Florence: UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti, 2018. 98 p.
Tanzania Social Action Fund, TASAF
Tanzania Commission for AIDS, TACAIDS
UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti
Economic Development Initaitives, EDI
This report provides the baseline results from the impact evaluation of ‘A Cash Plus model for safe transitions to a healthy and productive adulthood’ being implemented within the Government of
the United Republic of Tanzania’s Productive Social Safety Net (PSSN), with technical assistance from UNICEF and TACAIDS. The impact evaluation is a 24-month, mixed methods study to provide
evidence on the potential for an additional plus component targeted to youth that is layered on top of a government cash transfer programme to improve future economic opportunities for youth and
facilitate their safe transitions to adulthood. This is based on the recognition that cash alone is rarely sufficient to mitigate all risks and vulnerabilities youth face or to overcome structural barriers
to education, delayed marriage and pregnancy, and other safe transitions.
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