The National Centres
Members of the UNEVOC Network, called UNEVOC Centres, all have a position within their country that allows them to cooperate with other TVET stakeholders, both nationally and internationally. Currently, the UNEVOC Network consists of 290 UNEVOC Centres, based in 167 UNESCO Member States and fall into four categories:
- Centres located at the national Ministry – of Education, Training, Youth and Skills Development, primarily responsible for national policies (design and formulation);
- National bodies dedicated to TVET development – such as National TVET authorities, National TVET Commissions, and National TVET Boards, working with governments for national policy dialogue;
- Universities, research or teacher training institutes which promote research within their institution along with training opportunities for students and teachers at a tertiary level;
- TVET teaching and training institutions at the secondary or post-secondary school level, whose main purpose is to provide TVET teaching and training.
The responsibilities of UNEVOC Centres are as follows:
- To develop and lead (where possible) a national network;
- To gather information on national TVET policies, systems and good practices, national needs regarding the development and strengthening of TVET, and innovative approaches that could be disseminated, transferred and adapted;
- To share information with other national and regional institutions and to ensure an information flow to and from UNESCO and other UNEVOC Centres;
- To report on experiences regarding TVET in their own country and report back to the Network;
- To engage in trans‐national cooperation processes and projects;
- To contribute (where possible) to UNESCO publications and databases;
- To present an annual action plan and report on activities to be carried out by the Centre;
- To update relevant data to be included in the UNEVOC Network Directory.