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1. Perspectiva de garantía de derechos; 2. Marco normativo; 3. ¿Qué es violencia sexual? 4. ¿Qué tipos existen? 5. ¿Qué efectos tiene?6. ¿Cómo promover el ejercicio de derechos? 7. ¿Cómo prevenir la violencia sexual? 8. ¿Cómo detectar una situación de violencia sexual? 9. ¿Qué hacer ante una situación de violencia sexual? 10. Sugerencias utiles para el manual de convivencia. 11. Glosario
Community Based Rehabilitation Network Ethiopia (CBRNE) and Light for the World partnered together to learn how best to provide CBR professionals, service providers and parents the skills they need to reach, teach, inform and discuss with girls with intellectual disabilities about sexuality. As part of the project, CBR organisations attended a three day sensitization workshop, where they discussed the need and possible methodologies to address the sexual and reproductive health needs of women with intellectual disabilities. …
Connect with Respect: Preventing Gender-based Violence in Schools is a classroom program for preventing school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) in the context of lower secondary schools. It was designed through a collaboration led by the East Asia and Pacific United Nations Girls Education Initiative (UNGEI) SRGBV working group, with participation from Plan International, UN Women, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). …
This document provides precise definitions of the various acts of violence and abuse that constitute SRGBV for clarity of measurement.
This report analyses over 2000 primary and secondary school inspection reports for 2015/16. The report’s main findings are as follows: -SRE was mentioned by inspectors in less than 1% of reports and PSHE in just 14% of reports, fewer than almost all other established subjects, including history (36%), geography (26%), music (31%), and art (31%). -Mentions of sexual health, safe sex, and related topics were almost entirely absent from inspectors’ reports, with only 1% of reports referring to these issues. …
The purpose of this SRHR Needs Assessment was to review progress on Vanuatu’s ICPD and MDG commitments to achieving universal access to reproductive health (MDG Target 5B), with particular focus on ensuring Vanuatu citizens’ SRHR are prioritised and maintained through all aspects of service planning and delivery. Areas of focus included access to family planning information and services, and to a range of appropriate commodities to meet the needs of all groups within communities. …
The purpose of this needs assessment is to establish the level to which the SRP rights and needs of the population of Kiribati have been met and to assess what needs have not been met. This report provides an overview of the existing available sexual and reproductive health services in Kiribati, identifies the gaps, issues and challenges that exist and provides recommendations to improve rights based sexual and reproductive health services in Kiribati. The SRHR Needs Assessment included a comprehensive literature review and in-country qualitative and quantitative data collection. …
The purpose of this needs assessment is to establish the level to which the SRP rights and needs of the population of Tonga have been met and to assess what needs have not been met. This report provides an overview of the existing available sexual and reproductive health services in Tonga, identifies the gaps, issues and challenges that exist and provides recommendations to improve rights based sexual and reproductive health services in Tonga.
The purpose of this needs assessment is to establish the level to which the SRP rights and needs of the population of Solomon Islands have been met and to assess what needs have not been met. This report provides an overview of the existing available sexual and reproductive health services in Solomon Islands, identifies the gaps, issues and challenges that exist and provides recommendations to improve rights based sexual and reproductive health services in Solomon Islands. …
The purpose of this SRHR Needs Assessment was to review progress on Samoa’s ICPD and MDG commitments to achieving universal access to reproductive health (MDG Target 5B), with particular focus on ensuring Samoan citizens’ SRHR are prioritised and maintained through all aspects of service planning and delivery. Areas of focus included access to family planning information and services, and to a range of appropriate commodities to meet the needs of all groups within communities. …
El presente protocolo se enmarca dentro de la Estrategia de Educación Integral de Sexualidad y Prevención de la Violencia para luchar contra la violencia en los centros educativos, las familias y las comunidades. Este protocolo constituye una herramienta de orientación para los centros educativos que permite identificar, atender y referir los casos de violencia física, psicológica y sexual en contra de niñas, niños y adolescentes, así como casos de maltrato infantil, discriminación por VIH, racismo y acoso o hostigamiento sexual. …
El Protocolo de actuación para el abordaje de la violencia sexual en las comunidades educativas de El Salvador busca orientar a la comunidad educativa hacia la “cero tolerancia” de los delitos del acoso sexual, agresión sexual y violación sexual, conductas que atentan contra la integridad física y emocional de niñas, niños y adolescentes en El Salvador.
Beschreibung der Auswirkungen sexueller Gewalt und Darstellung von Interventionsmöglichkeiten in der Schule.
The purpose of this technical note is to 1) explain how gender norms shape sexual violence, and why it is critical to incorporate dialogue and action on gender norms in SRGBV interventions, and 2) identify promising approaches to addressing gender norms within programs aimed at ending SRGBV, and sexual violence in particular. …
Violence in schools and other education settings causes serious harm to children and adolescents that can last into adulthood. As the UN World Report on Violence against Children observed, it is a global phenomenon. Policies, laws and strategies to prevent school-related violence depend on accurate knowledge of its global prevalence, trends and effects, but such evidence is lacking. This paper surveys current methods of assessing school-related violence and sets out options for improving the global evidence base.