with the National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC) – a new UNEVOC Centre in India – co-organized a five-day workshop. ( more) |
 | 17 January 2019Call for Applications: UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme 2019As part of UNESCO-UNEVOC's efforts to strengthen TVET worldwide, the 2019 UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme will be organized in Bonn, Germany. From 24 June to 5 July 2019, mid- to senior-level TVET experts will participate in an intensive training and capacity building programme for transformational leadership in TVET. Deadline for applications is 17th February 2019. ( more) |
 | 20 December 2018Just Published - UNESCO-UNEVOC Bulletin Issue No. 34We are pleased to share our recently published Bulletin. This issue gives an overview of some of our key engagements for the second half of 2018, with a focus on the Regional UNEVOC TVET Leadership programmes. The Bulletin is available as a PDF in English and will soon be available in Spanish and French. ( more) |
 | 4 December 2018Transforming TVET in MyanmarUNESCO, together with the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), the UNESCO Office in Myanmar, and the GIZ, is supporting the Ministry of Education (MOE) of Myanmar in its efforts to enhance quality provisions, the access of young people to TVET and the effective governance of TVET systems and institutions. ( more) |
 | 23 October 2018Just Published: Updated Country Profiles We are pleased to announce the publication of a new batch of TVET Country Profiles. These profiles provide an overview of the TVET ecosystem in each country including the learning pathways, key policy documents, governance and financing mechanisms, qualification and quality assurance systems, and ongoing reforms. ( more) |
 | 16 October 2018WorldSkills Conference 2018: Building networks for innovative skills solutionsThe WorldSkills Conference, organized by WorldSkills International and WorldSkills Netherlands, brings together leaders in education, government, and industry from across the globe to share best practices, discuss global trends in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), and highlight issues facing skills development. ( more) |
 | 10 October 2018Education Leaders at World Congress Tackle Future Skills Challenges From 8-10 October 2018, the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP) held its bi-annual World Congress in Melbourne, Australia. The World Congress is the hallmark of the WFCP and gathers educators, policy makers, and leaders in education to share the latest trends and best practices, and network with their peers in the professional and technical education and training sector. ( more) |
 | 27 September 2018Winner of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Skills in Action Photo Competition 2018As part of its activities commemorating World Youth Skills Day 2018, UNESCO-UNEVOC organized this year's Skills in Action Photo Competition. More than 200 submissions were received from all over the world, focused on how TVET is empowering young people in their communities, according to the three main thematic priority areas under the UNESCO TVET Strategy. ( more) |
 | 26 September 2018UNEVOC Celebrates its 25th Anniversary25 years ago the UNEVOC Implementation Unit was officially inaugurated in Berlin. The establishment of the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre in Bonn followed in 2002. Mr. Shyamal Majumdar, Head of UNESCO-UNEVOC: “The team takes collective pleasure seeing UNESCO-UNEVOC standing proud now, grounded on the hard work and dedication of people who were instrumental to its foundation and eventual growth.” ( more) |
 | 12 September 2018UNEVOC Latin American Network Strengthens Ties During its annual REDITEC meeting in Brazil, the National Council of the Federal Network of Vocational, Scientific, and Technological Education Institutions (Conif), jointly with UNESCO-UNEVOC, organized a UNEVOC Network cluster meeting for Latin America. ( more) |
 | 4 September 2018Skills Development and the Water-Energy Nexus in AfricaWater and energy are closely linked, and most African countries face major challenges in improving both their water supply and energy production systems. For African countries to develop their energy and water sectors sustainably, and to capitalize on their potential, skills development at a national level is an essential component. ( more) |
 | 31 August 2018Shaping Transformative TVET Leaders in Latin AmericaThe UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme for Latin America took place in August 2018 in Panama City. Jointly organized by UNESCO-UNEVOC and the UNESCO San José Office, and hosted by INADEH of Panama, the regional UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme aims to help those in change agent positions become transformative leaders. ( more) |
 | 29 August 2018UNESCO-UNEVOC conducts Management Capacity Development Training in MalawiUNESCO-UNEVOC, in collaboration with the UNESCO Regional Office for Southern Africa (ROSA), conducted a capacity development programme for the Managers of TEVET Institutions in Malawi. This training was undertaken as part of the European Union-funded Malawi Skills and Technical Education Programme (STEP). ( more) |
 | 18 July 2018Just Published - UNESCO-UNEVOC Bulletin Issue No. 33We are pleased to share our recently published Bulletin. This issue gives an overview of some of our key engagements since January 2018, particularly the recently concluded UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Learning Forum. The bulletin is available as a PDF in English will be available in the other UN languages soon. ( more) |
 | 11 July 2018World Youth Skills Day 2018 - Improving the image of TVET UNESCO-UNEVOC follows the United Nations’ stride in celebrating the World Youth Skills Day every year on 15th July, and reaffirms its commitment to enhance the prospects of the youth to access quality skills development opportunities through TVET, globally. UNESCO-UNEVOC's theme for this year’s celebration is ‘Improving the image of TVET’. ( more) |
 | 25 June 2018UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme 2018 kicks off in Bonn, GermanyThe 2018 UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme was launched today at the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre, Bonn. 19 mid- to senior-level TVET leaders from UNEVOC Centres and other institutions from 18 countries around the world are participating in the programme. The programme aims to enable the participants to hone their leadership skills through nine modules guided by key international experts in a highly engaging environment. ( more) |
 | 5 June 2018Tknika, a UNEVOC Centre, hosts International Conference on TVETTknika, a UNEVOC Centre in the Basque Country, Spain, organized an international conference titled ‘International Encounters on Vocational Training – Anticipating the Future’. Participants from around the world discussed current and emerging challenges of ongoing digital transformation of industry and businesses, and responding to them through increased collaboration and knowledge exchange. ( more) |
 | 26 May 2018Open Educational Resources for skills development (OER in TVET)This brochure gives an introduction to Open Educational Resources, the history of the concept, and its current and potential use with a particular view to TVET. The publication includes a brief summary of a study UNEVOC commissioned in 2017 which looked at the potential of OER to improve access to quality TVET. ( more) |
 | 25 May 2018UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Learning Forum: Managing TVET in a time of disruption The UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Learning Forum 2018 was organized on the 24-25 May 2018. More than 100 TVET stakeholders from more than 35 countries engaged in insightful discussions on how to manage TVET systems globally in the context of technological, environmental, and demographic disruptions. Read more about the proceedings here. ( more) |
 | 10 May 2018Just Published: Moving Forward - UNESCO-UNEVOC Biennial Report 2016-17UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre is pleased to share its Biennial Report for the period 2016-2017. The report highlights our concerted actions and support to the UNEVOC Network and UNESCO Member States through capacity development, international collaborations and knowledge exchange to advance TVET. The report also details key engagements under each of the five thematic priority areas of UNESCO-UNEVOC. ( more) |
 | 9 May 2018INFP, Haiti joins the ranks of UNEVOC NetworkThe Institute of Technical and Vocational Education (INFP), a premier agency tasked with TVET in Haiti recently joined the UNEVOC Network. The UNEVOC Centre inaugurated by the Director General of INFP, Dr. Maguy Durce, also saw the attendance of senior representatives of international stakeholders supporting TVET reforms in Haiti. ( more) |
 | 3 May 2018Looking at the Future of Education for Sustainable Development, togetherRepresentatives of the key partners of the Global Action Programme (GAP) on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), including UNESCO-UNEVOC, met at the 3rd Key Partners Meeting (25-27 April 2018), in San Jose, Costa Rica. As the current framework of the GAP on ESD elapses in 2019, this meeting launched a global consultation to chart a course of action beyond 2019. ( more) |
 | 29 March 2018High Level TVET Delegation from Mongolia visits UNESCO-UNEVOC A high-level delegation from Mongolia, led by H.E. Sanja Mungunchimeg, Vice Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Government of Mongolia, visited the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre on the 23rd March 2018. Discussions between the Mongolian delegation and UNESCO-UNEVOC focused on issues of mutual partnership and strengthening the TVET Sector in Mongolia. ( more) |
 | 26 March 2018UNESCO-UNEVOC at the UNESCO Mobile Learning Week 2018The UNESCO Mobile Learning Week kicks off on today at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. Focusing on the theme of ‘Skills for a connected world’, the event will take a multifaceted approach to mainstreaming digital skills. As part of this event, UNESCO-UNEVOC will be conducting a workshop to explore the nexus of skills, technology and pedagogy. ( more) |
 | 15 March 2018Network Consolidation Workshop - UNEVOC Network in Europe As part of UNESCO-UNEVOC's efforts to strengthen the engagement of European UNEVOC Centres in Europe, a European UNEVOC Network Consolidation Workshop was held at the UN Campus in Bonn. This workshop aimed at strengthening cooperation and policy learning in TVET within Europe, and facilitating their future cross-regional collaborations with UNEVOC Centres in Africa and Asia. ( more) |
 | 8 March 2018Empowering Women through TVET – Insights from Gender Experts As part of UNESCO-UNEVOC’s activities for the International Women’s Day to promote gender equality in TVET aimed at empowering women with employable skills and lifelong learning, we requested key gender experts to share their insights on the key challenges associated with gender equality and the prospects that TVET holds to counter them. ( more) |
 | 7 March 2018Promoting Gender Equality in TVET: UNEVOC Network InitiativesAs part of UNESCO-UNEVOC’s actions to promote gender equality in TVET aimed at empowering women with employable skills and lifelong learning, we present examples of some initiatives taken by members of the UNEVOC Network in promoting gender equality in TVET. ( more) |
 | 5 March 2018International Women's Day 2018: Empowerment through TVET UNESCO-UNEVOC will join the world on 8 March to celebrate International Women’s Day. Every year the day puts the spotlight on issues related to gender equality and empowerment. This year UNESCO-UNEVOC reaffirms its advocacy to empower women through TVET, highlighting the role and importance of change-agents pushing for greater inclusion of women in TVET. ( more) |
 | 23 February 2018Workshop on Intangible Cultural Heritage & TVET UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage Section, UNESCO-UNEVOC and the German National Commission for UNESCO, organized a workshop in Bonn on the 23rd February 2018. This workshop aimed at knowledge exchange between the Intangible Cultural Heritage Section and UNESCO-UNEVOC, while exploring possibilities of integrating UNEVOC Network in associated activities. ( more) |
 | 22 January 2018Just Published: UNEVOC Bulletin Issue 32The Bulletin focuses on the theme of ICTs in TVET. This issue gives an overview of UNESCO-UNEVOC's recent activities with regards to ICTs in TVET, and UNEVOC network engagements in the last quarter of 2017. The bulletin is available as a PDF in English, and will be available in other UN languages soon. ( more) |
 | 6 December 2017Mainstreaming Entrepreneurial Skills in TVET: Engaging key global stakeholders UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre and DUOC UC – a UNEVOC Centre in Chile, together with UNESCO’s Youth, Literacy and Skills Development Section, and UNESCO Santiago, are organizing an Experts Consultation Meeting on mainstreaming entrepreneurial skills in TVET. This meeting is underway in Santiago from 5-7 December 2017, with the discussions involving various UNEVOC Centres and other key stakeholders. ( more) |
 | 30 November 2017UNEVOC Network in Action: Collaborative Capacity Development in the Asia & Pacific Supported by the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre and the Ministry of Education – Government of Thailand, and organized by KRIVET and OVEC; a capacity development workshop was held in Bangkok from 27-30 November 2017. The main aim of this workshop was developing the capacities of the UNEVOC and EAS Networks in greening TVET initiatives. ( more) |
 | 28 November 2017UNESCO-UNEVOC conducts Greening Skills Training at EC DEVCO Annual SeminarAs part of the annual meeting organized by the Directorate of International Cooperation and Development of the European Commission, UNESCO-UNEVOC delivered a training session on Green Skills at the European Commission in Brussels. This training session sensitized internationally deployed TVET experts of the European Commission about Greening TVET. ( more) |
 | 28 November 2017Cross-Regional Cooperation: UNEVOC Network in ActionUnder the leadership of Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles, Canada, eight UNEVOC Centres, covering all regions of the UNEVOC Network, have embarked on a collaborative research project on Community Engagement. This cooperation will yield an implementation-oriented publication that can give guidance to other TVET institutions interested in strengthening their community engagement. ( more) |
 | 16 November 2017UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme for Southern and Eastern Africa The first UNEVOC Regional TVET Leadership Programme was conducted in Harare, Zimbabwe from the 23rd to the 27th October 2017. Given the increasing eminence of TVET in the Southern and Eastern African context, this programme was aimed at fostering the abilities of potential change leaders in the region to realize the transformative potential of TVET. ( more) |
 | 8 November 2017Greening Skills : UNESCO-UNEVOC Sessions at the COP 23 in BonnIn pursuit of its agenda of Greening TVET and promoting the role of responsively skilled human capital for sustainable and green transitions, UNESCO –UNEVOC will be organizing a session on ‘Green skills: A non-negotiable action agenda for successful climate action’ at the UNESCO Pavilion located at the Bonn Zone of COP 23. ( more) |
 | 1 November 2017Virtual conference on Open Educational Resources in TVETThe virtual conference on OER in TVET, moderated by UNESCO OER Chair Robert Schuwer and Ben Janssen ended on 20 November with a live webinar in which the moderators summarized their findings and discussed with participants: View recording at https://youtu.be/fbkd-Fr61PM ( more) |
 | 19 October 2017UNESCO-UNEVOC at WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017Held as part of the WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017, UNESCO-UNEVOC actively participated in the conference with a theme of ‘Skills Strategies for a globalized world’ , organized as a platform for shaping the global skills agenda. The discussions addressed the changing skills demands of the globalized world on the way people live, learn, and work and the required response as it was held in Abu Dhabi from the 16-17 October 2017. ( more) |
 | 18 October 2017Moving to Action through Collaborative Capacity DevelopmentA collaborative capacity development workshop was organized by six UNEVOC centres, from the Caribbean and North American clusters of the UNEVOC Network. The workshops focused on two of the three main tenets of the UNESCO TVET Strategy 2016-2021: Fostering youth employment and entrepreneurship, and Facilitating the transition to green economies and sustainable societies
( more) |
 | 5 October 2017World Teachers’ Day 2017: Empowering teachers across the globeWorld Teachers’ Day has been celebrated annually since 1994, on October 5th, in more than 100 countries. This observance is aimed at drawing international attention to the contributions of teachers in educating and developing their communities and a sustainable society. ( more) |
 | 26 September 2017UNESCO-UNEVOC Bulletin Issue No. 31 PublishedThe Bulletin focuses on the theme of Greening TVET. This issue gives an overview of UNESCO-UNEVOC's recent activities with regards to Greening TVET, and UNEVOC network engagements since the start of 2017. The bulletin is available as a PDF in English will be available in the other UN languages soon. ( more) |
 | 11 September 20172017 UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme kicks off in BonnThe Second UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme commenced today at the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre, Bonn. Twenty two mid-to-senior level TVET leaders from around the world, including those from UNEVOC Centres, will be trained for two weeks to hone their skills for transformational leadership in TVET. ( more) |
 | 4 September 2017New Promising Practices OnlineThe Promising Practices Database presents initiatives from around the world that help contribute in a meaningful way to improving TVET in their context; be they local, national or regional. Two new promising practices from Ammachi Labs, India and SSACI, South Africa have been added to the Promising Practices Database. ( more) |
 | 3 August 2017UNESCO-UNEVOC Skills in Action Photo Competition ResultsAs part of its activities commemorating the World Youth Skills Day 2017, UNESCO-UNEVOC organized its annual Skills in Action Photo Competition. With more than 250 submissions received from all over the world, focused on how TVET is empowering young people in their communities, according to the three main thematic areas focused under the UNESCO TVET Strategy. ( more) |
 | 1 August 2017New Publication: Greening TVET – A practical guide for institutionsAs the global resolve for transition to green economies gains momentum, it is equally imperative to bring about a shift in skills requirements and embed a greening orientation in TVET institutions that train the professionals for the future. UNESCO-UNEVOC has developed a practical guide for TVET institutions that presents a comprehensive and actionable framework for Greening TVET. ( more) |
 | 17 July 2017Workshop discusses the attractiveness of skills developmentUNESCO‐UNEVOC jointly with the CEDEFOP are holding a workshop to discuss how to enhance the attractiveness of TVET. The workshop convenes over 50 representatives from academia, policymakers, industry, TVET institution managers and young people from different parts of the world. Find out how you can follow the workshop via livestream! ( more) |
 | 7 July 2017UNEVOC Centres in Latin America unite behind Greening TVETFour Latin American UNEVOC Centres met in Mexico to share experiences and identify how they could implement a whole-institutional approach to greening TVET. Organized by CONALEP, a UNEVOC Centre, the workshop lasted from 27 – 29 June 2017 and reaffirmed the commitment of TVET institutions in the region to contribute to the transition towards sustainable development. ( more) |
 | 6 July 2017Skills for work, innovation and sustainable developmentMore than 300 participants from 80 countries met at together at the ‘Skills on the move: global trends, local resonances’ conference taking place in Tangshan, People’s Republic of China from 4 – 6 July 2017. The event discussed how to meet the demand for skills development and overcome economic and social inequalities through TVET. ( more) |
 | 4 July 2017Call for Applications: UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme 2017As part of UNESCO-UNEVOC efforts to strengthen TVET worldwide, we are happy to announce the second UNEVOC flagship TVET Leadership Programme in September 2017 in Bonn, Germany. For 10 days, mid to senior level TVET experts will participate in an intensive training and capacity building program for transformational leadership in TVET. Applications for this program are accepted until 20 July 2017. ( more) |
 | 4 July 2017The Shanghai Consensus five years-onTVET stakeholders are meeting in Tangshan, China, from 4-6 July, to take stock of the progresses made since the Shanghai Consensus 2012, and to chart a course of action and reform to enhance TVET’s role in realizing the sustainable development agenda. ( more) |
 | 28 June 2017International Researchers from UNEVOC Network discuss Work-based learningUNESCO-UNEVOC in collaboration with the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) invited a select group of researchers from the UNEVOC Network and beyond for an international workshop on “Work-based learning as a pathway to competence-based education – Research and implementation strategies from a comparative and global VET perspective”. ( more) |
 | 13 June 2017UNEVOC Centre in Malta, visits the UNESCO-UNEVOC International CentreA delegation of the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) visited the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre to discuss matters of mutual interest and deepening their engagement with the UNEVOC network. The MCAST delegation was led by Dr. Silvio De Bono, President of the Board of Governors, and the new UNEVOC Centre Coordinator at MCAST Mr. Louis Aquilina, Director of Partnerships MCAST. ( more) |
 | 6 June 2017TKNIKA commences its activities as a new UNEVOC Centre in the Basque Country (Spain)One of the newest additions to the UNEVOC Network, the Institute for the Innovation of the Vocational and Educational Training System (TKNIKA) of Basque Country, Spain organized the inauguration of the UNEVOC Centre on the 29th May 2017. TKNIKA invited Mr. Shyamal Majumdar- Head of UNESCO-UNEVOC to the event, organized in collaboration with the Deputy Ministry of Vocational Education and Training, Ministry of Education of the Basque Republic. ( more) |
 | 23 May 2017TVET at the core of Sustainable Regional Development agenda in the CaribbeanThe Third International Conference on TVET was held in Montego Bay, Jamaica,from 10-12 May 2017, to provide a forum for sharing innovative practices from the perspectives of multiple stakeholders in the Caribbean Region. The discussions focused on the changes taking place in the TVET sector in the Caribbean that have led to a strengthening of TVET policy and regulatory framework in a number of countries. ( more) |
 | 17 May 2017Greening of TVET emerges as an important agenda of UNESCO project in SADCThe expansion and improvement of equitable and gender-balanced TEVET in Malawi is a critical step to achieving SDG2030 and is at the heart of UNESCO’s support to the Government of Malawi. An ongoing project funded by the EU called Skills and Technical Education Programme (STEP) serves this purpose and seeks to develop the current state of quality of TVET teachers and the introduction of Greening TVET programs in the country to achieve this aim. ( more) |
 | 17 May 2017UNEVOC Centre combats discrimination through skills development The Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje (INA), Costa Rica – a member of the UNEVOC Network, emerges as an example of productive engagement in combating sexual orientation discrimination. As the global community observes the IDAHOT to draw the attention of all social stakeholders to this issue, it also calls for more action oriented pursuit of assuring inclusion and dignity. ( more) |
 | 7 April 2017Skills in Action Photo Competititon 2017 - Call for participationAs part of its activities on the forthcoming World Youth Skills Day (WYSD) 2017 on the 15th of July, UNESCO-UNEVOC invites you to participate in the Skills in Action photo competition. We are inviting amateur or professional photographers to contribute and use their skills in capturing pictures that not only show but tell inspiring stories regarding “Youth and Skills” as an entry to our Skills-in-Action Photo Competition. ( more) |
 | 4 April 2017UNESCO-UNEVOC highlights the need to bridge skill gaps at the PAGE Ministerial ConferenceOn the 27th & 28th March, the PAGE Ministerial Conference was hosted in Berlin, with Ministers and other government officials participating from over 30 countries. This year's theme was “Inclusive and Sustainable Economies: Powering the SDGs”. UNESCO-UNEVOC highlighted the role of education and training to supply requisite skills in shaping green economy at this conference. ( more) |
 | 24 March 2017ICTs and blended learning in transforming TVET The Commonwealth of Learning (COL), UNESCO Section of Youth, Literacy and Skills Development, and the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre have launched a joint publication called Using ICTs and Blended Learning in Transforming TVET. It highlights the work of leading experts and case studies from around the world, and the need of a concerted action regarding changes in policy. ( more) |
 | 17 March 2017Supporting entrepreneurship through self-sufficient schoolsThe UNESCO-UNEVOC Promising Practices database presents inspiring initiative tackling key-themes in TVET. Fundación Paraguaya not only educates rural and low-income youth, but transforms them into entrepreneurs who can potentially lift themselves and their families out of poverty. Find out more about this innovative practice. ( more) |
 | 16 March 2017Mobile learning and TVET for greater inclusionIn view of the Mobile Learning Week 2017 co-organized by UNESCO and UNHCR around the theme of ‘Education in emergencies and crises’, we ask one of UNESCO’s experts about the implications of the increasing popularity of mobile learning for TVET and how this can advance the agenda of promoting youth, literacy and skills using mobile technology. ( more) |
 | 8 March 2017UNESCO-UNEVOC celebrating International Women’s Day 2017As part of its activities celebrating the International Women’s Day 2017, UNESCO-UNEVOC endeavors to draw the attention of global TVET stakeholders towards this year’s theme “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030”. Particularly in TVET, UNESCO-UNEVOC together with its global network of more than 250 centres across 167 countries, strives to mainstream gender equality in education, skills acquisition, and a dynamic labour market. ( more) |
 | 1 March 2017International Women's Day 2017: Women in a changing world of work UNESCO-UNEVOC will join the world on 8 March to celebrate International Women’s Day. This year’s theme “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030” brings to fore the need to promote an equality of access and opportunities in education and skills acquisition that enables a greater female participation in a dynamic labour market. ( more) |
 | 10 February 2017New Promising Practices onlineThe Promising Practices Database presents initiatives from around the world that help contribute in a meaningful way to improving TVET in their context, whether it be local, national or regional. Four new Promising Practices have been added to the ever-growing database and can now be accessed online. ( more) |
 | 30 January 2017New UNEVOC Centres in Brazil and KenyaThe UNEVOC Network welcomes its two newest members, the National Council for the Federal Network of Vocational, Scientific and Technological Education Institutions (Conif) in Brazil, and the Rift Valley Technical Training Institute (RVTTI) in Kenya. ( more) |
 | 9 January 2017Just published: UNESCO-UNEVOC Bulletin Issue no. 30The bulletin has been redesigned and each edition focuses on a thematic area; issue no. 30 gives an overview of UNESCO-UNEVOC's recent activities with regards to Capacity Development, including a two-week leadership programme organized in Bonn. The bulletin is available as a PDF in English and Spanish and will be available in the other UN languages soon. ( more) |
 | 22 December 2016Virtual conference on sources of financing in TVETThe virtual conference on diversifying sources of funding for TVET took place from 16 to 22 January 2017 on the UNESCO-UNEVOC TVeT Forum, and was participated by 222 participants from 81 countries. ( more) |
 | 21 December 2016UNEVOC Workshop Dakar 2016This joint workshop with PEFOP in Dakar had two main goals: Strengthening the UNEVOC Network in Francophone Africa (and particularly in the West African cluster) and discussing innovation in TVET. ( more) |
 | 8 December 2016Contributing to green growth in VietnamThe importance of integrating green skills in TVET in Asia and the Pacific was acknowledged at the Asia-Pacific Conference on Education and Training hosted in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, last year. As one of the emerging economies in Asia, Vietnam is gaining knowledge and experience on how to integrate green skills in their TVET system. ( more) |
 | 8 December 2016Teaching entrepreneurship with new technologiesPromoting entrepreneurial skills is recognized as one way to help youth access the world of work in the Arab region, where the youth unemployment rate is one of the highest in the world. A capacity development programme implemented by the ENSET-Rabat in Morocco, supported by UNESCO-UNEVOC, convened regional actors to discuss promoting entrepreneurship through the use of technology. ( more) |
 | 28 November 2016Supporting rural youth to acquire green skills and realise their ideasAccess to education and training that allows rural youth to have decent work opportunities is still limited in Paraguay. The Fundacion Paraguaya uses unique and innovative approaches to meet learning needs of rural youth. UNEVOC Centres from Latin America met on the San Francisco campus of the Fundación Paraguaya to discuss the use of ICT in the provision of TVET in rural contexts. ( more) |
 | 18 November 2016Education and training central in climate change agreementsThe 22nd Conference of Parties (COP22) organized by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Marrakesh, Morocco, reaffirmed Member States’ commitment to the COP 21 Paris Agreement. UNESCO, UNESCO-UNEVOC and partners contributed to the discourse that meant to highlight concrete actions to implement the agreement. ( more) |
 | 16 November 2016UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme prompts 22 leaders to move to actionTwenty-two mid- to senior-level TVET experts from 20 countries convened for a two-week programme that aimed to empower change leaders to put into action a transformative vision of TVET. The UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme, organized by UNESCO-UNEVOC, is the first of its kind and was held on the UN Campus in Bonn, Germany, from 17 to 28 October 2016. ( more) |
 | 31 October 2016Spotlight on sustainable development at UN Day, Bonn 2016The City of Bonn celebrated the coming into force of the UN Charter of 1945 in the market square of Bonn. This year’s festivities focused on the Sustainable Development Goals, adopted last year by the United Nations in New York. As every year, UNESCO-UNEVOC joined other UN, international and national organizations based in Bonn to celebrate the occasion. ( more) |
 | 21 October 2016UNESCO-Cedefop conference discusses future of jobs and skillsA two-day conference organized by UNESCO and Cedefop in Paris examines global trends and local challenges in matching skills to the changing job market. More than 125 participants, policy-makers, stakeholders and experts from around the world took part in the conference titled 'Skills, jobs and sustainable development: global trends, local challenges' ( more) |
 | 11 October 2016First UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme UNESCO-UNEVOC is proud to host the first UNEVOC TVET Leadership Programme. The ten-day programme aims to empower TVET leaders to become change leaders and transform TVET in their countries to contribute to sustainable societies and economies. This year’s programme will take place from 17 to 28 October and will be attended by 22 participants from 20 countries. ( more) |
 | 5 October 2016Celebrate World Teachers’ Day 2016!To raise awareness, understanding and appreciation of the important role teachers play in education, we celebrate World Teacher’s Day on the 5th of October. The theme this year focuses on “Valuing teachers, improving their status”. ( more) |
 | 2 September 2016UNESCO-UNEVOC welcomes UNESCO HQ delegationFrom 30-31 August 2016 Mr Qian Tang, UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Education, paid courtesy visits to German ministries and UN agencies in Bonn in an effort to strengthen UNESCO-UNEVOC’s partnership in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Germany ( more) |
 | 29 August 2016Just published: UNESCO-UNEVOC Bulletin Issue no. 29 The bulletin has been redesigned and each edition focuses on a thematic area; issue no. 29 gives an overview of UNESCO-UNEVOC's recent activities with regards to Youth and Skills, including an event organized in Bonn around World Youth Skills Day 2016. The bulletin is available as a PDF in English and Spanish and will be available in the other UN languages soon. ( more) |
 | 28 July 2016World Youth Skills Day 2016 in Bonn!Over 140 TVET stakeholders from over 35 counties met in Bonn, Germany, to discuss the role of youth skills development in transitions to sustainable economies and societies. In line with UNESCO’s new Strategy for TVET (2016-21), the meeting provided an opportunity for the global TVET community to gather and explore areas for future collaboration. ( more) |
 | 6 July 2016Virtual conference on Youth EntrepreneurshipIn the ongoing edition of UNESCO-UNEVOC’s virtual conferences, we are discussing youth entrepreneurship in technical and vocational education and training (TVET). The conference is taking place from 18 to 29 July 2016 on the UNESCO-UNEVOC TVeT Forum. ( more) |
 | 29 June 2016SRTTU Tehran conducts training programmesThe SRTTU Tehran, a member of the UNEVOC Network since 2006, conducted two technical teacher training programmes that aimed at building the capacities of teachers who are already engaged in these vocational and technical fields, and equip them with the skills necessary to promote and enhance their teaching techniques. ( more) |
 | 15 June 2016Just published: UNESCO-UNEVOC Biennial Report 2014-2015The UNESCO-UNEVOC Biennial report for the biennium 2014-2015 is now online. The selected activities show how the International Centre assisted Member States to provide equitable, inclusive and quality education and promote lifelong learning for sustainable development. ( more) |
 | 14 June 2016Pan Canadian UNEVOC Centre holds Annual ConferenceThe 2016 Annual Conference of Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan), the Canadian UNEVOC Centre brought together over 750 participants from colleges and institutes from across Canada, as well as over 50 stakeholders from around the world. The Annual Conference discussed CICan’s future activities, especially in light of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris climate agreement. ( more) |
 | 9 June 2016Southeast Asian Conference on Ensuring Greater Impact of TVET for Sustainable DevelopmentThe conference focused on TVET's role in the region and provided a platform for approximately 200 researchers, lecturers and policy makers to share their knowledge and experiences about trends and needs in the region. One of the main outcomes was the recognition of the need to adopt strategies to transform TVET to respond to emerging labour market trends and industries. ( more) |
 | 9 June 2016UNESCO-UNEVOC finds common interests with SFIVETA delegation from the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET) visited UNESCO-UNEVOC to discuss activities and areas of interest and identify areas of potential collaboration in the future. ( more) |
 | 7 June 2016Stakeholders engage in ten-day Capacity Development Programme in the PacificTAFE Queensland with the Asia Pacific Technical College (APTC) in Fiji organized a ten-day programme that focused on enhancing technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in the Pacific. The programme sought to assist the Pacific Island nations to further develop effective TVET systems which will ultimately contribute to improving economic growth and increased uptake of TVET. ( more) |
 | 1 June 2016Regional stakeholders reaffirm importance of TVET in CairoMore than 40 TVET policy makers and government officials from eight Arab States reaffirmed the importance of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) for socio-economic development during a two-day Regional Forum for managers of TVET institutions ( more) |
 | 24 May 2016Delegation from Qatar visits UNESCO-UNEVOCUNESCO-UNEVOC had the pleasure to welcome Mr Rupert Mclean, former Director of UNESCO-UNEVOC and current QAPCO Professional Chair in Vocational Studies as well as UNEVOC Centre Coordinator for the College of the North-Atlantic Qatar (CNA-Q), and Mr Abdulla Ahmed Kamal Naji from the Qatar Petrochemical Company (QAPCO), to the UN Campus in Bonn Germany ( more) |
 | 20 May 2016Over 200 participants discuss Return on Investment in TVETFrom 9 to 16 May, 2016, UNESCO-UNEVOC organized a virtual conference on return on investment in TVET. The virtual conference, moderated by the NCVER in Australia, informed the wider TVET community about ROI in TVET and was an opportunity for the community to share their ideas, expertise and experiences on the topic ( more) |
 | 16 May 2016Asian Development Bank delegates meet in FrankfurtThe 49th Annual Meeting of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) took place in Frankfurt, Germany, and convened stakeholders to discuss a range of key topics in relation to sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific ( more) |
 | 9 May 2016Asia-Pacific Delegation visits UNESCO-UNEVOCThirteen ministry and national institute representatives from Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar and Vietnam visited UNESCO-UNEVOC to find out more about the International Centre's role, mandate and activities in thematic priority areas ( more) |
 | 14 April 2016New UNESCO TVET Strategy adoptedOn 12 April 2016, UNESCO’s Executive Board adopted the new Strategy for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for the period 2016 to 2021. The Strategy will support Member States to enhance the relevance of their TVET systems. ( more) |
 | 12 April 2016NCVER representative visits UNESCO-UNEVOCA representative from the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) in Australia, visited UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre to discuss and learn about UNESCO-UNEVOC’s programmes and services, in particular, the knowledge management activities. ( more) |
 | 5 April 2016UNESCO’s two Recommendations on educationThe Recommendation on Adult Learning and Education (ALE) and the Recommendation concerning Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) were signed on 4 April 2016 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France, by the President of UNESCO’s General Conference, Stanley Mutumba Simataa, and UNESCO’s Director-General, Irina Bokova. ( more) |
 | 24 March 2016Workshop UNESCO IIEP Pôle de Dakar A 2-day workshop for an intensive information exchange was participated by delegates from UNESCO IIEP Pôle de Dakar, Mr Jérôme Gerard, Expert in network animation, Platform of expertise in vocational training (PEFOP), Mr Jonathan Jourde, Focal Point Communication and Knowledge Management, Ms Lynne Sergeant, UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse, IIEP Paris with the UNESCO-UNEVOC team, held from 21-22 March 2016 in Bonn, Germany. ( more) |
 | 15 March 2016Experts meeting on TVET teaching using ICTsFrom 14 to 16 March 2016, 6 experts and 3 UNEVOC Centres representatives are meeting in Bonn, Germany, to provide input and guide the development of a Guidebook to enhance technical and vocational education and training (TVET) teaching and learning using information and communication technology (ICT)]. The workshop takes place within the framework of a project supported by the OPEC Fund for International Developments (OFID). ( more) |
 | 10 March 2016Delegation from Chile visits UNESCO-UNEVOCOn 9 March 2016, Ms Solange Isaacs and Mr Leonardo Lopez of Instituto de Informática Educativa Universidad de La Frontera in Chile, visited the International Centre to discuss and learn about the activities of UNESCO-UNEVOC particularly its work in ICT in TVET. ( more) |
 | 10 March 2016TVET for gender equalityOn the occasion of International Women’s Day on 8 March 2016, UNESCO and UNESCO-UNEVOC organised a workshop on TVET and gender equality. Participants recognised that TVET can contribute to equity by enabling individuals to access the labour market, and livelihood and lifelong learning opportunities. ( more) |
 | 8 March 2016International Women’s Day 2016To raise awareness on issues related to gender equality, as well as women’s empowerment and human rights, UNESCO-UNEVOC joins the world in observing Women’s Day. This year’s theme is “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality”. ( more) |
 | 4 March 2016Mobile Learning Week 2016 in Paris, FranceFrom 7 to 11 March 2016, Mobile Learning Week (MLW) takes place in Paris, France, with the aim of outlining ways mobile technology can be used to foster innovation in the education sector and ensure quality learning opportunities for all. ( more) |
 | 26 February 2016Korean delegation visits UNESCO-UNEVOCOn 25 February 2015, a Korean delegation from the Metropolitan City of Busan visited UNESCO-UNEVOC to discuss and learn about UNESCO-UNEVOC’s activities in the field of technical and vocational education and training (TVET). ( more) |
 | 5 February 2016UNESCO-UNEVOC welcomes visitorsOn 03 February 2016, Angelica Maria Kappel (Mayor of the City of Bonn), Alexander R. Petsch (Börding Messe GmbH) and Günther M. Szogs (Sectretary of the LEONARDO – European Corporate Learning Award) visited UNESCO-UNEVOC. ( more) |
 | 3 February 2016UNEVOC Centre representative visits UNESCO-UNEVOCOn 01 February 2016, Assistant Professor Christopher Zirkle visited UNESCO-UNEVOC to discuss and learn about UNESCO-UNEVOC’s activities in the field of technical and vocational education and training. ( more) |
 | 25 January 2016European Commission representatives visit UNESCO-UNEVOCNorbert Schöbel (Team leader – Skills for the Young) and Maria Todorova (Policy officer) from the European Commission’ Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion visited UNESCO-UNEVOC to discuss actions and priorities for 2016, with a view to considering future potential collaborations. ( more) |
 | 8 January 2016Just published: UNESCO-UNEVOC Bulletin 28Read more about the recent activities and events of UNESCO-UNEVOC and its global network in the latest bulletin. The bulletin is available in English, French and Spanish. ( more) |
 | 23 December 2015First Global Forum on Green Economy Learning in Paris, FranceFrom 16 to 18 December 2015, the 1st Global Forum on Green Economy Learning held in Paris, France, convened approximately 70 policy-makers, development partners, and representatives from education and training institutions, NGOs and business associations to identify opportunities for improving green economy learning. ( more) |
 | 23 December 2015International Conference on Urban ConservationFrom 01 to 03 December, 2015, approximately 200 experts and stakeholders from universities, schools and regional and international organisations convened at the International Conference on Urban Conservation held in Kuwait City, Kuwait. ( more) |
 | 23 December 2015Student group visits UNESCO-UNEVOC On 18 November, 2015, 12 students from Universität Osnabrück visited UNESCO-UNEVOC to learn about UNESCO-UNEVOC’s activities regarding the modernisation of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) systems worldwide, and how TVET teachers can benefit from UNESCO-UNEVOC’s services. ( more) |
 | 23 December 2015Visit by Angela Dekker and Rosalie Edelstein-LopesOn 22nd December, 2015, Ms Angela Dekker, representative of the Dutch Ministry of Education with the special assignment to introduce English as language of instruction in education in Sint Eustatius, and Ms Rosalie Edelstein-Lopes, Director of the secondary school of Sint Eustatius, visited UNESCO-UNEVOC to find out more about UNESCO-UNEVOC’s activities. ( more) |
 | 21 December 2015Student group visits UNESCO-UNEVOC On 18 November, 2015, 12 students from Universität Osnabrück visited UNESCO-UNEVOC to learn about UNESCO-UNEVOC’s activities regarding the modernisation of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) systems worldwide. ( more) |
 | 16 December 2015UNESCO-UNEVOC at COP21UNESCO-UNEVOC contributed to a number of events at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) that took place in Paris from 30 November to 12 December. ( more) |
 | 8 December 2015UNESCO-UNEVOC at OEB 2015UNESCO-UNEVOC attends the Online Educa Berlin (OEB), 2015. OEB is one of the leading international conferences for technology-enhanced learning and is attended by over 2,300 participants from more than 100 countries. ( more) |
 | 3 December 2015UNESCO-UNEVOC at the TVET Forum for Latin America in Montevideo, UruguayFrom 23 to 25 November, 2015, an expert meeting in Montevideo, Uruguay, convened 40 technical and vocational education and training (TVET) stakeholders and ministry representatives from Latin American countries to discuss the challenges TVET faces looking towards the implementation of the recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the period 2015-2030. ( more) |
 | 3 December 2015UNESCO-UNEVOC hosts Expert Meeting in Bonn, GermanyFrom 17 to 19 November, 30 UNEVOC cluster and centre coordinators, from UNEVOC centres in 26 countries met in Bonn, Germany, to discuss the development of tools and activities intended to further improve the UNEVOC Network. One of the key messages from the meeting was the need to promote more collaboration and more collective approaches to UNEVOC network activities. ( more) |
 | 20 November 2015UNESCO Dakar launches regional TVET Platform in West Africa UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning (IIPE) office in Dakar, Senegal, launched a regional platform for TVET experts in November. A two-day conference from 2 to 3 November in Dakar was attended by about a hundred TVET experts from the region. ( more) |
 | 6 November 2015Just published: Shanghai Update Issue No. 4The fourth issue of the Shanghai Update has just been published! This newsletter gives an overview of the activities undertaken by UNESCO and UNESCO-UNEVOC in response to the recommendations that Member States made to UNESCO at the Third International TVET Congress in Shanghai in May 2012. ( more) |
 | 27 October 2015Virtual Conference: Greening TVET in the context of climate change policy developmentsFrom 2 to 13 November, you will have the chance to participate in our next virtual conference on greening TVET in the context of global climate change policy developments. This online conference will be moderated by Dr Nick Sofroniou, Principal Research Fellow at Institute for Employment Research of the University of Warwick and an expert in green skills development. ( more) |
 | 5 October 2015Celebrate World Teachers' Day!Join us in celebrating World Teachers' Day on the 5th of October! The day recognises the important role teachers play in education and this year’s event highlights the need to empower teachers to contribute to building sustainable societies. ( more) |
 | 1 October 2015Adoption of the Sustainable Development GoalsOn Friday 25 September 2015, the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit adopted the Sustainable Development Goals which seek to realise inclusive and equitable economic, social and environmental sustainable development. ( more) |
 | 28 September 2015UNESCO-UNEVOC participates in UKFIETFrom 15 to 17 September 2015, 550 participants met in London, the United Kingdom, for the UKFIET International Conference on Education and Development. ( more) |
 | 28 September 2015Craig Fowler visits UNESCO-UNEVOCOn 24 September 2015, Mr. Craig Fowler, Managing Director of the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) in Australia, visited UNESCO-UNEVOC. ( more) |
 | 28 September 2015First Global Forum on Green Economy Learning From the 16 to 18 December 2015, the 1st Global Forum on Green Economy Learning will bring together policy-makers, development partners, as well as representatives from education and training institutions, NGOs and business associations to identify opportunities for improving green economy learning. ( more) |
 | 28 September 2015Asia-Pacific delegation visits UNEVOCOn 25 September 2015, UNESCO-UNEVOC hosted the visit of 19 TVET managers, administrators and staff from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and Indonesia. ( more) |
 | 17 September 2015Virtual Conference: UNESCO’s future TVET strategy From 28 September to 3 October, you will have the chance to participate in our next virtual conference on UNESCO’s future strategy for TVET (2016-2021). This online conference will be moderated by Mike Campbell, an expert in the fields of skills, labour markets and the economy. ( more) |
 | 16 September 2015Young Leonardo Award Laureates receive awardsOn 14 September, five young entrepreneurs were acknowledged for their efforts towards finding innovative solutions to challenges in the field of learning and were awarded the Young Leonardo Awards. ( more) |
 | 21 August 2015David Atchoarena visits UNESCO-UNEVOCOn 20 August 2015, Mr David Atchoarena, the Director of the Division for Policies and Lifelong Learning Systems in UNESCO’s Education sector, visited UNESCO-UNEVOC as part of a two day visit to Bonn. ( more) |
 | 18 August 2015Recently Published: Unleashing the Potential - Transforming TVETUNESCO has published the third volume of its new book series entitled ''Education on the Move''. The overall series focuses on key trends in education today and challenges for tomorrow. This particular volume is dedicated to exploring how the transformative potential of TVET can be released. ( more) |
 | 18 August 2015WorldSkills competition and conference in São PauloMore than 1500 people from over 70 countries met in São Paulo, Brazil, from the 11 to 16 August for the WorldSkills competition and conference. UNESCO-UNEVOC contributed to a very stimulating programme which showcased the next generation of youth skills. ( more) |
 | 30 July 2015UNESCO and UNEVOC participate in WorldSkills São PauloFrom 11-16 August 2015 the WorldSkills competition takes place in Brazil. Running in parallel to the competition a Conference programme brings together leaders in the field of TVET to discuss current global skills issues. ( more) |
 | 16 July 2015World Youth Skills Day at UNEVOCOn 15 July 2015, some 50 young people attended UNESCO-UNEVOC’s commemoration of the UN’s inaugural World Youth Skills Day at the UN Campus in Bonn, Germany. ( more) |
 | 15 July 2015Celebrate World Youth Skills Day on 15 July!Join the United Nations in New York and Bonn in celebrating the first-ever World Youth Skills Day! The goal of this celebration is to achieve better socio-economic conditions for today’s youth and to address issues of unemployment. ( more) |
 | 6 July 2015Skills for Heritage Panel Session ReportMore than 50 participants from 30 countries filled to capacity the Small Hall of the World Conference Centre in Bonn to listen to, and engage with, a panel of experts on the theme of Heritage for Skills which took place on 2 July 2015. ( more) |
 | 29 May 2015Virtual conference: Delivering TVET through Quality Apprenticeships From 15 to 26 June 2015, you will have the chance to participate in our next virtual conference on “Delivering TVET through Quality Apprenticeships". This online conference will be moderated by Alessandra Molz, an international consultant and researcher on skills development and the labour market. ( more) |
 | 28 May 2015Shanghai Update 3: Follow-up on the Third TVET Congress The third issue of the Shanghai Update is published! This newsletter gives an overview of activities undertaken by UNESCO and UNEVOC in response to the recommendations that Member States made to UNESCO at the Third International TVET Congress in Shanghai in May 2012. ( more) |
 | 28 May 2015Second International Conference on TVET in the CaribbeanTVET is high on the political agenda in Caribbean countries. The Second International Conference on TVET in the Caribbean “STEM Education in TVET: Imperative to National and Regional Development” served to establish a platform for reforming education systems. ( more) |
 | 25 May 2015Declaration on ICT and Education Post-2015 signedThe Qingdao Declaration, entitled "Seize digital opportunities, lead education transformation", was signed by Member States represented by more than fifty ministers and high-level delegates at the UNESCO conference on ICT and Post-2015 Education from 23 to 25 May 2015 in Qingdao, China. ( more) |
 | 8 May 2015Cedefop and UNESCO enhance collaborationThe Director of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training Cedefop, James Calleja, travelled to UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 5 to 6 May to meet with senior UNESCO management and TVET specialists. ( more) |
 | 6 March 2015Mobile technology in skills development for womenUNESCO-UNEVOC co-organized a session on "Using mobile technology in skills development for women: A glimpse into promising practices to improve skills for employability" at Mobile Learning Week 2015. UNEVOC Centres from Finland and the Philippines presented case studies. ( more) |
 | 27 January 2015Delegation from the Chinese Academy of Engineering at UNESCO-UNEVOC On 23 January 2015 UNESCO-UNEVOC welcomed a delegation from the Chinese Academy of Engineering. The delegation, headed by Vice President Prof. Xie Kechang, came to Bonn with the aim of learning more about UNESCO-UNEVOC’s work and exploring ways of collaborating, especially in the areas of innovation and creativity in TVET. ( more) |
 | 23 January 2015Delegation from Céreq at UNESCO-UNEVOCUNESCO-UNEVOC welcomed Mr Alberto Lopez, Director and Mr Matteo Sgarzi, Head of the International Relations Mission of the French Centre d’Etudes et des Recherches sur les Qualifications (Céreq) to its premises on 21 January 2015. ( more) |
 | 16 January 2015Delegation from Palestine at UNESCO-UNEVOCThe visit was part of a study tour organized by GIZ for its partner institutions in Gaza to familiarize key TVET actors from Palestine with the German dual vocational education system, and with possibilities of international cooperation in TVET. ( more) |
 | 22 December 2014Skills Forum at the Asian Development BankThe Asian Development Bank held its Fourth Annual International Skills Development Forum in Manila. UNESCO-UNEVOC joined the event with UNEVOC Network members from the region. ( more) |
 | 22 December 2014UNESCO-UNEVOC at Online EDUCA in Berlin“Less Talk, More Action! Meeting Tomorrow’s Needs Today” was the focus of UNESCO-UNEVOC's participation in this year's ONLINE EDUCA in Berlin. It highlighted the need for creating favourable contexts to enable corporate learning that supports innovation at the workplace. ( more) |
 | 17 December 2014TVET in the knowledge-based society: Saudi ArabiaAt the request of the Saudi Technical and Vocational Training Corporation, Shyamal Majumdar visited Riyadh to share technical expertise and deliver a keynote presentation on “Knowledge-based societies and TVET” at the Seventh Saudi Technical Conference and Exhibition (STCEX-7). ( more) |
 | 16 December 2014GreenTech experts meet in BerlinWhat is the impact of green technologies? Experts discussed the influence of green technology on the economy, politics, employment and education at "GreenTech made in Germany" in Berlin on 27 November 2014. ( more) |
 | 16 December 2014Green Cities – Green Industries – Green JobsMore and more people live in urban areas. Cities have to find solutions to challenges such as rising traffic and increasing waste. UNEVOC Network member GIZ and the city of Magdeburg invited partners from around the world to discuss challenges and opportunities of green cities and industries, and what this means for the creation of green jobs. ( more) |
 | 12 December 2014New country reports in World TVET DatabaseNew country reports have been published for Benin, Cambodia, Chad, Iraq, Latvia, Lithuania, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Qatar, South Africa, Uganda and USA. UNESCO-UNEVOC continues to expand the World TVET Database and more country reports will be available soon. ( more) |
 | 9 December 2014Five experts from India visit UNESCO-UNEVOCUNESCO-UNEVOC welcomed five experts from India to its premises on 5 December 2014. The meeting was an opportunity for an exploratory discussion between UNESCO-UNEVOC and TREC-STEP, a consortium of three institutions from three Indian states. ( more) |
 | 21 November 2014Don Bosco school principals from India visit UNESCO-UNEVOCOn 17 November 2014, four directors and training officers of Don Bosco vocational training institutes in the Mumbai region visited UNESCO-UNEVOC as part of a study visit to Germany to explore possibilities of international cooperation. ( more) |
 | 19 November 2014End of the Decade of Education for Sustainable DevelopmentGreen skills are a priority for aligning TVET with the post-2015 development agenda. UNESCO-UNEVOC and the Inter-Agency Working Group on Greening Skills and TVET ran a discussion on the Role of greening TVET on 11 November 2014 at the closing of the Decade on Education for Sustainable development in Nagoya, Japan. ( more) |
 | 13 November 2014Jordanian delegation visits UNESCO-UNEVOCUNESCO-UNEVOC welcomed a delegation from Jordan including representatives of two UNEVOC Centres in Jordan to its premises on 10 November 2014. The delegation came to Bonn with the aim of learning more about UNESCO-UNEVOC, and in particular the UNEVOC Network. ( more) |
 | 13 November 2014UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson in BonnUN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson visited the UN Campus in Bonn yesterday. He met with UN Bonn staff, and with the Heads of all UN organizations based in Germany, to discuss current challenges the UN faces in the post-2015 process and in achieving sustainable development. ( more) |
 | 27 October 2014Happy birthday United NationsThe City of Bonn held a celebration on Market Square to commemorate the United Nations’ anniversary on Saturday, 25 October 2014. UNESCO-UNEVOC joined the festivities with an information booth, a quiz and a drawing contest. ( more) |
 | 25 October 2014Quality requirements for teaching and learning in the EUCedefop, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Education and Training in the European Union, organized an expert workshop on quality requirements for new forms and contexts of teaching and learning in the EU. ( more) |
 | 20 October 2014UNESCO-UNEVOC launches Skills in Action Award UNESCO-UNEVOC has launched the Skills in Action Award to celebrate success stories of young people in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and is calling for young people across the globe to share their stories. ( more) |
 | 14 October 2014Skills for Work and Life Post-2015As a follow-up to regional consultations in 2013, UNESCO-UNEVOC is organizing a global forum to be held from 14 to 16 October at the UN Campus in Bonn, Germany. The forum seeks to contribute to the ongoing debate, enriching the thought processes behind the positioning of TVET in the post-2015 agenda and it will utilize cross-regional networking and partnership as platforms to create synergy in the contribution of TVET in the post-2015 agenda.
( more) |
 | 29 September 2014Youth in Transition: VET in times of economic crisisOn 22 September 2014, Shyamal Majumdar, Head of UNESCO-UNEVOC, delivered a keynote address at the 2nd International Conference of the German Research Center for Comparative Vocational Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) held in Cologne, Germany. ( more) |
 | 29 September 2014Delegation from Vietnam visits UNESCO-UNEVOCThe team of UNESCO-UNEVOC welcomed Mr Mac Van Tien, Mr Nguyen Quang Viet, Mr Nguyen Dang Tuan, and Mrs Nguyen Thi Huong Nguyen from the National Institute for Vocational Training (NIVT) in Vietnam and Mrs Britta van Erckelens, Mrs Viviana Sortino, and Mr Michael Schwarz from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) to the UNEVOC premises on 26 September 2014. ( more) |
 | 28 September 2014Virtual conference on skills for the creative industriesThe next virtual conference will be held from 29 September to 10 October 2014 on the UNEVOC e-Forum and will aim to deepen our understanding of the creative industries in relation to vocational education and training, discuss challenges and opportunities in these sectors, and identify good practices from across the globe. ( more) |
 | 26 September 2014Professor Simon McGrath visits UNESCO-UNEVOCOn 24 September 2014, UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre welcomed Simon McGrath, a Professor in International Education and Development from the University of Nottingham to the UNESCO-UNEVOC premises. ( more) |
 | 25 September 2014UNESCO publication: BRICS Building Education for the FuturePublished by UNESCO and developed in consultation with experts from Brazil, Russian Federation, India, China and South Africa,, this report provides an overview of BRICS education systems and policies, highlighting trends in access, quality and equity and zooming in on priorities to sustain and widen the benefits of growth. With input from UNESCO-UNEVOC, the report pays close attention to skills development, especially TVET, which all five countries have identified as a vital ingredient of more inclusive growth and sustainable development. ( more) |
 | 25 September 2014Delegation from SENAI and BIBB visits UNESCO-UNEVOCOn 16 September, the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre welcomed Ms Maria Eliane Azevedo, Ms Cintia Becker, and Mr Felipe Mogado from the National Service for Industrial Training (SENAI) and Mr Roger Hessel from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) to the UNEVOC premises. ( more) |
 | 17 September 2014The future of Open Educational ResourcesOn 12 and 13 September 2014, UNESCO-UNEVOC presented its view on the prospect of Open Educational Resources in the area of TVET during #OERde14, the second German conference on OER organized by Wikimedia Germany. ( more) |
 | 16 September 2014Just published: Attractiveness of vocational education and training This bibliography, jointly published by UNESCO-UNEVOC and the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), features the range of currently available literature on the topics of international mobility, transfer and transitions in TVET, and their role in increasing its attractiveness.
( more) |
 | 20 August 2014Delegation from GIZ Yemen visits UNESCO-UNEVOCOn 4 August, Mr Shyamal Majumdar, Head of UNESCO-UNEVOC, and his team welcomed a delegation from GIZ Yemen to the UNEVOC premises. The visit followed an earlier visit of the Ministry of Education in July 2014. ( more) |
 | 19 August 2014Behind the screen: Introducing the TVETipedia glossaryTVETipedia is an online portal for the exchange of information on technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Developed in 2007 and launched in 2009 by UNESCO-UNEVOC, the revamped TVETipedia glossary was made available online in March 2014 and has played a role as an online information instrument for TVET experts and researchers. ( more) |
 | 21 July 2014GIZ Delegation visits UNESCO-UNEVOCOn 14 July 2014, in the context of a study visit organized by GIZ’s Division Economic Development and Employment, the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre welcomed a delegation representing GIZ Headquarters and field offices from Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Kosovo, Namibia, the Palestinian Territories, South Africa, Tajikistan and Timor-Leste and respectively. ( more) |
 | 2 July 2014A new agenda for skills: Online consultation on TVETFrom 1 to 8 July UNESCO is hosting a global online consultation to discuss and revise an international standard-setting instrument on technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Participants include government officials and specialists from international organizations and civil society. ( more) |
 | 26 June 2014Visit of Mr Reinhard Koslitz of DidactaOn 26 June 2014, UNESCO-UNEVOC welcomed Mr Reinhard Koslitz, General Manager of Didacta Verband e.V. (German Association of the Education Industry) on its premises in Bonn.
( more) |
 | 10 June 2014Nigerian delegation visits UNESCO-UNEVOCAs part of a TVET study visit to Germany, facilitated by GIZ and SOKRATES, the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre in Bonn welcomed a delegation of the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) from Nigeria. ( more) |
 | 5 May 2014Virtual conference on vocational pedagogyUNESCO-UNEVOC organized a virtual conference from 12 to 26 May 2014 on the UNEVOC e-Forum. Moderated by Professor Bill Lucas, the virtual conference explored what vocational pedagogy is, why it matters and how we can put it into practice. ( more) |
 | 24 April 2014Regional TVET Conference on ensuring TVET quality Organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the regional TVET Conference 2014, “Ensuring TVET Quality – Preparing for AEC 2015” provided a platform to exchange thoughts on good practices in TVET and on forthcoming opportunities created by ASEAN. ( more) |
 | 16 April 2014Flipping the switch to solve youth unemployment in EuropeWhat are the skills and competencies needed from a young person to be successful in finding a job? This was among the key questions during the Europe Youth to Business Forum: Flipping the Switch to Solve Youth Unemployment in Europe, organized by AIESEC on 7 April 2014 in Warsaw, Poland. ( more) |
 | 14 April 2014Behind the screen: discovering the World TVET DatabaseThe World Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Database is part of our online services where you can currently find 50 country reports. In this interview, the UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Database team, Katerina, Kamal and Curie, explain how this service works, and its usefulness for anyone interested in TVET. ( more) |
 | 21 March 2014UNESCO-UNEVOC at Global Education and Skills ForumThe second annual Global Education and Skills Forum was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from 14 to 17 March 2014. Organized by UNESCO and the UAE Ministry of Education, GEMS Education, the Varkey GEMS Foundation and Dubai Cares the forum aimed at providing a platform for exchange between representatives of government, leading non-governmental organizations and business. ( more) |
 | 21 March 2014Just published: Shanghai Update 2The second issue of the Shanghai Update is published! This newsletter gives an overview of the activities undertaken by UNESCO and UNEVOC to respond to the recommendations that were made to UNESCO by its Member States in Shanghai. ( more) |
 | 13 March 2014Sharing of experiences between UNESCO-UNEVOC and BIBB Over a brown bag seminar on 13 March 2014 at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BiBB) in Bonn, Ms Dagmar Winzier and Ms Uta Roth presented their work at UNESCO-UNEVOC to BiBB staff members. ( more) |
 | 3 March 2014Meeting report of the Africa Regional ForumMeeting report of the Africa Regional Forum (17-18 September 2013, Abuja, Nigeria) on Advancing TVET for Youth Employability and Sustainable Development now available online ( more) |
 | 20 February 2014Delegation from HRD Korea visit UNESCO-UNEVOCOn 19 February 2014, the team of UNESCO-UNEVOC welcomed Mr Kweon, Tae Seung, Director, Bureau of Skills Development Policy, Ministry of Employment and Labor, Dr. Eom, Jun-Chel, Executive Director HRD Korea, and Ms. Park, Sung-Hee, Manager, International Cooperation HRD Korea to its premises in Bonn, Germany. ( more) |
 | 17 February 2014UNESCO-UNEVOC participates in Green Skills Forum 2014 Organized by OECD and CEDEFOP, the second Green Skills Forum held in Paris, France, on 14 February 2014 brought brought together over 90 experts, researchers, economists, government advisers, employment and policy analysts and social partners to explore the links between skills and knowledge needs and inclusive green growth ( more) |
 | 24 January 2014Nigerian Delegation visiting UNEVOCAs part of a jointly organized study visit to Germany between NBTE and the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Nigerian Delegation was received at UNEVOC’s premises to learn about UNEVOC’s portfolio. ( more) |
 | 25 December 2013Set of policy recommendations to meet skills needs for green jobsThis document, jointly prepared by members of the Inter-Agency Working Group (IWG) on Greening Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Skills Development, presents a set of policy recommendations in response to a request from the G20 Development Working Group on the Human Resources Development (HRD) Pillar. ( more) |
 | 3 December 2013Regional Forum on Status of TVET in the SADC RegionBased on the findings of a regional study conducted by UNESCO on the Status of TVET in the SADC Region, representatives of the SADC Member States convened in Stellenbosch, South Africa from 25 to 29 November 2013 to discuss the progress of actions undertaken to reform their countries’ TVET systems since the assessment. ( more) |
 | 29 November 2013World TVET Database reaches 50 country reports The World Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Database is an online repository developed by UNESCO-UNEVOC. It provides concise, reliable and up-to-date information on TVET systems worldwide in one single place. New country reports are regularly added to the database. ( more) |
 | 28 November 2013Delegation from Liberia visits UNESCO-UNEVOCOn Monday 25 November 2013, the team of UNESCO-UNEVOC welcomed Mr Khalipha Bility, Deputy Minister of Education, Mr Wolfgang Zagel, President of Helog Academy, and Ms Mamaka Bility, President of MedLife Liberia, from Liberia to the UNEVOC premises. ( more) |
 | 12 November 2013Representatives from University of Bremen visits UNESCO-UNEVOCOn Tuesday 12 November 2013, Mr Michael Gessler, Mr Ludger Deitmer and Mr Pekka Kamarainen from the Institute Technology and Education (Institut Technik und Bildung, ITB), at the University of Bremen, visited the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre in Bonn, Germany. ( more) |
 | 6 November 2013Delegation from Botswana visits UNESCO-UNEVOCOn Tuesday 4 November 2013, the team of UNESCO-UNEVOC welcomed a delegation, Ms Grace Muzila (Permanent Secretary) and Mr Ralecha Mmatli (Project Officer of TVET Revitalisation), from Botswana’s Ministry of Education and Skills Development. ( more) |
 | 29 October 2013UNESCO-UNEVOC Internship flyerThis flyer provides information on opportunities for undertaking internships at the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre in Bonn, Germany. ( more) |
 | 29 October 2013Conference on rural skills development through ICTFrom 25 to 26 October 2013, INRULED in collaboration with UNESCO-UNEVOC, Chengdu Municipal Education Bureau, and Dujiangyan Municipal Government organized a conference on rural skills development through Information Communication Technologies (ICT). ( more) |
 | 21 October 2013UNESCO-UNEVOC virtual conference on greening TVET From 12 to 26 November 2013, UNESCO-UNEVOC is organizing the second virtual conference on Greening TVET on the UNEVOC e-Forum. Moderated by Dr Julia Kastrup, the discussions will focus on clarifying how to support processes of Greening TVET and sustainable development in policy and practice, with an emphasis on qualifications needs and implementation strategies. ( more) |
 | 18 September 2013Omnia Finland joins the UNEVOC Network In September 2013, Omnia, the Joint Authority of Education in the Espoo Region in Finland joined the UNEVOC Network. With nearly 10 000 students and 700 staff, Omnia is one of Finland´s largest vocational institutes. ( more) |
 | 27 August 2013Strengthening regional harmonization for the transformation of TVET To strengthen global and regional harmonization for the advancement of TVET transformation through the capacities of UNEVOC's unique global Network of specialized TVET institutions and affiliated partners, the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre is organizing a series of meetings to be held in all regions of the world.
( more) |
 | 12 August 2013Skills for inclusive and sustainable development in BotswanaFrom 27 July to 05 August 2013 and under the kind invitation of the Republic of Botswana, Mr Shyamal Majumdar, Head of UNESCO-UNEVOC, and Ms Mmantsetsa Marope, Director of the Division for Basic Learning and Skills Development at UNESCO, undertook an exploratory mission to Gaborone, Botswana. ( more) |
 | 12 August 2013New country reports in World TVET DatabaseCountry reports on Barbados, Belize, Colombia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Norway, Oman, Paraguay, Republic of Korea, Turkey and United Arab Emirates have just been added to the World TVET Database
( more) |
 | 7 August 2013Delegation from Central Asia visits UNESCO-UNEVOCOn 6 August 2013, the team of UNESCO-UNEVOC welcomed a delegation from Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan who visited the International Centre as part of the GIZ regional programme professional education and training in Central Asia. ( more) |
 | 18 July 2013Shanghai Update: Follow-up on the Third International TVET CongressOne year ago, TVET experts from all over the world came to the Third International Congress on TVET in Shanghai, China, to discuss the transformation of TVET. To update on the progress made after one year, the UNESCO Section for TVET and UNESCO-UNEVOC has published the first issue of the ‘Shanghai Update’ newsletter.
( more) |
 | 1 July 2013Head of UNESCO-UNEVOC presents at ACCC Annual ConferenceFrom 1 to 3 June 2013, and on the occasion of the Annual Conference of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC), Mr Shyamal Majumdar, Head of the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre, held a key note speech in the framework of the discussion focusing on Transforming Peoples and Communities.
( more) |
 | 28 June 2013UNESCO-UNEVOC at WorldSkills 2013The UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training is present at a number of events, workshops and conferences at the 42nd WorldSkills Competition 2013, from 1 to 7 July 2013 in Leipzig, Germany. ( more) |
 | 3 May 2013International Forum on new trends in water-related capacity developmentOn the occasion of Wasser Berlin 2013, the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre, in collaboration with the UNW-DPC organized a session entitled "Adding Value in Water-Related Capacity Development" during the international forum focusing on new trends in water-related capacity development" on 25 April 2013 in Berlin, Germany. ( more) |
 | 5 March 2013UNESCO-UNEVOC and its Global NetworkThis flyer briefly describes the UNEVOC Network and the roles of UNEVOC Centres and provides information about how an institution can become a UNEVOC Centre. ( more) |
 | 25 January 2013UNV Executive Coordinator visits UNESCO-UNEVOCOn 25 January 2013, Mr Shyamal Majumdar, Head of UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre, was honoured to welcome Mr Richard Dictus, the new United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Executive Coordinator, to the Centres’ premises. ( more) |
 | 22 December 2012Transforming TVET - 10 years of UNEVOCThe UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training celebrates the 10th anniversary of its establishment in Bonn, Germany. This presentation gives a brief overview of the aims, the actions and the themes UNESCO-UNEVOC advocates for. ( more) |
 | 20 December 2012Chinese delegates visit UNESCO-UNEVOC On 17 December 2012, UNESCO-UNEVOC had the pleasure of hosting the visit of eight delegates from Chinese Council of Private Higher Education specialized in the field of vocational education in the Centre’s premises in Bonn, Germany. ( more) |
 | 19 December 2012Expert workshop on the World TVET DatabaseRepresentatives of the UNEVOC team, UNEVOC centres in the Netherlands, Germany and Norway and partner agencies joined together to discuss, evaluate and provide feedback on the future development of the World TVET Database. ( more) |
 | 5 December 2012Delegates from Peru visit UNESCO-UNEVOC On 4 December 2012, the team of UNESCO-UNEOVC welcomed fifteen delegates from Peru specialized in the field of vocational education in the water sector to the Centre’s premises in Bonn, Germany. ( more) |
 | 28 November 2012Indian delegation visits UNESCO-UNEVOCOn 27 November 2012, the team of UNESCO-UNEVOC welcomed four representatives from the Central Staff Training and Research Institute (CSTARI, Kolkata, India) to the Centre’s premises in Bonn, Germany. ( more) |
 | 26 November 2012Representatives of EUROPEN visit UNESCO-UNEVOCOn 21 November 2012, Mr Shyamal Majumdar welcomed representatives from the PEN International Worldwide Practice Enterprises Network (EUROPEN) to the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre in Bonn, Germany. ( more) |
 | 15 November 2012TVET as the key to sustainable developmentOn Day 1 of the International Forum on the role of the UNEVOC Network in transforming TVET for a sustainable future, over 100 delegates from over 50 countries gathered to share their knowledge and commitment to TVET development worldwide. ( more) |
 | 9 October 2012Just published: UNEVOC Bulletin 21Read more about our activities and events in the period June-August in the UNEVOC bulletin. Now also available in the Arabic, Chinese and Russian language. ( more) |
 | 16 August 2012Deputy Director of UNESCO-UIL visits UNEVOCOn 16 August 2012, Mr Shyamal Majumdar, Head of UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre, welcomed Ms Carolyn Medel-Añonuevo, Deputy Director and Programme Coordinator at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning to the UNEVOC premises. ( more) |
 | 8 August 2012New country reports in World TVET DatabaseThe World TVET Database, launched in May 2012, provides concise, reliable and up-to-date information on countries’ TVET systems around the world. Ten new country reports have now been added to the database. ( more) |
 | 9 July 2012First UNEVOC Network Member in AfghanistanThe Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is now represented in the UNEVOC Network with the creation of the first UNEVOC Centre in the country, the Deputy Ministry of TVET in the Ministry of Education (DM-TVET, MoE). ( more) |
 | 20 June 2012Just published: School-to-Work Transition Information BasesThis booklet is the result of a regional thematic study which draws on country studies and presentations delivered at the UNESCO Synthesis Workshop on School-to-Work Transition Information Bases and the Role of the UNEVOC Network, which was held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 23 to 26 August 2011. ( more) |
 | 30 May 2012UNESCO-UNEVOC participates in German development cooperation eventOn 25 May 2012, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) organized ‘Engagement fairbindet: Zukunftsentwickler 2012’. UNESCO-UNEVOC was represented at the United Nations booth where the Centre presented its work and recent activities. ( more) |
 | 21 May 2012UNESCO-UNEVOC launches the World TVET DatabaseThe World TVET Database is an online tool hosted by UNEVOC that provides concise, reliable and up-to-date information on technical and vocational education and training systems in countries worldwide. ( more) |
 | 11 May 2012Photo competition: Work has many facesThe winner's gallery of UNESCO-UNEVOC's photo competition is now online. Out of over a thousand contributions, 54 photographs were selected. They will be published in the 10th anniversary publication on the occasion of the establishment of the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre. ( more) |
 | 11 May 2012UNEVOC at IFAT Entsorga Trade Fair in Munich, Germany, 7-11 May 2012UNESCO-UNEVOC participated in the IFAT Entsorga Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management, that was held in Munich from 7 to 11 May 2012. With over 100,000 visitors from 180 countries, IFAT is the world’s largest trade fair for water and sanitation issues. ( more) |
 | 7 February 2012UN World Youth Report on youth employment ( more) |
 | 17 November 2011Dr. Müller-Solger visits UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 1 November 2011New publication: Initiatives to foster Chinese TVET and TVET Teacher TrainingChina has been experiencing rapid economic development and the nature of work has also been changing. Its VET system needs to prepare students for new labour markets. This has changed the role of vocational teachers. This report examines the needs of the VET system in China and the implications for VET teachers, students and the governance of the system. ( more) |
 | 24 October 2011Representatives from GIZ and Edvance visit UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 7 October 2011Professor Peter Kell from Charles Darwin University visits UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 10 August 2011Open Intl. Competition: International Study on skills formation for green development ( more) |
 | 20 June 2011Representatives of RMUTT visit UNESCO-UNEVOCThe President and Executives team of Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT), a UNEVOC Centre in Thailand, visited UNESCO-UNEVOC to have technical discussions and explore possible areas of cooperation. ( more) |
 | 15 June 2011Inter-Agency Working Group on Entrepreneurship Education meets at UNESCO Headquarters ( more) |
 | 8 June 20115th African UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Summit at eLearning Africa 2011 ( more) |
 | 16 May 2011UNESCO-UNEVOC Welcomes its new Head Mr Shyamal Majumdar ( more) |
 | 21 April 2011Students from Hong Kong University visit UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 21 March 2011Representatives of Don Bosco visit UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 14 March 2011Colleagues from UNESCO Headquarters visit UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 4 March 2011Fifth Meeting of ISCED Technical Advisory Panel at UNEVOC premises. ( more) |
 | 4 March 2011Programme Manager of Makhzoumi Foundation visits UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 10 February 2011Status of TVET Statistical Information System in Africa (in French) ( more) |
 | 24 January 2011Chinese Visitor at UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 20 December 2010UNEVOC Network PortalUNESCO-UNEVOC just launched this portal for leaders, managers and other educators associated with UNEVOC Centres to communicate, exchange ideas and facilitate mutual assistance. ( more) |
 | 10 December 2010South-South Cooperation Excellence Award for e-Forum ( more) |
 | 8 December 2010UNEVOC hosted meeting on “ICTs to strengthen TVET in Georgia” ( more) |
 | 7 December 2010Representatives of UNEVOC Centre in Jamaica visit UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 10 November 2010UNESCO-UNEVOC conducts e-Forum user survey to improve usability ( more) |
 | 10 November 2010Meeting: TVET and ESD in CIS CountriesThe meeting aimed to support educational leaders from UNEVOC Centres to assist CIS countries in addressing global sustainable development challenges. ( more) |
 | 5 October 2010UNESCO-UNEVOC participated in the IFAT Entsorga Trade Fair in Munich ( more) |
 | 4 October 2010UNEVOC Seminar to strengthen UNEVOC Network in the Caribbean ( more) |
 | 30 September 2010Representative of UNEVOC Centre in Sierra Leone visits Bonn ( more) |
 | 23 September 2010elearning Africa 2011 - Call for papers open! Deadline: December 10th, 2010. ( more) |
 | 16 August 2010New UNEVOC Network Member: CTVET, GuyanaGuyana is the 167th UNESCO Member State that has joined the UNEVOC Network! Its Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (CTVET) became a UNEVOC Network Centre in August 2010. ( more) |
 | 10 August 2010Official Opening: UNEVOC Centre in Magdeburg, Germany, on 16-09-2010 ( more) |
 | 31 July 2010UNESCO-UNEVOC Bulletin 18The 18th issue of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Bulletin (July 2010) is available in English, French and Spanish. It features news about the latest activities of the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre and more. ( more) |
 | 30 July 2010Strengthening the UNEVOC Network in the Caribbean ( more) |
 | 29 July 2010Green TVET and ESD, Munich and Magdeburg, Germany, 13-17 September (Update August 2011 - Report published) ( more) |
 | 17 July 2010UNEVOC Sub-regional Meeting in MalawiMalawi hosted a UNVEVOC Sub-regional Meeting on "Innovating TVET, Revitalizing the UNEVOC Network and Enhancing Collaboration and Cooperation in TVET Development through UNEVOC Regional Nodal Centres" in Lilongwe on 13-15 July 2010. ( more) |
 | 16 July 2010New UNEVOC e-Forum Online Interface ( more) |
 | 16 July 2010UNEVOC website now available in French and Spanish! ( more) |
 | 10 July 2010UNEVOC Assists CapEFA Implementation in Malawi ( more) |
 | 8 July 2010Namibian Youth Representatives visit UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 29 June 2010UNESCO-UNEVOC Report on Activities 2008-2009UNESCO-UNEVOC in Action - Report on Activities 2008-2009 has been published. This biennial report provides a comprehensive overview of the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre’s activities in TVET in the past biennium. ( more) |
 | 2 June 2010Delegation from Azerbaijan visits UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 28 May 20104th African UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Summit ( more) |
 | 27 May 2010Representatives of Norwegian UNEVOC Centre visit UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 7 May 2010Two TVET Experts from Sudan visit UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 19 March 20106th International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI) ( more) |
 | 19 March 2010Developing Innovative Approaches to ESD: Curriculum Reform in TVET in China ( more) |
 | 18 March 2010International Experts Meeting, Hangzhou, China ( more) |
 | 18 March 2010Workshop on Revitalizing TVET Provision in ECOWAS Countries ( more) |
 | 18 March 2010Harnessing Frameworks Towards Quality Assurance in TVET in Asia ( more) |
 | 18 March 2010Review of the TVET System in Malawi ( more) |
 | 11 March 20101st meeting of the Inter-Agency Working Group on TVET Indicators ( more) |
 | 10 March 2010Linkages between Education and Labour Market: Tools and Methodologies ( more) |
 | 23 February 2010UNEVOC and InWEnt renew Memorandum of Understanding ( more) |
 | 19 February 2010Steering Group of Swedish UNEVOC Centre visits UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 19 January 20102010 EFA Global Monitoring Report - Reaching the Marginalized ( more) |
 | 3 December 2009Training materials for herders in Mongolia ( more) |
 | 3 December 2009Asia-Pacific meeting on TVET teacher education for sustainable development ( more) |
 | 2 December 2009TVET financing and competency-based approaches ( more) |
 | 1 December 2009Developing Capacity of TVET Teacher Educators in Asia ( more) |
 | 17 November 2009Interagency database of good practice in TVET ( more) |
 | 11 November 2009UNEVOC Forum 15 on “TVET: A Brief Study of the Role of Enterprises, Government and NGOs” ( more) |
 | 30 October 2009ICTs and e-learning in TVET in Arab countries, Amman, 12-13 October 2009 ( more) |
 | 30 October 2009Advancing TVET in Georgia through the Use of ICTs ( more) |
 | 29 October 2009Linking Vocational Training with the Enterprises - Asian Perspectives ( more) |
 | 29 October 2009Members of Technical Education Corporation - Sudan, visit UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 15 October 2009State Minister Wondwossen Kiflu, Ethiopia, visits UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 8 October 2009"Participation in Formal TVET Worldwide" now available in French ( more) |
 | 17 September 200917-09-2009
UNEVOC and Colombo Plan Staff College, Manila launch TVETipedia in Asia ( more) |
 | 12 August 2009Kyrgyz Chamber of Commerce delegation visits UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 13 July 2009UNESCO-UNEVOC Bulletin 15The UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre has published Bulletin 15, the first issue of the new email/online version of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Bulletin ( more) |
 | 28 June 2009"Curriculum Development in TVET", Brunei Darussalam, 15-18 June 2009
( more) |
 | 16 June 2009TVET and ESD in the Commonwealth of Independent States ( more) |
 | 5 June 2009Curriculum reform in TVET China ( more) |
 | 4 June 2009Seminar on ICT applications in TVET in CIS countries ( more) |
 | 4 June 2009VET and the Labour Market - A Comparative Analysis of China and Germany ( more) |
 | 4 June 20093rd African UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Summit at eLearning Africa 2009 ( more) |
 | 13 May 2009New TVET Blog Entry: "Adapting to Global Trends in Asia-Pacific" ( more) |
 | 12 April 2009UNEVOC sub-regional seminar / workshop in Luangprabang, Lao PDR ( more) |
 | 2 April 2009UNESCO World Conference on ESD in Bonn ( more) |
 | 2 April 2009TVET workshop at UNESCO World Conference on ESD ( more) |
 | 27 March 2009City of Bonn hosts farewell lunch for Director of UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 27 March 2009Farewell reception for Rupert Maclean, Director of UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 20 March 2009UNEVOC launches new Internet portal TVETipedia ( more) |
 | 4 March 2009Handbook of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Research Technical and vocational education and training research has become a recognized and well-defined area of interdisciplinary research. The Handbook of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Research is the first handbook of its kind that specifically concentrates on research and research methods in TVET. ( more) |
 | 18 February 2009Rethinking Work and Learning: Adult and Voc. Ed. for Social Sustainability ( more) |
 | 17 February 2009Tamagawa University delegation visits UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 17 February 2009New UNEVOC Centre in Germany ( more) |
 | 9 February 2009Technology and Vocational Education for Sustainable Development ( more) |
 | 23 January 2009Ubiquitous ICT for Sustainable Education and Cultural Literacy ( more) |
 | 21 January 2009UNEVOC Centre in Madagascar receives Award ( more) |
 | 12 January 2009International Expert Consultation Meeting on Technical and Vocational Education ( more) |
 | 12 January 2009ICTs in TVET in AFRICA: Call for Participation 2009 ( more) |
 | 12 January 2009New UNEVOC Network Directory ( more) |
 | 11 January 2009Case Study: TVET in Kenya First volume in the series of Case Studies of TVET in selected Countries. The Case Study of Kaiboi Technical Training Institute in Eldoret, Kenya provides insight into the development of this TVET institution from an originally stagnant and weak school to a prosperous and well-functioning establishment. ( more) |
 | 17 December 2008UNESCO and StratREAL Foundation sign partnership agreement on entrepreneurship education ( more) |
 | 5 December 2008UNESCO Global Monitoring Report on EFA, 2009: Overcoming inequality: why governance matters ( more) |
 | 19 November 2008Work, Learning and Sustainable Development ( more) |
 | 14 November 20081st meeting of the Intl. Working Group on Entrepreneurship Education ( more) |
 | 15 October 2008TVET: A Come-back to the Development Agenda? ( more) |
 | 1 October 2008UNEVOC Network Meeting identifies Priority Areas for Joint Projects in Southern Africa ( more) |
 | 28 September 2008Study Tour by Delegation from Atlanta Technical College ( more) |
 | 28 September 20084th Global Youth Employment Summit
Baku, Azerbaijan ( more) |
 | 23 September 2008UNEVOC International Experts Consultation at the Institute of Technology in Dublin, Ireland. ( more) |
 | 19 September 2008International Roundtable: The Return of TVET to the Int. Development Agenda? ( more) |
 | 17 September 20082nd African TVET Summit and the Winners of the ICTs contest. ( more) |
 | 5 August 2008Why Do German Companies Invest in Apprenticeships? - The "Dual System" Revisited ( more) |
 | 17 July 2008Delegation of TVET experts from Thailand visits UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 16 July 2008UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon visits Bonn ( more) |
 | 16 July 2008Working visit of Aidan Kenny, Dublin Institute of Technology ( more) |
 | 27 June 2008UNESCO-UNEVOC Bulletin No. 14 ( more) |
 | 26 June 200801-10-2006
A new Unevoc Centre: Zhejiang Technology Institute of Economy ( more) |
 | 26 June 200805-01-2007
A new UNEVOC Centre: Dublin Institute of Technology ( more) |
 | 26 June 200818-07-2007
UNEVOC Centre publishes magazine to fight HIV/AIDS ( more) |
 | 26 June 20088-11-2007
Corporate Social Responsibility and ESD ( more) |
 | 26 June 2008Education for the World of Work: experiences from Latin America
( more) |
 | 26 June 2008Consultation about new e-possibilities for UNEVOC services
( more) |
 | 24 June 2008Secondary Education Regional Information Base ( more) |
 | 18 June 2008Consultation on the UNEVOC online services ( more) |
 | 18 June 2008
Lecture on Recognition of Prior Learning ( more) |
 | 9 June 2008
Daimler and UNESCO Mondialogo Engineering Award 2008/2009 ( more) |
 | 30 May 2008ICT experts visit Zhejiang Province in China ( more) |
 | 29 May 2008H.E. Sgrjan Kerim, UN General Assembly President, visits Langer Eugen ( more) |
 | 22 May 2008UNESCO ICTs in Education Prize: call for nominations ( more) |
 | 10 May 2008ADEA 2008 Biennale on Post-primary Education ( more) |
 | 29 April 2008Global Action Week: record broken for world's biggest ever lesson! ( more) |
 | 29 April 2008UNEVOC Centre Award well received by UNEVOC Network members ( more) |
 | 21 April 2008Education For All Global Action Week 2008 ( more) |
 | 17 April 2008UNEVOC Sub-regional Seminar in Iloilo City, Philippines ( more) |
 | 10 April 2008Skills development for the water and sanitation sector in Vietnam ( more) |
 | 9 April 2008St Petersburg UNEVOC Centre Visits UNESCO-UNEVOC
( more) |
 | 3 April 2008Korean NatCom for UNESCO Visits UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 31 March 2008Virtual Conference on Educational Issues in Second Life ( more) |
 | 28 March 200828-03-2008
UNESCO Hosts Online Discussions on "Quality Education to End Exclusion" ( more) |
 | 12 March 200812-03-2008
UNESCO-UNEVOC completes first dispatch of UNEVOC Centre Awards ( more) |
 | 12 March 200812-03-2008
The Virtual World in TVET ( more) |
 | 9 March 200809-03-2008
UNESCO-UNEVOC supports international project week of TVET institutions ( more) |
 | 7 March 200808-03-2008
Indonesia Ratifies the Convention on TVE ( more) |
 | 4 March 200804-03-2008
Vacancy announcement:
Programme Officer in TVET (full-time position, local hire) ( more) |
 | 3 March 200803-03-2008
New participant in UNESCO-UNEVOC fellowship programme ( more) |
 | 27 February 200827-02-2008
Inclusive Education: from Policy Dialogue to Collaborative Action ( more) |
 | 19 February 200818-02-2008
Inter-regional seminar on entrepreneurship education ( more) |
 | 31 January 200831-01-2008
Hong Kong Delegation visits UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 11 January 200811-01-2008
ICTs in TVET in Africa: Call for Participation
28 May 2008, Ghana ( more) |
 | 6 December 200706-12-2007
Incorporation of occupational health in TVET recommended by WHO Global Plan of Action ( more) |
 | 3 December 2007Education for All - Global Monitoring Report 2008 ( more) |
 | 1 December 200701-12-2007
4th International Conference on Environmental Education a success ( more) |
 | 26 November 200721-11-2007
UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education, Nicholas Burnett, visits UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 14 November 2007Learning and Teaching for the Twenty-first Century ( more) |
 | 7 November 2007Education for Livelihoods and Civic Participation in Post-Conflict CountriesThis discussion paper looks at questions like: What role can education play in the reconstruction process as communities recover and rebuild? How, specifically, can skills training, vocational education and technical learning contribute to this process? What role can TVET play in building civic participation as well as building economic livelihoods? ( more) |
 | 5 October 200705-10-2007
UNESCO-UNEVOC Virtual Conference on
"TVET for a Sustainable Future" ( more) |
 | 27 September 200726-09-2007
UNEVOC Centres Griffith University, Australia, and Zhenjiang TIE, China, sign MoU ( more) |
 | 25 September 200725-09-2007
UNEVOC Centres from China and Australia visit UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 21 September 200721-09-2007
German Foreign Minister Steinmeier visits Bonn ( more) |
 | 1 September 2007TVET in an Ageing Society. Experts meeting proceedings. 3–4 October 2006, Adelaide ( more) |
 | 24 August 2007"Approaches to Action Learning in TVET" ( more) |
 | 22 August 200720-07-2006
Re-alignment of TVET in Iraq with Employment Requirements ( more) |
 | 2 August 2007Caroline Bajer02-08-2007
New Assistant Administrative Officer at UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 31 July 200731-07-2007
UNESCO-UNEVOC and Magdeburg University sign Letter of Intent ( more) |
 | 27 July 200727-07-2007
Call for Papers:
TVET in countries post-conflict ( more) |
 | 19 July 200719-07-2007
Director of UNEVOC Centre in Tunisia visits UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 28 June 2007UNESCO-UNEVOC Bulletin 13 and Forum 11. ( more) |
 | 22 June 200722-06-2007
Mobile Training Team in Mauritius ( more) |
 | 21 June 200721-06-07
Timor Leste adviser visits UNESCO-UNEVOC ( more) |
 | 7 June 200707-06-2007
South East European TVET leaders meet in Skopje ( more) |
 | 29 May 200729-05-2007
1st African UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Summit ( more) |
 | 26 May 200726-05-07
Consultative Meeting “Engaging the Private Sector” ( more) |
 | 25 May 200725-05-2007
UNESCO-UNEVOC and InWEnt sign Memorandum of Understanding ( more) |
 | 24 May 2007"Intl. Perspectives on Teachers and Lecturers in TVE" ( more) |
 | 11 May 200711-05-2007
Towards Sustainable Global Health ( more) |
 | 3 May 200720-04-2007
International Congress on Quality Management in Education and Training ( more) |
 | 25 April 2007"Work, Subjectivity and Learning" ( more) |
 | 25 April 2007"Identities at Work" ( more) |
 | 16 April 200728-03-2007
UNESCO-UNEVOC Outreach Seminars ( more) |
 | 11 April 2007Final Report: From School to Work - TVET Regional Experiences (PDF, 1.9MB) ( more) |
 | 3 March 200703-03-2007
Rethinking TVET on the Marshall Islands ( more) |
 | 2 March 200715-01-2007
Public Private Partnership: Study Tour in the Arab States ( more) |
 | 2 March 200717-02-2007
Working Group on Skills Development meets in Hong Kong ( more) |
 | 1 February 200701-02-2007
UNESCO-UNEVOC - NIER Seminar "From School to Work: Contemporary Regional Experiences" ( more) |
 | 22 January 2007Participation in Formal TVET Worldwide - A Statistical Study ( more) |
 | 22 December 2006UNESCO-UNEVOC Bulletin 12 and Forum 9 and 10 ( more) |
 | 20 December 20061-11-2006
Mobile Training Team on Competency-based Training and Certification ( more) |
 | 19 December 20066-12-2006
Needs Analysis: Water and Sanitation Sector in Vietnam ( more) |
 | 19 December 20069-12-2006
TVET for All - a Master Key for Sustainable Development? ( more) |
 | 14 December 200614-12-2006
Valued UNEVOC Consultant David Wilson Passed Away ( more) |
 | 12 December 200623-11-2006
UNESCO Regional Symposium on ICTs in TVET in the Arab States ( more) |
 | 4 December 200623-11-2006
Sixth PRIDE Project Regional Workshop a Success ( more) |
 | 17 October 200616-10-2006
UNESCO DG welcomes award of 2006 Nobel Peace Prize to Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank ( more) |
 | 28 September 2006Chinese version of "Learning To Do" ( more) |
 | 13 September 20068-9-2006
Inauguration of a Flute Cabinet at the UNESCO-UNEVOC premises ( more) |
 | 8 September 2006"Training for Work in the Informal Micro-Enterprise Sector" ( more) |
 | 8 September 2006"The Transformation of VET in the Baltic States" ( more) |
 | 6 September 200628-8-2006
15th IVETA International Conference a success for UNESCO-UNEVOC! ( more) |
 | 6 September 2006“Communication and Learning in the Multicultural World” ( more) |
 | 6 September 2006“The Bologna Declaration and Emerging Models of TVET Teacher Training in Germany” ( more) |
 | 10 August 2006“Learning and Working: Motivating for Skills Development” ( more) |
 | 9 August 20068-8-2006
Kofi Annan: Youth employment must be a central objective of development ( more) |
 | 5 August 200620-7-2006
Prof. Charles Hopkins delivers lecture on TVET for sustainable development ( more) |
 | 5 August 200618-7-2006
Symposium: TVET for Sustainable Development in Vietnam, 2-5 July 2006 ( more) |
 | 5 August 200611-7-2006
Kofi Annan inaugurates new UN Campus in Bonn, Germany ( more) |