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El Protocolo de actuación para el abordaje de la violencia sexual en las comunidades educativas de El Salvador busca orientar a la comunidad educativa hacia la “cero tolerancia” de los delitos del acoso sexual, agresión sexual y violación sexual, conductas que atentan contra la integridad física y emocional de niñas, niños y adolescentes en El Salvador.
El objetivo general de este estudio fue conocer como se construye el fenómeno de bullying homofóbico en las culturas escolares, desde la mirada de todos los actores. Los objetivos específicos fueron (1) Caracterizar desde la perspectiva de los adolescentes el fenómeno del bullying homofóbico, y (2) Describir la prevalencia del bullying homofóbico, desde una perspectiva ecológica.
Eine auf Praxis ausgerichtete Einführung sowie Arbeitsblätter (zum Thema „Jungen und Männlichkeit“, „Ressourcen aktivieren“, „Gewalt erkennen und benennen“) wollen Lehrpersonen dabei unterstützen, sich mit der Thematik im Unterricht auseinanderzusetzen.
Beschreibung der Auswirkungen sexueller Gewalt und Darstellung von Interventionsmöglichkeiten in der Schule.
Este cuadernillo del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación, dirigido a la comunidad educativa, brinda información para que la ciudadanía conozca sus derechos y sepa cómo hacerlos valer. En la primera sección, se presentan los núcleos centrales de la noción de violencia institucional desde el paradigma de los derechos humanos. En la segunda sección, proponemos un enfoque pedagógico para abordar la temática, algunas orientaciones generales para la intervención educativa y respuestas a preguntas posibles de hacerse desde lo institucional. …
This webinar explored tools and approaches for preventing, measuring, monitoring and responding to school-related gender-based violence, based on evidence and country experience.
The purpose of this technical note is to 1) explain how gender norms shape sexual violence, and why it is critical to incorporate dialogue and action on gender norms in SRGBV interventions, and 2) identify promising approaches to addressing gender norms within programs aimed at ending SRGBV, and sexual violence in particular. …
Global human rights legislation protects all people against discrimination and violence in education, irrespective of their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. Viet Nam has committed to a range of global conventions to end school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV).
Global human rights legislation protects all people against discrimination and violence in education, irrespective of their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. Viet Nam has committed to a range of global conventions to end school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV).
Agenda 2030 places gender equality and inclusive and equitable quality education at the heart of its concerns.
The national coalition was established to deliver on the vision of the Australian Government’s National Safe Schools Framework which aims to build safe school communities where diversity is valued, the risk from all types of harm is minimised and all members of the community feel respected, included and supported. Building on the original 2003 Framework, the revised Framework was endorsed by all ministers for education in December 2010. …
This document is designed to bring attention to the dynamics of the school community and infer policy implications to support that community. The UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education and School Health, under the direction of the Secretariat at UNESCO, conducted a research project that consisted of a literature review, a large-scale global teacher organization survey, and focus group discussions in multiple regions of the world. The intent was to look specifically at the conditions which teachers and administrators need in order to prevent and respond to gender-based violence. …
This document provides an in-depth look at the current landscape of bias and peer victimization as reported by students and teachers from across the nation. In addition to examining various types of bias, including those based on race/ethnicity, religion, body size, and ability, this report provides a focused look at LGBTQ issues in secondary schools. Comparing findings to a similar survey conducted in 2005, the report discusses the progress that has been made over the past ten years, as well as highlights the challenges that remain. …
Teacher training programmes that improve teachers' capacity and confidence to address homophobia in South African schools will engender non-homophobic school contexts. Currently, there is a dearth of educational research on future teachers' preparation for homophobic school contexts. …
The first section of this document outlines the background context. It is followed by 6 parts: 1) Awareness raising and prevention of GBV, 2) Standardised procedures, guidelines and training materials, 3) Capacity strengthening of service providers, 4) Legislation, advocacy and lobbying, 5) Rehabilitation, 6) Coordination, research, monitoring and evaluation.