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In 2002, the AFT launched its first Africa HIV/AIDS project with the Zimbabwe Teachers Association (ZIMTA). This toolkit contains contains a series of 12 sessions looking a such topics as: HIV transmission; living with AIDS; creating a code of conduct for teachers; gender, power and HIV and AIDS; HIV and AIDS and culture and the problem of stigmatisation in Africa.
The gender policy for the NAC provides a framework within which institutional policies, strategies and programs mainstream gender and women's empowerment into the national response to the HIV and AIDS epidemic. The policy applies to NAC as an organization and to its partners and implementers of the national response to HIV and AIDS. The policy seeks to provide a broad framework through which gender and women's empowerment can be mainstreamed in the national response to HIV and AIDS. …
The Zimbabwe National Behavioural Change (BC) Strategy is a multisectoral framework to reduce sexual transmission of HIV by promoting responsible practices. Comprehensive epidemiological and behavioural reviews form the basis of this strategy. They found that HIV prevalence had declined in Zimbabwe and that behavioural change including partner reduction and increased condom use had already started. At the same time, multiple concurrent partnerships and a number of related practices were still seen as key drivers of the epidemic. …
Project activities focused around the XVII International AIDS Conference (IAC) and a pre-conference symposium on children and HIV, both held in Mexico City from 1-8 August 2008. In the period leading up to these events,, a dialogue and social networking platform, hosted online discussions on this theme. The two-day pre-conference symposium, "Children & HIV/AIDS: Action Now, Action How" provided a forum for information sharing, collaboration and networking in order to strengthen the response to children's needs. …
This document is the outcome of two meetings. The first meeting reviewed case-studies and other evidence related to research utilization from the standpoint of researchers and donors, while the second meeting reviewed additional materials from the standpoint of policy-makers and sexual and reproductive health programme managers. …
This table summarizes the status of legislation in relation to HIV in Eastern and Southern Africa. The approached subjects are anti-discrimination and equality, HIV specific legislation, gender violence/sexual offences, right to health care/reproductive health, child protection/vulnerable groups, property rights and inheritance, customary practices. This table was taken from "Supporting the response to the HIV epidemic in Eastern and Southern Africa through the international human rights framework", by UNDP.
This report presents the findings of a desk study undertaken to assess the integration of gender and human rights in HIV-related documents and processes in Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. It highlights best practices, lessons learned, and areas for future action. The report implies an urgency to move from the status quo, whereby the centrality of gender equality and human rights in the pandemic regionally is underestimated. …
Managing HIV/AIDS in the Workplace. Examples of nine Non-Governmental Organisations in South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe is commissioned by Novib/Oxfam Netherlands and seeks to capture the experiences and lessons of implementing HIV mainstreaming internally , within the context of Oxfam's non-governmental organisation (NGO) partner workplaces in southern Africa. …
It is still widely anticipated that the AIDS epidemic will have a devastating impact on the education sector in Africa. Faced with this impending crisis, leading experts have called for a transformation in the functioning of schools and the mainstreaming of HIV and AIDS in the education sector supported by donors. Numerous reports and articles state that the number of teachers dying from AIDS-related illnesses continues to increase very rapidly and that this is causing serious shortages of teachers. This article updates the figures that are known in that field.
This study explores how HIV-positive teachers within a specific social context understand, interpret and act on HIV and Life Skills policy.The aim of the author was to illuminate the experiences of teachers living with AIDS and how their experiences affect the ways in which they understand and act on government policy. Three distinct themes emerged from the analysis: a) conflict between teacher as role model and ideal citizen, and teacher as an HIV-positive person; b) HIV illness and its impact on the body of the teachers; c) teachers as emotional actors. …
Esta revista, elaborada pela N'Weti, é parte de um projecto regional de comunicação para a saúde que inclui alguns países do sul da Africa como o Botswana, o Lesotho e o Moçambique. É destinada aos jovens e responde a todo o tipo de perguntas relacionadas com os meios de transmissão do vírus, a utilização do preservativo, o tratamento anti-retroviral (TARV), as várias fases do HIV, como viver com o vírus, as mulheres seropositivas e a gravidez, os bebés e o HIV. As fotografias e as imagens ajudam a responder a todo o tipo de interrogações que os jovens podem ter acerca do HIV/SIDA. …
Esta revista foi elaborada pela N'Weti, uma ONG moçambicana apoiada pela Soul City Institute. É destinada as crianças e aos jovens e responde a todo o tipo de perguntas relacionadas com o HIV/SIDA. Os meios de transmissao do vírus, a utilizaçao do preservativo, o tratamento anti-retroviral (TARV), as várias fases do HIV, como viver com o vírus, as mulheres seropositivas e a gravidez, os bebés e o HIV. As fotografias e as imagens ajudam a responder a todo o tipo de interrogaçoes que os jovens podem ter acerca do HIV/SIDA. …
This document is a toolkit developed by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance in 2008. It is a result of teamwork between sexual and reproductive health practioners working with young people in Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Uganda. It is written for anyone who wants to facilitate participatory learning activities with young people to equip them with the knowledge, positive attitudes and skills to grow up and enjoy sexual and reproductive health and well-being. This includes peer-educators and leaders, outreach workers, teachers, community workers and others. …
This book is designed by the NGO "Young people we care" to encourage and help groups of young people to support younger children, their peers and adults who are living in communities and households affected by AIDS. It was published in 2005 in Zimbabwe. It can also be used by organisations that want to encourage young people to support their home-based care activities or organisations assisting children affected by AIDS. Young people we care is for use by any group of young people aged 15-24 years. …
The purpose of this document is to portray an accurate picture of the challenges faced by pre-pubescent young people in Kenya as they enter into adulthood and to reveal the misconceptions and myths about growing up, as well as the negative impact of these myths on the educational needs of marginalized children. This book arises from the work carried out by the Quality Education for Social Transformation (QUEST) programme on basic competencies and information on growing up and sexual maturation (GUSM) in Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe in 2000. …