Institut International de Coopération Intellectuelle
- Archive Group
- 1921-1954
The Archive Group is composed of the International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation (IICI) fonds.
Institut international de Coopération intellectuelle
Institut International de Coopération Intellectuelle
The Archive Group is composed of the International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation (IICI) fonds.
Institut international de Coopération intellectuelle
Conference of Allied Ministers of Education
The Archive Group contains the Conference of Allied Ministers of Education fonds.
Conference of Allied Ministers of Education
Preparatory Commission of UNESCO
The archives of the Commission can be divided into two main parts: Official Documents and correspondence files.It should be noted that documents and copies of documents were often put into the files. In some cases there is no printed document, or,...
Commission préparatoire de l'UNESCO
Publications, documents and records on UNESCO
The Archive Group contains publications, articles, films, research, documents and records about UNESCO, its purpose and its activities. It also contains a number of small private fonds of former staff members, consultants, and delegates.
The Archive Group consists of coded official documents issued by the Secretariat and then transferred to the Archives.
Archives of Staff Associations
The archival holdings of the UNESCO Staff Associations concern all activities of the associations (cultural activities, journeys, sports, gala, tombolas, incl. photos of the events), the relations between the association and the Director General, ...
UNESCO Staff Associations
Archives of Colour Reproductions of Paintings
This Archive Group refers to a project of the Culture Sector from 1949 to ca. 1979. Since 1949, UNESCO, with the assistance of its National Commissions, made contact with publishers of reproductions of famous paintings throughout the world. The r...
In 2004, UNESCO launched an electronic records management initiative in order to archive the growing number of e-mails and electronic documents. The same year, the Archives and Records Management Unit started to regularly crawl the UNESCO portal a...
The Audiovisual Section, Sector for External Relations and Public Information, keeps the major part of the audiovisual collections covering the period 1945 to present, namely: - A film collection of 12,500 cans, containing a little over 1,000 titl...
Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
The Archive Group has three fonds:Archives of the Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics (IBI)Archives of the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies (ICPHS / CIPSH)Part of the archives of the African Training and Research Ce...
Archives of Field Offices, Institutes and Centres
The Archive Group is composed of archives of UNESCO Field Offices, Institutes and Centres which have been transferred to the UNESCO Archives in the Headquarters building in Paris. It further includes a collection of information about the archival...
AG 5 - Documents de Conseil executif - EX
The Archive Group includes the documents of all Executive Boards from 1946 onwards.For every session of the EXB, the following kinds of documents exist:EX - Main series: These documents are published on white paper in six working languages of the ...
UNESCO. Conseil exécutif
Documents of the Conference for the Establishment of UNESCO (ECO/CONF) from 1945 are included with the General Conference Documents, starting from 1946.
UNESCO. Conférence générale
Secretariat records, as separate from Secretariat Documents issued with official document codes, include programme files, project files, division files, registry files, administrative files, and working files. The Archival Group is comprised of t...
The Archive Group consists of publications produced or funded by the UNESCO Secretariat from the foundation of UNESCO in 1946 until now. The Archival Group is arranged into three collections:Works published directly by UNESCO under its own imprint...