Pretoria: SANAC, 2017. 40 p.
South Africa. South African National AIDS Council, SANAC
The South African National LGBTI HIV Plan 2017-2022 (LGBTI HIV Plan) was developed to guide the work of all LGBTI stakeholders and implementers in South Africa. The Plan is inclusive of all sexual minorities living in South Africa, and recommends evidence-based and multi-sectoral HIV interventions to address the HIV epidemic in the country. The Plan builds on consensus of LGBTI stakeholders from across South Africa on priorities, challenges, and goals related to providing appropriate, accessible and acceptable services for LGBTI people. In line with the National Strategic Plan for HIV, STIs, and TB 2017-2022 (NSP 2017-2022) the LGBTI HIV Plan recommends activities that, by 2022, will bring us closer to addressing the vulnerabilities of LGBTI to HIV, TB and STIs with evidence-based practices and within an environment that is affirming of their human rights.
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