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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Zimbabwe public service HIV and AIDS implementation strategy

    The aim of this implementation strategy is to ensure a supportive environment at all levels in the public service and guide the HIV and AIDS workplace response in the public service in Zimbabwe. The strategy provides a framework under which the public service can effectively plan, design, implement, monitor and evaluate HIV and AIDS programmes in each line ministry. This strategy applies to all members of the public service, their families, applicants for work, laid off workers, suspended workers, those in training, volunteers including interns and apprentices.

  2. The effectiveness of HIV-AIDS education prevention programmes in Zimbabwe: the role of school heads in SACMEQ III

    The overall objective of this study is to analyse the response of the education sector to HIV-AIDS epidemic through inputs from the heads of primary schools by describing their viewpoints and professional characteristics in the context of HIV and also examining how the school environment, that the school heads are in charge of, were supportive in the context of HIV-AIDS. Based on the research problematic, the memoire will attempt to provide answers to the following research questions: a) What is the demographic situation in the context of HIV-AIDS in Zimbabwe? …

  3. SADC regional assessment report of policies and programmes on child and adolescent HIV, TB and malaria

    The SADC Protocol on Health stipulates that Member States should cooperate in dealing with health issues in a harmonised manner as an essential ingredient for the effective control of communicable diseases in the region notably, HIV, TB and Malaria. As part of the response, key strategic frameworks to guide action in the control of these three diseases have been developed by SADC but these mostly address the adult population. In this context, the SADC Secretariat is mandated to develop The SADC Minimum Standards for Child and Adolescent HIV, TB and Malaria Continuum of Care. …

  4. Facilitating HIV testing, care and treatment for orphans and vulnerable children aged five years and younger through community-based early childhood development playcenters in rural Zimbabwe

    Early diagnosis of children living with HIV is a prerequisite for accessing timely paediatric HIV care and treatment services and for optimizing treatment outcomes. Testing of HIV-exposed infants at 6 weeks and later is part of the national prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV programme in Zimbabwe, but many opportunities to test infants and children are being missed. …

  5. HIV infection and sexual risk behaviour among youth who have experienced orphanhood: systematic review and meta-analysis

    Background: Previous research has suggested that orphaned children and adolescents might have elevated risk for HIV infection. We examined the state of evidence regarding the association between orphan status and HIV risk in studies of youth aged 24 years and younger. Methods: Using systematic review methodology, we identified 10 studies reporting data from 12 countries comparing orphaned and non-orphaned youth on HIV-related risk indicators, including HIV serostatus, other sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy and sexual behaviours. …

  6. Individual and community-level tolerance of spouse abuse and the association with the circumstances of first sex among youth from six sub-Saharan African countries

    Youth who engage in early and premarital sex are at risk of HIV and sexually transmitted infections. Most prevention programs ignore the mediating influence of the threat and experience of violence on these outcomes. Using nationally representative data from Lesotho, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, the autors used multivariate analyses to examine the association between individual- and community-level tolerance of spouse abuse on the age and circumstances of sexual debut among female youth. The youth sample sizes ranged from a high of 5007 in Malawi to a low of 3050 in Lesotho. …

  7. Concurrent partnerships, acute infection and HIV epidemic dynamics among young adults in Zimbabwe

    This paper explores the roles of acute infection and concurrent partnerships in HIV transmission dynamics among young adults in Zimbabwe using realistic representations of the partnership network and all published estimates of stage-specific infectivity. We use dynamic exponential random graph models to estimate partnership network parameters from an empirical study of sexual behavior and drive a stochastic simulation of HIV transmission through this dynamic network. …

  8. Factors associated with HIV infection among sexually experienced adolescents in Africa: a pooled data analysis

    The article examines the factors associated with HIV status among adolescents aged 15–19 years in 13 African countries. The data were derived from demographic and health surveys or AIDS indicator surveys conducted between 2004 and 2009. The levels of HIV prevalence among adolescents varied considerably across the countries. There was significantly higher HIV prevalence among female adolescents as compared with their male counterparts. For male adolescents, circumcision was the only variable significantly associated with HIV status. …

  9. Sports for adolescent girls

    Adolescence is a time when gender disparities between boys and girls become more pronounced. While many boys stay focused on school, girls often have more responsibilities at home. These responsibilities limit girls’ opportunities for maintaining social networks, and social isolation can contribute to increasing the risk of dropping out of school, marrying early, and being in situations that leave them vulnerable to pregnancy and HIV infection. At their most recent annual meeting, the Interagency Youth Working Group focused on protecting and empowering adolescent girls. …

  10. Capacity development matters: a practical guide

    This booklet is a practical guide on what capacity development is and how we are applying it in UNFPA. The first chapter provides an overview of capacity development and some basic definitions; the second highlights examples of practice in action from the field; and the third consists of a series of tools and resources that we have considered useful when developing and implementing capacity development programmes. This guide is primarily meant for UNFPA technical and programme staff but may also serve other United Nations (UN) agencies, partner organizations and Member States.

  11. Review of national AIDS councils in Africa: Findings from five countries

    National AIDS councils (NACs) were established in many African countries to co-ordinate the multi-sectoral response to HIV/ AIDS. Their main mandate is to provide strategic leadership and co-ordinate activities geared to fight against HIV/AIDS. This study sought to understand the extent to which NACs have achieved their goals and the challenges they face. Best practices were identified and shared among countries involved, so as to enhance their efforts. This review is crucial given that the fight against HIV/AIDS is far from being won. …

  12. Imagined Futures V: 2020 Vision

    The Centre for the Study of AIDS (CSA), University of Pretoria, in collaboration with the Health and Wellness Centre and the University of Botswana, hosted the fifth Imagined Futures conference on 28 and 29 September 2010 at Willowpark Conference Centre in Gauteng, South Africa.This year’s theme was 20/20 Vision: looking to the next decade through the last. The conference looked back on a decade of HIV/AIDS programmes implemented at various universities in southern Africa, in the hopes of identifying challenges and priorities for the next decade. …

  13. Key findings from the Zimbabwe HIV prevention information needs assessment

    The Southern African HIV/AIDS Information Dissemination Service (SAfAIDS), with support from the Knowledge for Health (K4Health) project, conducted a series of national HIV information needs assessments in southern Africa to support the planning and development of a knowledge management program. This program aims to increase the dissemination and use of accurate, evidence-based, and up-to-date information in order to improve HIV prevention across the region. …

  14. Exploratory study of the social contexts, practices and risks of men who sell sex in Southern and Eastern Africa

    The aim of the research presented in this report was to explore the social contexts, life experiences, vulnerabilities and sexual risks experienced by men who sell sex in Southern and Eastern Africa, with a focus on five countries; Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe (an in particular with research activities in the Kenya and Namibia). …

  15. I expect to be abused and I have fear: Sex workers' experiences of human rights violations and barriers to accessing healthcare in four African countries

    This report documents human rights violations experienced by female, male and transgender sex workers in four African countries (Kenya, Uganda, South Africa and Zimbabwe), and describes barriers they face to accessing health services. Through cross-country comparison and documenting sub-regional trends, the study moves beyond previous often-localised descriptions of violations against sex workers in Africa. The study also fills information gaps about violations in male and transgender sex workers in this setting.


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